Wear My Ring Around Your Neck - Elvis

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A/N: this one is so small but I think it's pretty cute

The flashing lights of the carnival hurt your head, and the random loud noises didn't help the developing headache. But, this is where Elvis was working now and you wanted to support him. Even if that meant a headache every now and again.

The show had ended about an hour ago and Elvis still hadn't left the dressing room. Despite it being well into July, the wind was still a little cold and you were eager to see him inside of standing around. But he wasn't coming out. You started to worry a bit. Normally you would never pry into his dressing room. He probably wouldn't be angry if you came, but you wanted him to have that privacy. Plus it separated his work from his life. However, today didn't seem like a normal day. So you walked back into the room he performed in, and past the stage towards the dressing rooms.

Colonel Tom Parker was sitting alone in a seat in the theatre and his presence made you jump. The man was just creepy. You wouldn't say he was downright malicious the way some men are, and you don't think he would ever cause you physical harm, but his eyes bore into you in a way no man could. He was terrifying. You felt like being around him was never going to provide you or Elvis with anything good in your lives, but Elvis didn't see it that way so you stayed quiet.

"Tom," you said when you saw him, offering a small wave.

He lifted his hand in greeting and spoke in that sickly sweet voice, "Y/N."

"I was just going to check on Elvis."

He pursed his lips and nodded. "He's fine."

"Well I've been waiting a while and he didn't come out. We were planning to share a Coke."

"Y/N," Tom started, lifting himself up a little clumsily from his chair. "Do you think that boy has enough time for you? Because I tell you, he does not."

You furrowed your brows at what he was saying and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, "What are you getting at?"

"Maybe you are not what Elvis needs."

"Maybe he can decide that for himself, Tom." You crossed your arms over your chest. His eyes flickered over you with a look you couldn't quite decipher, then he left the room with a wave of his hand. The man was creepy.

You felt a sudden need to see Elvis, to touch him, to prove that this vampire of a man wasn't sucking him dry. He made it sound like Elvis was already gone. Down the deep hallway and to the left, you saw the light of Elvis's dressing room from under his door. You knocked lightly and his deep voice responded with a 'come in.'

"Baby," his mouth dropped open at the sight of you. It wasn't a look of admiration at your appearance or of shock that you were there, he just parted his lips and took deep breaths. He was sprawled on a chair, his legs spread wide and arms laying by his sides. His cheeks were pink and shiny, like he might have been crying. The kohl around his eyes was a little smudged. The same clear blue that saw everything stared right into yours with a certain uncertainty.

"The Colonel was out there," you said dryly, stepping into the room. You fidgeted with the ring on your finger.

Elvis swallowed, "He was?"


There was a stretch of silence as you just stared at one another. Then he relented, flicking his eyes down to stare at the floor by your feet. He had long, dark lashes. "Did he say anything?"

"Yeah, actually," you said, and Elvis's head snapped back up. "He said something along the lines that I'm not what you need."

Elvis groaned, bringing the palms of his hands to his eyes. He didn't want to talk about it, didn't want to deal with whatever issue clearly concerned both you and Colonel Tom Parker. You didn't want to pry, but the anticipation was killing you. Did Elvis want to break up with you?

"Elvis?" You asked, stepping towards the chair. "What's wrong baby?"

Elvis hiccuped and when he moved his hands away, he had actual tears in his eyes. You kneeled by the chair, putting a hand on his knee and the other holding his face. Elvis leaned into it, crying softly. He didn't say anything for a bit, just letting the tears fall and the hiccups slow down. When his breathing started to even, he took the hand holding his face in between his, kissing your knuckles.

"Colonel says it might be best to not have a girl. For my image."

Your heart sank. You were right and your heart hurt with the knowledge. Elvis was amazing, you loved him. You couldn't imagine leaving him, but you also couldn't imagine holding him back. He had a whole career ahead of him to be America's Superstar. Who were you to get in the way of that?

"I understand," you said in a small voice.

Elvis shook his head vehemently, squeezing your hand. "I don't wanna do that."

You cocked your head to the side, feeling the same rush of emotions come over you. You loved him. You loved him so much and seeing him hurt broke you. "Elvis if it's for the best -"

"No!" He shouted. It surprised you. "Y/N, I don't wanna lose you."

"You couldn't ever lose me, baby."

He looked around the room desperately for something to keep him afloat, then his eyes widened at your face. His fingers brushed along your neck to the simple silver chain you wore. He then touched his neck to the gold chain he had. It was a coincidence you both were wearing necklaces.

"Would you wear my ring?" He asked.

Your eyes widened and you looked at him, "your ring?"

"Yes, yes," Elvis began to take his chain off, and slid an 'EP' ring off his pinky. "Wear my ring around your neck. To show the world that you're mine. And I can wear your ring, to show I'm yours."

A tear fell down your cheek and you nodded, "okay."

You took off your chain and the same ring that you'd been fidgeting with earlier. Both of you put your rings on your chains, then you clasped it around his neck. Elvis brushed your hair to the side and clasped his chain on yours, running his hand down your neck until he felt the ring against your chest. It gave him a newfound confidence, seeing you wear a mark of him. Your thin little ring looked small on him, but it was charming.

You pulled him to you for a kiss. Both of your cheeks were still a little wet with tears but it seemed to add to the experience. You loved him and he loved you, and nothing Colonel Tom Parker says could change that. Elvis parted, pressing his forehead against yours.

"Y/N, I'm yours. I'll always be yours."

"I will always be yours."

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