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"Girl, wash the dishes."

Peace, quiet, and calm. The only three things I wanted in life apart from money of course. But the Dursleys, they made sure I got none of those. Right now, I'm sleeping- was sleeping before that big old fat bimbo came jumping down the stairs. You know? I've always had a dream that I'd be a witch. Not sure why.. Harry thinks it's stupid. He's the one who's stupid. He can't even stand di up to Dudley. Who's Dudley? The dursleys son. The fat bimbo.

'Y/N!' Aunt petunia shouted
'Oh lord. What is it now!?' I replied.
'Don't you dare show me that attitude young girl, I will make sure that you have absolutely no supper for the week.' She said.
'Y/n.' Harry's voice whispered in my ear.
I sigh. How long do I have to put up with these people? If only my life was like Cinderella. Finding her way out of the toxic household and marrying a prince with money.
'Pardon me aunt Petunia.' I said.
'Girl, wash the dishes.' Uncle vernon chipped in.
'Yes sir.' I replied sarcastically.
As I was washing the dishes, thinking about how my life would be if my parents didn't die in a car crash. Yes, my parents are dead. Why else would I be living with these bimbos? I kept washing the utensils before a voice almost made me break one. If I did, I'd get thrown out of the house for three days, at least.
'THIRTY SIX!? BUT LAST YEAR- LAST YEAR I HAD 37!' Dudley shouted, poor boy was so hungry he was eating his own words.
'But some of them are quite bigger than last year-' uncle vernon protested.
'This is what we're gonna do, we'll go out and buy you two more presents on the way.. how's that pumpkin?' Aunt petunia pleased him

'You two.' Uncle vernon pointed at me and Harry as Dudley got in the car.
'I'm warning you now.'
'Any funny business, any at all.. and you two won't have any meals for a week.'
'Get in.' He threatened.

Reptile House.

'Make it move.' Dudley demanded while facing the snake.
'Move!' Uncle vernon shouted at it after knocking on its cage.
'MOVE!' Dudley screamed at it after banging and invading its privacy. Gosh, does this family have a problem with other living creatures being at peace?
'He's asleep!' Harry shouted at him.
'He's boring..' Dudley replied walking away.
'Sorry about him.' Harry said to the snake. 'He doesn't understand what it's like-'
'Lying there, watching people press their ugly faces in on you.' I continued.
Suddenly, that snake got up.
'Can you hear me?' Harry asked foolishly in fascination.
It nodded.
'It's just.. we've never spoken to a snake before.' He said. 'Do you.. I mean, do you talk to people often?' He asked.
It shook its head.
'You're from Burma aren't you? Was it nice there?' I asked.
Instead of replying, it shook its head over to a sign which said; bred in captivity.
'I see. Well I've never seen my parents before either.' I said.
'MUMMY, DADDY COME HERE! YOU WONT BELIVE WHAT THIS SNAKES DOING!' Dudley ran screaming towards us and pushing us down.
I'm not sure what happened but.. the cage opened, dropping the bimbo in and then it locked itself up. It was like.. magic? While he was thrown in, the snake crawled out. For some weird reason, I didn't feel scared at all, it said thanks and slithered away. Uncle vernon and Aunt petunia came dashing along the path and while aunt started crying for Dudley, Uncle vernon was staring at me and Harry, mainly at me.

'WHAT HAPPENED!?' Uncle vernon shouted at the two of us, gripping the top of Harry's hair.
'I swear we don't know!' I replied, desperately trying to get Harry away from this crazy old man. 'One minute the glass was there and the next it was gone! It was like magic!' I shouted.
That seemed to do the trick because Uncle vernon let go of Harry and pushed the two of us inside the little room under the stairs— our bedroom.
'There's no such thing as magic!' He spat before turning to walk towards Dudley, I assume.

'Y/n. Get the post.' Aunt petunia demanded as she ate the food Harry had made.
I walked over to the main door and picked up 4 letters. I was reading each as I handed it to the respective owner before one caught my eye— Ms. Y/n. Potter, The cupboard under stairs; 4. privet drive. Little whinging Surrey. There was another, identical to mine except it belonged to Harry. I gave Harry his and I started to unwrap mine. That was before bimbo junior interrupted me by snatching it away from mine and Harry's hand.
'Dad look! Y/n and Harry have gotten letters!' He screamed as he ran to Uncle vernon.
'HEY GIVE IT BACK, ITS OURS!' I shouted at him.
'Yours?' Uncle vernon snickered, 'Who'd be writing to you?' He said before turning the envelope around.
The three saw something I obviously didn't. It was important.

Day by day, the letters never stopped. I even saw Uncle vernon rip three of them at once— who knew he had the strength? Few days later, I suppose he got weak and just decided to block the entire mail entrance of our main door, surprisingly, there were owls everywhere on the street, what's surprising is that owls never come by this side of the town.

'Fine day Sunday.' Uncle vernon said. 'Why's that Dudley?' He asked his son who had no answer.
'Because there's no post on Sundays?' I asked while handing them my famous butter cookies.
'Right you are Y/n, no post on Sundays.' He said before he started stuttering a song; no post on Sundays.
While he kept singing, I followed Harry to where he was looking out the window.
'There's owls everywhere y/n.' He said.
'Really? I didn't know.' I said sarcastically.
'On a serious note— what's happening?' He asked.
'I'm not sure Harry.' I replied.
Harry and I stopped talking to turn around and see uncle vernons face hit by a letter, the similar one he'd tear up or burn everyday. Soon enough, they started blasting out of the fire place we had. Dudley jumped into aunt petunias lap, poor woman was screaming from the pain and the terror. Harry was looking dumbfound before I nudged him harshly to pick up our letters. The two of us picked up our respective letter and ran towards the cupboard before uncle vernon got up and held me by my wrist causing the both of us to stop.

Hello! You're author speaking, this is actually the 3rd book in my drafts/editing, I was working on another Dracoxreader before I lost motivation. Let's hope this one's different <3

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