She's Not You - Austin Butler

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A/N: request by @starcrossedshipper13 I hope you like this! i tried keeping the main character neutral and I have a little romance cause it's me. I did change it a bit to be more Elvis themed, but only the song!

You were on your third martini and on the verge of laughing hysterically. You couldn't really pinpoint why, you just felt this overwhelming feeling of excitement and anxiety all at once. Across the room, Austin Butler and Kaia Gerber danced slowly. The whole evening you'd been stealing glances at them and meeting Austin's blue gaze.

This was the 'Elvis' after party, and it was everything an Elvis Presley themed after party should be. Loud music with flashy costumes and copious amounts of alcohol, despite the irony that Elvis wasn't a big fan of alcohol. You had just been an extra during the '68 Comeback Special, but Baz Luhrmann insisted anybody who ever spent their time on this movie should get to celebrate. And you didn't have plans, why would you complain about the chance to be at a party with some of the most iconic figures? You had met Austin twice on set, and had to fight every urge to climb him like a tree. He was kind and handsome, and made you feel like the complete center of his attention even if he had a million other things to be worried about.

You took a gulp of some water, not a vodka martini though it was tempting, and choked a little when a deep voice spoke next to you.

"Y/N, right?"

You looked up with wide eyes that the Austin Butler had not only come over to talk to you, but remembered your name. You nodded, placing your glass down.

"I - yes. I'm impressed you remembered my name."

He smiled a soft smile, "I try to remember everyone's names. It's not everyday you meet someone like yourself. I'm Austin."

You think he meant that as a compliment, but would probably spend some distant time in the future analyzing if that was meant to be.

"I know. It's not everyday a celebrity talks to an extra."

Austin laughed a deep throaty laugh, shaking his head. "I still can't believe my name counts up there. That just feels crazy, man."

"It must be strange," you said, cocking your head slightly when you looked at him.

He nodded and you saw his eyes lock onto something past you. You turned and saw Kaia looking over at the two of you, clearly upset. You shifted on either foot, not really knowing what to do with that information. Kaia seemed like a kind person, but you knew you weren't doing anything wrong so something else had to be upsetting her.

"You're an excellent dancer," Austin said, turning the attention away from Kaia Gerber.

"Oh? You've noticed?"

"I think it would be impossible not too."

Right at that moment, one of your favorite Elvis Presley songs started to play - 'Surrender.' You looked to him. Maybe it was the alcohol, or his compliment, but you found yourself pulling Austin towards the center of the dance floor to dance to the song. He seemed a little taken aback but you wasted no time to slip into a Merengue, shaking your hips with your steps. It was one of your favorite dances because it was simple but sexy.

Austin still wasn't moving much, but his eyes darkened as they travelled the length of your moving form. You grasped his hands in yours and started to sing along,

"When we kiss my heart's on fire,
Burning with a strange desire.
And I know, each time I kiss you,
That your heart's on fire too."

Austin swallowed and you saw his Adam's apple bob up and down, but he didn't move away. You chuckled, slipping into the chorus,

"So, my darling please surrender,"

The song mimicked 'surrender' back at you and you let go of Austin's hands, dancing to the music on your own. Another man was nearby and he joined in with you. Multiple people were singing along and it didn't seem to matter if you were off key or too high. It was all for fun. When you twirled back you saw Austin standing in the same spot he was previously, and Olivia DeJonge was standing next to him. Her eyes seemed glued to you and your form, and when she looked back at Austin they shared a knowing look.

You decided to ignore it. You wanted to have fun and dance and enjoy your life, Austin didn't want to join you and that was fine. Olivia might be making comments, but you chose not to think about that either. Tonight was about relishing in one of the most iconic singers ever, not wondering if a superstar would like an extra.

When the song came to an end, you laughed with the group and parted ways to get a water. Dancing was exhausting work.

In a corner of the room slightly obscured, you saw Kaia Gerber pointing angrily. You couldn't see who or what she was pointing at, but you also didn't see Austin around. You stepped towards them, internally shaming yourself for eavesdropping. But the temptation was strong. You could always play it off. You walked closer but tried to remain aloof so if Kaia did spot you, it wouldn't be obvious. Her voice reached your ears and she was angry.

"Austin, you've barely even danced with me."

"There's a lot of people here."

She looked hurt, "you'll prioritize dancing with that one girl and not me?"

Your chest tightened. Were you the other girl? Did that even truly count as a dance?


"Austin, I'm sorry, but I can't. I understand you've got so much going on in your life but I deserve to have someone who will prioritize me." She grasped her purse and wiped at some tears. "Your film was amazing, thank you for letting me experience it."

Then Kaia walked towards the other exit, making a subtle exit from the party. You walked around the corner to see Austin leaning against the wall holding his head in his hands.

"Are you okay?"

He jumped a little, but his body softened when he realized it was you. "I... no."

"I'm sorry."

"How much of that did you hear?"

You felt a little sheepish, "I wasn't trying to pry."

Austin waved his hand in a way of dismissing that, "no, no, it was a little public. Kaia just wanted to leave, I don't think she cared where it was."

"Are things going to be okay with her?"

"Probably not." He sucked in a breath, running a hand down his face. "God, I'll miss her."

"They why did you let her get away?"

Austin seemed to think that one over a bit in his head, but leaning his head on the wall with a bit of a goofy grin, "she's not you."

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