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"Love potions, eh? They really do work. But the again, the way we're hearing it, Y/n. It seem as if you've already got Malfoy wrapped around your finger."

I spent basically the whole of summer either being Interviewed for whatever happened or waiting Draco's letter. I'd already owled him twice, asking when I could come over and stay with him. Not once did he reply. At think point I'm contemplating whether he's even getting these letters. Am I putting the write address?

I sighed, taking a quick look at the letter I'd drafted a week ago but never sent. I wouldn't wanna come across as looking desperate even if I was.

Dear Draco,

You haven't responded to my letters. Is everything alright? I just wanted to tell you that Harry's okay with me staying at your house until school starts again. Just a week until it does, anyway. Uhm.. yeah, send me a letter when you can. I love you.



This summer at the Weasley's was much dull. I suppose no one had gotten over the recent death of Sirius Black. I heard a knock on my door as I ran to open it. "Mum says I should hand these out." Ron said, holding a newspaper out. Oh, right. I forgot to mention that I'd been speaking to Ron a bit more over the summers. Perhaps he isn't all bad.

"The Daily Prophet? What're they accusing me of this time?" I huffed a short laugh to which he smiled. "I'll have to go convince her to let us go to Hogwarts. She's afraid we're all gonna die." He sighed, turning around to leave as I closed the door.

I opened the newspaper, reading over it. 'Bridge collapse: Death toll rises.' Bridge? The one in Muggle London? Strange.
The rest was about deatheaters being spotted in Diagon Alley. I couldn't read anymore.

Harry was still out, drinking his daily dose of Muggle caffeine at a nearby cafe. Just as he's been doing everyday for the past month.

"Ah, Harry, you're home!" I heard Molly say from downstairs. I quickly made my way downstairs, walking into the room Hermione, Ron and Harry were in. "Took you long enough today." I said to the boy as he sighed tiredly.
"Dumbledore took be somewhere." I furrowed my brows at his answer, "What do you mean?" Hermione asked. "Long story short, I saw a sofa transform into a man today." He said as we laughed lightly, "mate, are you on drugs?" Ron asked, causing us to laugh again.

"It's Hogwarts, it's Dumbledore. What place is safer?" Harry scoffed. Ron had told him all about how Molly had gone a bit crazy about forbidding us from going to Hogwarts. "Well, there's been talk lately." Hermione said. "That he's getting old." She said again causing Harry to roll his eyes. "Rubbish, he's only— well, how old is he?" Harry asked. "Like.. 150?" I laughed lightly. "Give or take a few years." Ron added, as we all laughed again.

My eyes landed on the piece of paper being burnt infront of me. A tiny part showing Draco before that burned too.


"Step up, step up! We've got fainting fancies!" Fred and George's voice rang through the shop. Uh huh, they'd opened up their own pranking store now that they'd left Hogwarts.
I looked around with a smile at all the children trying out the weird treats. This was the only place in Diagon alley which still had a sense of joy to it.

I walked towards Ginny and Hermione who were looking at a few love potions. I laugh lightly at the stupid invention, picking one up just to imagine it. "Hello, ladies." I heard the boys say. "Love potions, eh? They really do work. But the again, the way we're hearing it, Y/n. It seem as if you've already got Malfoy wrapped around your finger." They grin. I roll my eyes, setting it down. "Shut up." I say before walking away, hearing their laughs.
If only it were that way, though.

I sighed, looking up to see one of the Slytherins. Comrac, Conner, something was it? I scrunched my nose up at him as he continued to stare at me.

"Come on, let's go." Ron muttered as we started to walk out. "Hi, Ron!" I heard a girl say as Ron muttered a hi back. I chuckled."looks like you've gotten yourself an admirer?" I asked as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"How are Fred and Georgia doing it? Half the alley's close down these days." Hermione asks as we walk out of the store. "Fred reckons people need a laugh these days." Ron replied. "I reckon he's right." I say with a sigh.

We walked a little further before Ron stopped abruptly. "Uhh, Y/n? Is it just me or do Malfoy and Mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed." My ears perked up at the mention of his name as I shoved in to see.
Draco looks different. He was wearing a suit like last year but.. his expression was unreadable as he followed Mrs. Malfoy somewhere.

I turned around to see the three sharing a glance. "What? What happened?" I ask them. Hermione looks at me with a nervous expression before shaking her head. "Nothing." I furrow my brows, brushing it away.
Harry begins following Draco. I frown, following behind him.

'Borgin & Burke' that was the store Draco had entered. He took a quick glance before doing so. Harry began climbing up a roof to which I shouted at him for.

"Harry! Get down! What are you doing!?" He quickly shushed me before continuing. I poked my tongue to the side of my cheek in annoyance.

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