Little Sister Pt 2/Burning Love

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A/N: Take 2, this one was a little hard to get into for me but a LOT of people on different sites wanted a part 2. Also time line is a little off for the song but I wanted to use Burning Love. Maybe pt 3 for spice, lol. Don't mean to prolong it's just here

Stuart and Mama were already at the breakfast table when you came down the next day. You were admittedly a little nervous to see Elvis again, and how he'd react. Whatever it was, the buzz of a crush and a flirtation made you get up earlier than normal so you could look presentable. You wore one of your nicer dresses, it was a light blue that cinched the waist and puffed out around your legs. You put your hair half up, half down and added a slightly pink lipgloss. Just the edge of casual and cute.

"Why, you're dressed all nice today," Mama commented when you came in, sipping her coffee.

You cringed, not wanting it to be too obvious, "Polly wanted to go downtown today. I wanted to look good."

"Why you wanna impress Polly?" Stuart said, mouth full of pancake, as you sat down.

You went to reply but saw Mama's face light up towards the kitchen entrance and she said a loud, "Mornin' Elvis."

Elvis walked around the table and sat to your left, looking like he came straight out of a photo shoot. His hair was perfectly set back, aside from the strands on his forehead that came down even when he pushed them aside. He had on a patterned yellow and brown button up shirt, tucked into high waisted tan trousers. He was handsome as hell, and when his electric blue eyes looked up at you, memories of the previous night flashed in your mind. Those lips on your lips, those hands grabbing at you like you were the antidote to all his problems.

"Morning," you said, barely above a whisper as you looked at him. All subtlety you'd had leading up to this seemed to vanish.

"I'm sorry I slept in," he said, flashing a charming smile, "I musta gone too late."

"Yeah, Y/N too. Kept hearing her giggling in her room." Stuart gestured his head to you, and your cheeks flushed.


Elvis had a mischievous smile on his face, like he knew exactly what had made you so high on life. You'd been giggling like a teenager but, you suppose, you were a teenager. And Elvis felt the same way, but he wanted to tease you, so he propped his chin on his hand and looked at you, "What made you giggle so much?"

"Oh, it's nothing," you swallowed. "I was reading a, a, - a charming book."

"Mm, charmin..." Elvis repeated, his eyes staring into your soul. He gave you a quick wink, "Must have been a hell of a read."

"It was." You coughed out, taking large gulps of orange juice.

"You boys got plans for the day?" Mama asked, biting into her toast. Either she hadn't noticed the tension between you and Elvis, or she didn't comment on it. Whatever it was, you were grateful for the break.

"My friend Billy wanted to toss the football round with Elvis and me," Stuart said. "He said he wants to go to that new park they built downtown."

Mama nodded, "oh I hear that's lovely. You boys have fun. Just be safe, I don't want no concussions."

"Yes ma'am," Elvis laughed slightly, but took her words seriously.

"Mama, is it alright if I take your car? Polly wants to meet me at the record store." Polly hadn't asked for you to hang out at all, but you did not want to mope around the house the whole day wondering what Elvis was doing. If they could go downtown and have some fun, you might as well do a little shopping.

"Sure, baby. Just make sure you fill her tank up before you come home."

"Thank you."

"The record store?" Elvis asked, quirking an eyebrow up. God, his face just made you want to blush all over. You nodded in response and he seemed to light up,"What kinda records they got?"

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