Moody Blue - Elvis

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A/N : Request by @1-800-KISS

"Hello, my name is Y/N L/N and this is my life in outfits." you said with a tight smile as the producers for Vogue waved you forward, sliding a scrapbook in front of your face.

After a moment of preparing for the interview, you smiled up at the camera and opened the scrapbook. The first picture was from 1964, on the set of Viva Las Vegas. You wore a tight green shirt paired with tight green pants and your hair was done up all around your face in waves.

You laughed when you saw it, your finger gently caressing the photo. "Now this was back in, oh gosh, must have been '64 when Viva came out? Yes I think it was. That was where Elvis and I first met. I was a lot thinner then." You said with a small laugh, still staring at the picture.

"What was that like?" One of the producers asked and you looked up.

"What was what like? Meeting Elvis?" He nodded and you licked your lip as you stared at the dancing figure of Elvis beside you. "I mean, it was definitely a unique experience. This was before any type of relationship had even started, I'd never met the man. Of course I'd heard the name Elvis Presley all over, I even watched him go off to the army with one of my girlfriends, but I never dreamed I'd meet him."

"You married him."

You laughed dryly, "yes, yes I did. I suppose that first meeting was entirely unique. I have never met anyone like him. He was kind, charming. Very polite, always called me 'ma'am' or 'darling'. I was very insecure at that time and Elvis just couldn't handle when I made a joke speaking poorly of myself. He would go on rants about how that just wasn't fair."

You took a deep breath, feeling that familiar pain in your chest over never getting to see him again. Never getting to speak with him, hug him, kiss him. But you ignored it and flipped to the next picture, thankfully one without Elvis.

"Now this was 1967, when I recorded my first song with my group. We thought we were so cool to wear black leather pants into the recording studio but they were very hot. Oh poor Polly, she wore this whole leather get up and by the end of the day, poor thing was sweating buckets." You paused and looked at the picture fondly. "Oh but that was a fun day. We enjoyed ourselves immensely."

"Where is Polly now?" The producer asked.

You took a shaky breath and looked down, "she passed away from cancer in '98. Took us all by surprise."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"You and me both."

The next picture was from the documentary That's The Way It Is, where you and your group were filmed as part of Elvis's background singers. You wore a bright orange shirt with puffy sleeves tucked into a cute black mini pinafore type of style.

"Oh now this was when Elvis was first performing at the International. He and I hadn't spoken in some years, but he invited my group to come join him. Oh Polly just about lost her mind at that. Why, I still remember one performance early on when Whitney, another one of our girls, was backing away from Elvis while he sang. Now she's very jumpy and Elvis loved to frighten her at the littlest thing and she knew it. She tried to back into me when he came but Elvis just waved his hand and said he wasn't gonna do it. Whitney actually believed him! When he turned on her quickly she musta jumped about 50 feet, my goodness," you laughed, placing a hand on your chest. "Elvis sure loved to joke around with us."

"Do you miss him?"

"Every day." You nodded quickly, repeating, "Every day."

The next picture was of you and Elvis on your wedding day. It was a few years after that last picture, Elvis was a bit bigger but he was still handsome. He looked happy. You wore an extravagant white wedding dress and he looked handsome in that suit of his. You almost forgot where you were for a moment, those photos taking you back to when you got to marry the man of your dreams.

"Here's," you paused, your throat suddenly thick with emotion. "Here's when I married Elvis."

"Are you okay?"

You looked up, surprised to see a producer offer you a box of tissues. You hadn't realized you'd started to cry, so you quickly went to wipe them away.

"I just miss him. It's been a long time without him." You paused, wiping your nose  and feeling that tight feeling your chest from emotion. "He's a good man. God I wish he could be here with me. The good always die young, don't they?"

With that you closed the book, pushed it away from you and smiled up at the cameras.

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