Hard Headed Woman - Elvis (NSFW)

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A/N: a request by the lovely @mayaishome hope you enjoy!

"No mama that's alright," Elvis's deep voice from the hallway came into the living room where you were reading. He'd been on the phone with his mom for a while and you had basically been tuning out the conversation. When he said, "no, she'd love it." Your ears perked. What would you love? Did he mean you?

After another minute of goodbyes and love you's, Elvis sauntered into the living room with his guitar and a tuner. He flashed you a sweet smile and sat down on the couch. You watched as he began to tune his guitar without talking to you.

"What would I love?" You finally asked when it became clear that Elvis wasn't going to offer that information.


"You said that she'd love it, and unless it's someone else I assume you're talking about me."

"Oh, did I not tell ya? Mama wants to bring Sundance on over tomorrow so she and Papa can visit Uncle Billy for the afternoon." Elvis said, strumming his guitar and adjusting the strings as he spoke.

You furrowed your brows, hoping that Elvis didn't mean what he actually said. Sundance was his mom's dog, and he was a lovely dog. But your brother was coming into town tomorrow and he was allergic to dogs. Of course, Sundance was a lively golden retriever who shed entire layers of fur off in just a few hours. If you had to watch Sundance for the afternoon, you wouldn't have enough time to clean up all the fur before Jimmy came over. Elvis was sweet to offer the help, but it was terrible timing.

"Elvis, Jimmy's coming over tomorrow."

"Yeah, so?" Elvis looked at you in confusion, truly not getting what your issue was.

You ground your teeth, trying not to get angry. "Elvis, Jimmy's allergic to dogs."

"Eh, it won't be too bad."

"Sundance sheds his entire coat in a few hours. In this heat, my downstairs floor will be covered in dog fur! I won't have time to clean it for Jimmy."

"It ain't that hard, Y/N."

You pushed yourself off the couch, feeling anger bubble in your chest. "Of course you don't think it's hard because you're not doing any of the work."

"Not doing any of the work?"

"Elvis you're always gone! And when you aren't here you make these ridiculous plans hoping that everybody just goes along and they always do because you're Elvis fucking Presley. But the world doesn't revolve around you and I can't take care of your mom's shit whenever you decide just because you're not gonna be here to deal with it. My brother is fucking allergic to dogs and Sundance is gonna be a goddamn nightmare. She can't bring him here."

You stormed out of the room, going upstairs to start your night time routine because you needed something to focus on. You loved that Elvis was such a powerful entertainer and you knew that him being adored by the masses was warranted. But he was always gone. Even if that hurt you, what was more frustrating was that he always made plans regardless of what your life was looking like. You angrily wiped off your makeup. Maybe being with Elvis wasn't something that was meant to work out. It broke your heart to even have that thought.

The bedroom door swung open and Elvis stood in the frame with a sour expression, "Jerry'll take Sundance."

"Good." You didn't have the heart right now to thank him, you just took off your makeup in peace.

"Y/N," Elvis started, not quite finishing his sentence. He just looked at you with those wide blue eyes.

You threw your wipe down, looking at him with a fire in your eyes. "What do you want Elvis?"

"Don't talk to me like that." He retorted.

"I can talk to you any fucking way I please." You went to stand up from the vanity. Elvis stalked towards you, glaring down at you. He got so close that your chests were practically touching but you didn't let that deter you. You were fuming now.

"Just because you're some hot shot singer don't mean I get to be treated like shit. You always ignore me, you always choose yourself over me and I'm fucking sick of it!"

Elvis grabbed your arm when you made to walk by him. "I said, don't you talk to me like that."

"What are you gonna do about it?"

"Keep talkin' and I'll make you shut up." There was a glint in Elvis's eye. It was passionate and little frightening, but it went straight to your core. You felt his erection against your hip and you clenched your thighs together. He seemed to be looking in your eyes for some sort of permission, consent really, for what he wanted to do. You knew where this was going, and wanted it all.

So, you nodded slightly before saying, "Make me."

That was all Elvis needed to scoop you up in his arms and toss you onto the king sized bed in the middle of the living room. When you landed, Elvis grabbed your ankle and pulled you to the end of the bed. He bent down so you were face to face, his hand gripping your chin.

"Don't you speak to me like that in my house. You hear?"

You were feeling particularly bratty, so you spat on the floor in front of him, "Go to hell."

"Aw lawd," Elvis said, shaking his head. He brought you off the bed and shoved you to your knees before him. As he undid his belt he began talking, "I hope you know you brought this on yourself. Such a hard headed woman."

Before you could speak, Elvis sprung his cock before you and prodded at your closed mouth with it. You didn't open right away, so he grunted and slapped your cheeks. Suppressing the grin on your face, you took Elvis into your mouth with a bit of a gasp. No matter how many times you've done this, his length always surprised you. He reached over and held the back of your head, forcing the entirety of himself in your mouth.

"Take my cock, you slut," Elvis said, throwing his head back as he started to pump in and out. He always felt bad about the idea of insulting you during sex, but once it got started he couldn't stop. "Yeah you like that? Teach you to misbehave."

You looked up at him through your dark lashes, bringing your hands to rest on his thighs. Your tongue swirled around his tip, teeth just gently grazing the skin. He took several deep breaths, moaning your name into the air as his pace increased.

Elvis's balls slapped your chin as he completely let himself go, pushing your head as far as it could onto his cock. Tears from the pressure started to form in your eyes but you preserved. Despite this being a punishment, you reveled in the feeling of Elvis in you. You loved pleasuring him almost as much as you loved your punishments. Your nails dug into his thighs the way you knew he likes, and you brought a hand up to cup his balls.

Elvis pulled out abruptly, clearing stopping himself from spilling inside your mouth. He wanted to be inside you, even if that meant sacrificing the end to a phenomenal blowjob. Elvis lifted you from the ground and threw you onto the bed again.

You got on your hands and knees as Elvis dragged your dress to your waist, ripping your underwear instead of removing them. You protested at that.

"Baby, I'm Elvis Presley, I can buy you a whole damn store," he said, before positioning his cock at your entrance.

Elvis was a little nice as he eased his way in, but once you were full he thrusted into you as he had earlier. His hands were bruising your hips as he shoved himself up to the hilt over and over. A hand snaked down to circle your clit and moans began to pour out of you.

"Yes baby, just like that.. you're takin it so good, fuck yes," Elvis moaned. Even during a 'punishment' he couldn't help but praise you.

Elvis pinched your clit and hit your g-spot all in one go, and stars completely flooded your vision. You screamed Elvis's name into the air, feeling the warmth take over your body. Elvis followed you close after with one deep thrust, spilling his seed in you.

Then he pulled out and fell beside you on the bed, taking deep breaths. You were staring up at the ceiling, smiling from the affects of your orgasm. Elvis leaned over and kissed you, rubbing your arm gently.

"I love you baby."

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