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           "Merlin's beard, you better tell your phyco excuse of a brother to stop being so nosy, Y/n."

"I believe him, Draco. He wouldn't attack me." I rolled my eyes as we passed through the empty corridors looking for his goons. "Sure, alright." He scoffed in response as our voices echoed the dimply lit halls.
"There they are." Draco muttered, "Crabbe! Goyle, where've you two been!?" He shouted at the two as I quickly followed. I looked up at Goyle who was wearing glasses? Did he always wear glasses? "Why're you wearing glasses?" I asked. He quickly cleared his throat, taking them off. "I- uhm.. reading." Goyle stuttered as Draco scrunched his nose up. "Reading? I didn't know you could read." He said before turning around to face the Gryffindor prefect. "And what are you doing down here?" He asked him as I rolled my eyes, "mind your attitude, Malfoy." Oh, that was Percy, wasn't it? Weasley's older brother. "Come on." Draco said, pushing past Percy as he headed to the common room where Daphne and Lorenzo were as I followed beside him.

I sat onto the couch beside Daphne, picking up my book to read from where I left out before Draco jumped onto the couch beside me. "Well, sit down?" He ordered the two. They were acting abnormally strange today. "You'd never guess the Weasleys were purebloods. The way they behave. They're and embarrassment to the Wizarding World, all of them." Draco snickered as Daphne let out a laugh too. I rolled my eyes, as I noticed that Crabbe had tenses up. "What's with you, Crabbe?" I asked. "Uhh.. stomach ache." He muttered. "You know, I'm surprised the Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks." Lorenzo said from the other couch. "I suppose Dumbledores tryna hush it all up." Draco responded as Lorenzo chuckled, "Mr. Malfoy did say Dumbledore was the worst thing that happened to this place." He commented. "You're wrong!" Goyle shouted. "Oh yeah? You think there's someone else worse than Dumbledore in this place?" Draco shouted back. ".. Harry Potter?" I furrowed my brows at Goyles comment. "Good one, Goyle." Draco scoffed. "You're absolutely right. Saint Potter." He spat. "Uhm, hello?" I scoffed. "Well, honestly you're much better than your brother." Lorenzo shrugged. "Because I'm not a Gryffindor?" Daphne rolled her eyes as I said that, "Well, not entirely. You're just not a blood traitor, you chose the right people, Y/n." She shrugged too as I rolled my eyes again, leaning back on the couch. "Anyway. And people really think your brothers the heir of slytherin?" Draco scoffed. "But then you must have some idea who it is." Goyle asked, "You know I don't, Goyle. I've told you before. But my father did say this, it's been 50 years since the Chambers been opened. He won't say who opened it- only that they'd been expelled." Draco said, as if he was explaining the plot of a horror film. "Ooh, what're we talking about over here?" Zabini said with a mouthful of candies as he walked in. "Nothing, just Draco being overly dramatic again." Lorenzo said causing Draco to mock his words. "Anyway, he said the last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened.. and a mudblood died. And if this continues, one might die again." I raised my eyebrows before Zabini spoke. "Not trying to sound like a phycopath, but I'll be speaking on behalf of everyone here when I say I hope it's Potter's little mudblood friend tnis time after what he did." He said as the others chuckled a bit. I rolled my eyes. "Not funny." I spoke right before Crabbe stood up harshly, ready to attack Zabini. "What's the matter with this one today?" Lorenzo furrowed his brows. "It's his.. stomach ache." Goyle murmured. Daphne squinted her eyes at the two, "Crabbe, is your hair changing colour?" She asked before all of us turned our attention to them. "Bloody hell, Y/n I think you've got another Potter." Zabini too, squinted his eyes as a scar alike to mine formed on Goyles forehead before they began running away. "What in the Merlin- Harry!?" I widened my eyes as they left the common room. "Merlin's beard, you better tell your phyco excuse of a brother to stop being so nosy, Y/n." Draco scoffed loudly.

"does anyone know where the nearest lavatory is?" I asked the group. "Uhh.. there's one down the hall. Although, be careful, no one uses it because of the ghost there." Pansy said as I nodded my head, leaving the Common Room.
I walked down the empty hall and to the right where I found the abandoned girls lavatory. "Ew, what's that." I whispered to myself, looking down as I found myself in a pool of water puddles. I walked a little further where I heard crying noises by the ghost, I presumed. "Uhm.. hello?" I asked as she stopped crying. "Go on, are you here to throw something at me too? Five points if it goes over her, ten if it goes through her head!" The ghost moaned loudly, flying over and over again around the room as I spotted a book drenched in dirty water. I walked over to it, picking it up as it read 'Tom Marvolo Riddles Diary.' Huh.

I was finally alone in my dorm now and it seemed as if Daphne and Pansy were both fast asleep. I got out the book and my wand. "Lumos," I casted as a small ting of light formed through my wand as I opened the diary, flipping through its pages. Nothing. I sighed, tiptoeing to the desk as I got out a quill and ink box, dipping the quill in to write. 'My name is Y/n Potter' I wrote before it was submerged by the book and formed another ink over mine, 'Hello Y/n Potter, my name is Tom Riddle' I widened my eyes in surprise. 'Do you know anything about the Chamber of Secrets?' I wrote, 'Yes,' it responded, 'Can you tell me?' I wrote again, excited to find out something new. 'no,' I sighed loudly before it wrote again, 'But I can show you.' "What?" I whispered to myself before a void in the book opened, swallowing me in.
"What the.." I murmured walking through the dimly grey lit corridors before spotting a tall boy in Slytherin robes. "Who are you? What's going on?" I asked. No respond. "Are you.. Tom Riddle?" I asked again before I turned around to see men bringing a body down the staircase. "Riddle!" I heard Dumbledore say, snapping my head back as I spotted him too. "Professor Dumbledore." Riddle said, walking up to him. "It's a bit late to be walking around corridors, don't you think Tom?" Dumbledore asked, "I'm sorry, Professor. I had to check myself if the rumours were true." Riddle spoke, "I'm afraid they are." Dumbledore sighed, "The school won't close down, will it, Professor?" Dumbledore sighed again, "We may have no choice, Tom." .... "What if the person doing this was caught?" Tom said again as Dumbledore raised an eyebrow. "Is there something you wish to tell me?" He asked, the same way he'd asked me and Harry. "No, sir." Riddle answered, "very well then, off you go." Riddle began walking away as I followed him to the dungeons where he hesitantly opened a door. "Evening, Hagrid." Hagrid!? "Her parents will be here today, the least you could do for the parents is make sure the thing that killed their daughter is slaughtered." Did Hagrid.. "it wasnt him, Aragog didn't kill no one, never!" Hagrid shouted. Aragog?
Riddle soon shouted a curse as a spider crawled out of a box, running past me. "I can't let you go. They'll have your wand for this, Hagrid." He said before I was dragged out and thrown back onto my bed. "Okay, I have to tell Harry about this." I gasped slightly as sweat formed on my forehead.

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