Good Luck Charm - Elvis

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A/N: Priscilla is not married to him in this

Elvis had invited you to come watch the special that he was filming for television. Since it wasn't technically allowed to have a stranger standing idly by, you were put with the extras waiting on set for him to come on.

"Miss Y/N? I need you to come with me," a man said, gesturing for you to follow him as the two of your rushed off set. The man led you to the room where Elvis was getting ready.

"Is everything okay?"

"He's asked for you."

That didn't answer your question, but you'd find out soon enough. You picked up your pace, tapping your foot anxiously when he reached the door. The man opened it, announced you, and Elvis's voice from inside told the man to leave.

"Elvis? Baby?" You pushed into the dressing room, surprised to see Elvis pacing the floor. He wore a full leather outfit, tight leather pants and a deep cut leather jacket. He was beautiful.

Before you could say a word about his outfit, Elvis looked up at you. His face was a map of worried lines and his hands were fidgeting and pulling at his suit to have something to do. Elvis was nervous and scared. It was the '68 'Comeback' Special. This was something that was going to be televised for the whole world to see, a mark of what he truly wanted out of his life and career. You could tell with just one look that Elvis was doubting any bravado he had previously had.

"Baby.. oh baby what if I suck? What if they don't like my music no more?" Elvis bit at his thumbnail, practically running from side to side with his pacing.

You went to stand in front of him, rubbing your hands up and down his arms. "You're Elvis Presley."

"That don't mean a thing," he spat, sitting down restlessly in a chair. "It don't mean a thing if nobody likes your music."

"Everyone likes your music!"

"They did. That don't mean they do."

You stood in front of him, softly grabbing his face with your hands, "Last I checked, I was dating the Elvis Presley. A guy famous for his songs, for his music, for his passion. Baby the world loves you. I love you."

His eyes darkened a bit, and he reached out to hold your waist, "Maybe I just need me a good luck charm."

"I hear the Irish are good for that."

He chuckled, pulling you to sit on his lap. It wasn't sexual, that wasn't what it was meant to be. But Elvis needed to hold you in his arms as a reminder of why he loved what he did. You ran your hand along his chest, praising him as you went. You told him how phenomenal he was, what an inspiration he has been for the youth of America and how much you loved him.

"The world does not pay to see a televised special where a nobody sings bad songs. They pay because you're amazing. Nobody can sing 'Hound Dog' the way you do."

"God that song," Elvis ran a hand down his face. "I like singin' it to spite the big man but it brings up some bad memories."

You smiled sadly, knowing he was referring to the Steve Allen Show. He did a great performance but it was humiliating for him, completely taking away from what he wanted to be. That was years back.

"This is nothing like that, you're going to do amazing."

"Mr. Presley?" A voice on the other side of the door interrupted, knocking. "We're ready for you."

You stood up, pulling Elvis from his seat. "C'mon big boy. You got this."

Elvis leaned down and kissed you sweetly on the lips, "I got my good luck charm."

As you two walked out, Elvis smacked your bum playfully. You gave him a scornful look but it was all in good fun. You could see Elvis start to relax before he went out and you returned with some of the other extras.

He came to life on stage, feeling the power of the music compel him. It was captivating. When he winked at you, you blushed as though you weren't dating him. After everything was sang and the crowd began to disappear from Elvis's stunning performance, he came up to you covered in a layer of sweat. You didn't mind one bit.

"Hey baby," he said, leaning down to kiss you. "You liked the special?"

"You were amazing."

"Only cause I got my good luck charm," he said, kissing your knuckles.

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