I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone Pt 2/Wooden Heart - Elvis

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A/N : Request on ao3, short and sad

You stared yourself in the mirror, you stomach swollen with your child. You were due in a month and you found yourself constantly touching your belly to see if you could feel her. Of course there was no way of knowing if your baby was going to be a boy or girl, but you had a feeling that it was a daughter. Elvis thought it would be too.

Thinking of him brought you back to reality, and the boxes on the floor around you. It was now or never, and fate had decided it to be never. More like addiction made the decision.

It broke your heart to leave the home you'd slowly tried to built with Elvis, especially these past few months after you gave him a second chance and fell pregnant. But enough was enough. You'd caught him passing out or under some delirious spell from the drugs far too many times. For the sake of you and your unborn child, you needed to take yourself away from the situation.

You spun in the room, your dress twirling around your knees, and paused. Elvis was leaning against the doorframe, eyes already filled with unshed tears.

"That's how it is?" He asked, his voice rough.

You sniffled, "yeah."

He nodded, licking his lips and looking to the floor. Then he wiped his nose, straightened himself and said, "help you out?"

"Elvis you don't have to-"

"I want to."

You nodded silently, going to pick up a box but he beat you to it. Elvis piled three boxes in his arms and gestured for you to lead. You walked quietly from the house to your car and opened the trunk, where Elvis neatly arranged your boxes. When you went to help for more, he told you to rest because you were pregnant.

So you leaned against the car door as Elvis went in and out of the home, filling your car with your boxes until everything was full. Then he slammed the trunk down and you sat in silence.

"I still love you."

"Elvis -"

"No, let me finish," he said, lifting a hand for a pause so he could compose himself. He was struggling to keep his emotions at bay. "Y/N... God Y/N I love you and I love our baby. I want you to stay so bad, I want you to be my wife forever but I know I can't ask that. I can't make you stay. So, can we please, be friends? I can't lose you."

He was crying now, wiping his tears away as he looked to the floor. You grabbed his hand, "Elvis, you will always be our baby's father. Our relationship status will never change that. I want you to be involved. Despite all of this," you looked around, you were crying now too. "I still love you."

A loud, mournful hiccup tore through his body and he looked away in shame. You cupped his face, crying too as you brought your forehead to his. The both of you took deep breaths as you sobbed against each other. Finally you pulled away.

"I have to go. If I don't go, I'll never leave."

He nodded, wiped his tears, and opened the driver's door for you. When you got in, you stopped him from closing it to say, "I do love you. I'll never stop loving you."

He nodded and closed the door, going to the steps. Before you drove away, you saw him mouth a few simple, sweet words that made you cry into your pillow late at night.

"I will always love you."

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