Moonlight Swim - Elvis (kind of NSFW)

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A/N: Request by @roseatedesire expect a Fleabag AU soon. That priest got me feeling some type of way

It was supposed to be your birthday dinner. 7pm, on the dot, Elvis was going to show up and sweep you off your feet, carrying you into the sunset with a nice steak and loads of wine. It was going to be perfect. Then he called at 6:30 and said the show was going longer than expected, Little Richard hadn't showed yet and they couldn't perform without him. So you waited. You waited as the sun went down, you waited as the large grandfather clocked ticked last 7pm and straight on to 8pm. You waited as your father shook his head and said how he never did like that boy. You waited as your mother brought you a Pepsi to cheer you up, as as the ice cubes melted inside the glass. You waited as the nice dress you wore didn't feel so nice, and the patience you had faded into anger.

But the waiting was long and it just didn't seem worth it. So you went to your room upstairs and changed into your pajamas, sitting in front of your vanity as you took out your fancy pearl earrings. It wasn't until midnight that you heard a car drive up the driveway and hastily park.

You knew it what he was going to see. A dark house with not a light on except your bedroom lamp. No girl waiting in her pretty dress like he probably expected.

You jumped when you heard a rap against your window. You turned to look and another followed in quick succession, he was throwing stones at your window. Part of you smiled and blushed at the romantic gesture, the other was pissed he thought he could still get what he wanted. You let him wait for at least a minute, stir in the idea you wouldn't come when you both knew you would.

Then you got up and opened the window gently, gasping when a pebble struck your cheek. Below, you heard Elvis cursing.

"Y/N, doll, I am so sorry. I thought you didn't hear me, I didn't hear you- I just meant to, get your attention," Elvis mumbled, a whisper scream as he scrambled.

"It's fine," you answered back, keeping your voice low. "What are you doing here?"

"It's your birthday."

"Mm, you're observant. It was actually my birthday 5 minutes ago." You said, your voice tight.

"I'm so sorry Y/N, I promise I ain't forget you. The bastard just didn't show up and the Colonel wouldn't let me leave." He took a breath. "Let me make it up to you, baby. Please."

You sighed. The petty, teenage part of you wanted to make him suffer. The girlfriend side of you wanted to spend time with Elvis, no matter what the sun was doing.

"I need to change."

He waved his hand, "you look pretty as a doll. You don't got to change anything."

You held up a finger to signal you needed a moment. You stuffed your bed to make it look like you were sleeping, grabbed your bag and quickly went down the steps. The front door creaked if you opened it, but the back tended to be left unlocked so the dog could come in easily. You snuck through there.

From your window, you couldn't see Elvis truly. But now you could. He was covered in a fine layer of sweat, as though he'd come quite literally from the performance. His black hair was slick and fell in front of his face with a slight curl, his cheeks were a little rosy and his pink lips were parted in a little smile. He looked handsome. He always looked handsome.

And he lit up when he saw you, grabbing you round the waist and kissing you deeply. Elvis's warm tongue slid along your bottom lip, opening your mouth to further the kiss as a hand came to clutch the back of your head. He kissed you like a madman, starving for your touch. He tasted of sweat and mint and fire as held you close to him. When he parted, the both of you were gasping.

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