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"I don't think Harry would be happy about this.."

"Y/n. Y/n!" My eyes fluttered open. Draco.
He sighed, his face quickly shifting back to the usual-Draco-face. "What happened?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"You got attacked by a Dementor, dude!" I furrowed my brows, looking ahead. Blaise and Pansy were here too. "Really? Thanks." I rolled my eyes, rubbing my head to ease the pain.
I felt the cold touch of Draco's fingers as he pressed them on my head. I tensed for a moment at his sudden touch, but my body soon relaxed. That felt nice.
I heard quiet murmuring followed by footsteps which slowly faded away. It was just me and Draco now. Wasn't it?
I closed my eyes silence. But it wasn't awkward, no. It felt.. comforting to say the least.

After a minute, more I opened my eyes as Draco took his hands off my head. "Thank you. You should be a masseuse." I said sarcastically. "Please, you think me, Draco Malfoy would do such a peasant-worthy job?" He scrunched his nose. "Of course not." I chuckled, sitting up as Draco sat on the bed next to me.

"So? How do you feel?" He asked after a brief moment of pause. "Alright." I sighed, looking beside me where Weasley was laid. He was asleep.
I looked at Draco. He was already looking at me.
"Did anything happen with Daphne?" I asked to emitt the silence. "No." I internally rolled my eyes at his simple response.
He spoke again, "I don't want anything to." I nodded slowly in understanding.
"I see."
His gaze lingered on my face, moving from my eyes to my lips.
He leaned in closer. Just a little as I did the same.
Well, we were so close that I could feel his warm breath on my face. I took a quick glance at Weasley who was still asleep. Before I could even turn back to Draco, he pulled me in. Literally.
For a kiss.
I kissed him back.
Well, I think I did. I don't even know how to kiss.
I felt him smile against my lips before the voice of a familiar demon startled me, causing us both to pull back.

"Potter!?" Weasley shouted. Draco got up from the bed, glaring at the red head.
He stared at me in shock. I rolled my eyes as Draco quickly made his way out of the Infirmary. Leaving me to deal with Weasley. Jerk.
Weasley turned to me, his mouth open. "Oh, shut your mouth before a fly fly's in, Weaselbee." I huffed as he closed his mouth, swallowing hard.
"I don't think Harry would be happy about this.." I snapped my head in his direction.
"No, Weasley. No he would not." I stood up, storming over to his side of the room. "And I trust you won't tell him." I raised a brow, standing in front of him with my arms crossed.
"Well, what's in it for me?" I scoffed at his reply. "Not getting hexed, perhaps. Sound fair?" He gulped softly, nodding his head. "Whatever, Potter." He muttered.

"Speaking of Harry. Where is he?" I asked, looking around the Hospital Wing. "He wasn't hurt too bad. Somewhere in the Common Room with Hermione, I assume." He answered.
"What happened then? To Sirius?" I muttered. "He's fine. Harry said he thanked you." Weasley spoke, rubbing his calf which was wounded.
I smiled softly. Maybe I couldn't help Sirius out, but Draco did make up for that.

"There she is! Good as new, Y/n." I heard Theo shout as I walked towards the Slytherin Table.
I rolled my eyes playfully, hitting his head before sitting next to Pansy. "Shut up, Nott." I said as the rest chuckled. I looked around the table, Draco wasn't here. "Pans," I whispered into her ear.
"Hmm?" He replied, her mouth full of food. "Where's Draco?" I asked. "His dorm. Said he had to catch on early in packing." She said as I nodded slowly. Maybe I should tell her.
I cleared my throat. "Pansy, do not make a face." She frowned, looking at me. "What?" She said.
"Whatever I tell you now, I don't want a reaction. Especially with Daphne across us." I muttered as she glanced at Daphne who was talking to Enzo about her visit to Iran last summer.
"Okay?" She said, dragging the word before taking a sip of her juice.
Here it goes.
"I kissed Draco." I said, causing her to choke and splutter out the drink. "Eugh, Parkinson!" Theo groaned.
Pansy ignored him, staring at me. "So much for no reaction, Pans." I sighed. "Are you serious?" She asked.
I gulped.
".. Yes. Are you mad?" She paused for a moment, breaking out into a giggle. "No, silly. It's surprising. Well— not really. We all saw it comimg." I pursed my lips as Pansy looked at Daphne. "Well, not Daphne." I sighed. "I feel horrible." I groaned.
"Don't. She'll probably get with some other guy next year." I smiled at her.
"But, oh, my god. Malfoy!?" I laughed, shutting her up by shushing. "Malfoy!?" She mouthed as I laughed again.

Y/n Potter's Diary
Dear Diary,
At last, this year comes to an end. I'm not sure how to conclude, but I suppose I enjoyed. (Except for the part where I nearly got killed by Weasley's rat.)
I well, kissed Draco. I feel horrible about it though. Pansy tried telling me that it's okay, but it's not. I've really messed up with Daphne and she doesn't even know.
I'm a horrible person, really.
I don't even know where I'll go now. Harry was saying he'd move in with the Weasley's so I'd probably do that too. Fred and George don't hate me as much as Weasley does. Oh, and his little sister. Yeah. She does not like me.
Whatever, I saved her ass last year.
-End of entry-

Where am I?
I looked to my right— a giant.. trophy-cup? It was blue. I think. I can't see very well at the moment. Nor can I move..
Where am I? There's this huge grass.. thing around me.
I hear screaming. No. I'm screaming.
Why am I screaming?
Harry. I turned around, looking at the place. I couldn't see anyone but Harry. He was crying.
And I was no longer in the grass.
Why was he crying?
And who was screaming!?
"That's my boy! That's my boy!" I snapped my head around. A man. Not Harry, another man. He was also crying.
What? Am I dead!? Why's everyone crying?

I gasped, sitting up in my sweaty bed. Just a dream. An odd dream, but just a dream.

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