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'Hogwarts too?'

'And they bring, if they desire an owl, toad or a cat.' Harry read out the few last lines of our envelope again.
'I want a cat!' I said. 'Can we find all this is London?' Harry asked.
'If you know where to go!' Hagrid said.

Diagon Alley.. we went through a shop called leaky cauldron to get here, people really worship me an Harry. Not that I'm complaining anyway. Although there was one man.. quiery- quire? Quirell? Right, quirell. Professor quirell. Strange Man.
'Look around! I'll go get a few things.' Hagrid said. 'I'll come with.' Harry replied.
'I'll be fine.' I said before the two could pursuade me into coming along.
They left
'Hullo!' A boy with pale skin, blonde, gelled back hair and cold greyish blue eyes. 'Hogwarts too?'
'Yes.' I replied.
'Im Draco Malfoy.' He said, taking out his hand.
'Y/n— ' I said before I was interrupted.
'Draco dear, fathers waiting.' A woman which I assume was his mom called him.
'Bye' Draco said.

A/n: I'm really sorry but I'll be skipping few of the boring parts, it's just until they reach Hogwarts, that's when stuff gets spicy :))

'And do Mr and Ms Potter have their keys?' The gringgotts elf judged.
'Yep, got it in here somewhere..' Hagrid said as he frantically searched for two keys. 'Ha! Here's the little devil.' Hagrid chuckled as he handed the elf two golden tiny keys. 'And there's another thing as well.' Hagrid partially whispered as he swiftly pulled out an envelope. 'Dumbledore gave me this.' 'It's about you-know-what in vault you-know-witch.' He said.
The only 'you-know___' thing I knew was 'you-know-who' the man who murdered my parents in cold blood,

'Key please!' The elf asked Hagrid. It opened a huge vault— well two. The two were filled with at least a million coins— or gallons as this world calls it.
'One vault for each of you.' Hagrid said. 'You don't think you're parents would've left you empty handed, do you?'
'What's in the other vault?' I asked Hagrid.
'Hogwarts business, I can't tell.' He said. I don't mind, I just can't believe I'm still not awake from my dream.

'We still need a wand.' Harry said as we walked down the paths of Diagon alley.
'Wands? Run along to Olivanders ain't no place better.' Hagrid said. 'I still have some work, see you two in a bit.' Hagrid said as he dropped the two of us outside ollivanders.
'Hello?' Harry said as we walked in. No answer. 'Hello?' He asked again. No answer.
'Hello!?' I asked in a slightly high tone. An old man came skiing down the ladder.
'I wonder when I'd be seeing you, Y/n and Harry Potter.' He said.
He took out a box and gave Harry a wand. Harry held it, looking dumbfounded before the man asked him to give it a wave. Though as soon as Harry did.. several boxes came crashing down.
'Apparently not..' Ollivander said. 'Let's give you a try, ms potter.' He said as he picked out another box for me.
Seems as if that's not the right one— I gave it a wave and a glass vase broke completely.
'No, no. Definitely not..' he said 'no matter..' he said again as he walked deeper in the wand closet. 'I wonder..' he said as he picked out two boxes. He came around me and Harry and gave us two different wands. As soon as we held it, an aura— an orange one from Harry and green one from me faded in.
'I remember every wand I've ever sold, Ms and Mr Potter.' He said, 'yours, Mr potter.. shares the same twin core as you-know-who..' 'it's strange that the brother of this wand is the one who gave you that scar.' he said to Harry before walking up to me.
'Yours, Ms Potter, shares the same twin core as Great Merlins.. one of the most powerful, famous wands to have ever existed.' Ollivander said. 'The wand chooses the Wizard, Mr and Ms Potter.' 'It's not always clear why.. but I think it is clear that we can expect great things from the two of you.' He said looking deeply into our souls.
He handed us our wands and disappeared back into his wand closet, just as Hagrid started knocking on the shop window.
'Harry! Y/n!' 'Happy birthday!' Hagrid said holding up a cage in which a snowy, gorgeous white owl sat and his other hands which were wrapped around a siamese cat.

Leaky Cauldron

'You alright you two? Seem extra quiet today.' Hagrid asked us.
'Do you know who killed our parents?' I asked him.
'Why of course! You-know-who.' Hagrid said.
'Well, we don't know who. What's its name?' Harry asked.
'I can't say it!' Hagrid protested.
'Write it down!' I said passing him a quill and a paper.
'I would, but I can't spell.' Hagrid replied.
'Please Hagrid!' Harry urged.
'Alright..' he said.
'Voldemort.' He whispered.
'Voldemort!?' Harry and I said in sync.
'Shh!' Hagrid scolded us.
'It was dark times.' He said.

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