All Shook Up - Elvis

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A/N : this is for @DescedantsLove8. If you have requests you can send them my way! It's not a guarantee I'll do it (if I don't have a way to do it I won't) but I'm going to definitely try. So many ways to do this prompt. Might have a part 2 to this, we'll see.

You had been tired of sitting all day after taking some of your final exams at college, so when Elvis asked if you wanted to get a bite to eat at a Club Handy, you were excited. But that involved more sitting, and you didn't think that was something you could do right now.

"Baby, how about I go get us some drinks?" You said, half rising from the seat to go to the bar.

"Oh I can get 'em," Elvis said, going to beat you.

You stopped him, "no, baby, I got this. Honestly."

He seemed a little confused that you stopped him from doing the 'chivalrous' thing, but he let you do it. You love Elvis, of course you do, but right now you just needed the stretch your legs for a bit. And if standing at a bar and carrying two glasses over was that, it was enough. Then all your attention could be on the dark haired devil in disguise currently pouting at you leaving him.

You rolled your eyes at his childishness, though inside you found it quite endearing. You approached the bar, leaning your arms on the counter to talk to the bartender.

He was a good looking man of about thirty. His hair was a light brown that was styled away from his face, and he had close, blue eyes with dark lashes. He even had a slight mustache coming in on his upper lip. His name tag read 'Billy.'

"Hi Billy," you said, smiling politely.

Billy looked at you in confusion for a second, then seemed to remember his name tag and laughed.

"You forget your name tag?" You asked.

"Yup, happens all the time." He licked his lips, his gaze quickly flicking up and down your body. "What's a pretty girl like you doing here?"

You rolled your eyes. You hadn't come to flirt, truly. The love of your life was at a booth not far away and you were coming to order drinks.

"Just wanted to order a whiskey and a Pepsi."

"You don't drink?" His eyebrows shot up.

You hid a small smile on your face. "My boyfriend doesn't drink."

"Ah, a woman of taste." He clicked his tongue and winked his eye. Then he began to get the two simple drinks ready. "Where are you from, Miss Lady of Taste?"


"Country gal."

You decided to lean into Billy's flirtations. You definitely didn't want to continue, but it was a little fun if you were being honest. "What about you, Mr Hot Shot?"


"Surfers galore," you said, leaning your head on your hand. You glanced down at the drink and added, "On the rocks."

"You just want to picture me in swimming trunks," Billy shot back, and you blushed at the insinuation. He changed the subject, adding the ice to your drink. "Well as a country girl, I'm sure you've learned to ride, then?"

You hadn't gotten what he meant and just nodded, "well I've rode with my boyfriend a bit."

He laughed, and you didn't get it. Billy winked again, "a girl looking like you? I'm sure you do."

"I don't... oh." The double meaning clicked in your brain and you blushed from embarrassment. God you just wanted to leave. When the drinks were finished, he put them on the counter. You went to reach for them and he pulled away.

"Ah ah, you gotta say the magic word."

You put your hands on your hips, done with whatever game Billy was playing. "And what's that?"

"Your phone number."

You groaned, "That ain't a word."

"Well I want it anyway."

"Billy I have a boyfriend." You pointed out, knowing that you'd mentioned Elvis at least twice.

Billy rolled his eyes, "I don't see a ring on your finger." You went to pull the ring on your necklace, the one that Elvis gave you for your six month anniversary, out to show him, but Billy pressed on. "You're free game far as I can tell."

"She's not cattle," Elvis's deep voice interrupted, coming from behind you to lean his arm on the counter. He stared right at Billy, "you can't just choose her like an animal."

Billy's jaw hardened as he looked at Elvis, but he tried to maintain a relaxed 'fuckboy' attitude. "This the boyfriend?"

"Yes, it is. And I suggest you leave my girlfriend alone or you and I are gonna to have some serious problems."

"Bit jealous, aren't we?"

Elvis snapped, leaning forward and grabbing Billy's shirt to pull him close. "Damn right I'm jealous. I ain't okay with some fool like you talkin' to my girl. She's my girl, she's my best girl, and you can't go on talkin' to her like she's some common woman. Back the fuck off."

Billy's eyes widened and Elvis pushed him away. Elvis's lip had curled up and he looked like he was close to spitting on Billy. He never cussed, at least not like that. You knew that Billy's behavior had really gotten under his skin.

"C'mon baby let's go," Elvis said, grabbing your hand and making his way towards the exit.

"Yeah, go ahead and run away! I'm sure that cow of yours loves your defending. Pussy," Billy called after you.

Elvis stopped in his tracks. He turned slowly to see Billy from behind the counter. Some customers had silenced their talking to stare at the encounter. You immediately knew this was going to end poorly and put your hand on Elvis's chest to stop him. But he bulldozed through.

Elvis almost ran to him, sliding his body over the counter to punch Billy right in the jaw. Billy pulled back, shocked at the touch, but didn't get a hit in as Elvis pulled him close, "don't you ever talk about my girl like that." Then Elvis brought his knee to Billy's chest. Billy was able to land a few punches Elvis's way, but the fight didn't last long.

A security guard came bursting through the doors, ripping Elvis off of Billy. To Billy's credit, he wasn't crying or whining, just staring at Elvis like he was the devil himself. The guard dragged Elvis away from Billy and towards the exit. You followed, trying to meet Elvis when the guard tossed him outside with a good push. The man then informed Elvis he wasn't welcome back, and Elvis gave a thoughtful finger to the idea.

"Elvis!" You exclaimed once the excitement wore down. He was holding his eye softly, and you saw a green bruise that was definitely going to get worse tomorrow.

"I hate that bastard," Elvis spat.

"I can tell." You said sarcastically, almost wanting to laugh at the notion that Elvis Presley beat up some random flirty bartender. You sobered up a little, and said, "you fought because you were jealous?"

"Yeah I'm jealous. It got me all, all, all shook up." He motioned his hands emphatically, frustratedly pacing.

"Jealous, baby? I wasn't gonna listen."

"I'm jealous that some creep thinks he can touch my girl. You ain't nobody else's."

It was in that moment you really looked at him. Elvis was dressed in a short sleeved black silk top, and tan trousers. His black hair was messy on his head, with curls falling every which way. A big bruise was forming on his right eye and his full lips were slightly cut and swollen. His cheeks were pinker than they normally were, and he was taking deep breaths. He had fought a random man over you. Elvis loved you deeply, and he even got jealous over you. And that thought, combined with everything else, made you smile wide. Elvis was stunning. He was your everything.

You pulled him to you, surprising him a little, and kissed him. You kissed him with all the passion you could muster, opening your mouth to convey every layer that you felt there was to this situation and to your love. When you pulled away, you pressed your forehead on his, "I'm yours baby. I'm all yours."

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