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"Why is it always me?"

At last, we could finally see Hogwarts glow up in the distance. "Welcome home." Ron sighed as we all smiled- but that didn't last for long. The car began rattling like a pot on the stove, slowly and unsteadily falling down. "Careful! Don't crash, Ronald!" I shouted just before we crashed into a tree as it threw us down. We began panting for air as Ron pulled out his broken wand, causing me to chuckle. "My wand!" He croaked, "Be thankful it's not your neck, Weasley." I crossed my arms, leaning back, but just as I did, a huge bang erupted on Harry's window. "What's happening?" Ron squeaked out. I screamed looking in the front as a huge branch banged on the front window, shattering the glass. "Move the car!" I shouted, as a branch busted through the back, almost killing me. The tree soon threw our car down as we drifted away. Almost immediately, the car doors opened, throwing us out, along with our baggage from the trunk and blasting Nicole and Hedwig into our arms. "Well, your cars angry." I scoffed as the car drove away into the forest.
We slowly walked up to the Great hall entrance, plopping our stuff down on the mountain of baggages.
Harry began explaining the elf story to Ron as we met with Filch on the last floor. "Oh dear, we are in trouble." He grinned evilly looking at the 3 of us.
"You were seen- by no less than 7 muggles." Professor Snape read, slapping the newspaper back onto his desk. "Do you have any idea how serious this is? You have risked the exposure of our world. And, damaged the roots of the Womping Willow that has been on these grounds since before you were born." He sneered, not blinking once. "Honestly, Professor, I think it did more damage to us than we did to it." Ron whimpered. "Silence!" He roared, before Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall entered. Harry and Ron were going to be spared, what about me!? "These three have gone against the degree of underage wizardry." He said, pointing at us angrily. "I'm well aware of our bylaws, Severus- having written quite few of them myself." Dumbledore responded, taking a quick glance at me. "But, as head of Hogwarts, It is my decision on what I decide to do with these three." I sighed quietly. "We'll go get our stuff then." Ron said silently. "What're you talking about, Mr. Weasley?" Professor McGinagall asked, looking directly at him in confusion. "You're going to expel us, aren't you?" I continued as McGonagall suppressed a slight smile. "Not today. But, I will be writing to Mr. Weasley's family tonight, on behalf of the three of you." She said, although I don't mind. I get the feeling Mrs. Weasley loves me.

I let out a sigh of relief, walking into the Slytherin common room. "Y/n, I wrote you a billion letters!" I heard Pansy's voice. "Pansy, I'm sorry. I just- had a mishap with the letters." I said, not having the energy to tell her the entire Dobby story. I take a quick glance around, looking for a particular somebody- not that I cared. "Potter, you're early." I heard his voice as he walked out of his dorm. I roll my eyes at his sarcasm, "Hello to you too, Malfoy."

Herbology. I was never interested in science back home so I wasn't exactly.. excited for this class.
We stood in rows of two, one with Gryffindors and the other with Slytherins. Standing next to Draco made me really realise how tall he'd grown over the summer. He's become slimmer, although his face remained chubby with his hair still gelled back. Puberty. "Morning everyone!" A short, grey haired woman exclaimed. "Ugh, Herbology. A waste of time if you ask me." Draco groaned softly, crossing his arms as Dandy nodded her head in agreement. "Today we're going to repot mandrakes- who here can tell me the properties of a mandrake root?" She asked. I glanced around to see a familiar, eager face raising her hand. "Yes, Ms. Granger?" Hermione. "Mandrake- or Mandrokora is a plan used to turn the petrified to their original state. It's also quite dangerous as a Mandrakes cry can be fatal to anyone who hears it." I didn't really hear most of it until the Professor awarded 10 points to Gryffindor, settling a sour expression on Draco's face. "Now, since these Mandrakes are just babies, they won't be fatal, but can knock you out for several hours- so put on your earmuffs." I held my grey earmuffs, setting them right on top of my ears. She soon explained the rules on how to repot a mandrake, as it cried as soon as it was let out opened. Although, Longbottom wasn't able to handle the cries very well, plopping unconscious on the ground as the Professor sighed. "Is he gonna be okay?" I asked, Draco quietly. "Who cares? It's just Longbottom." He rolled his eyes, grinning at Longbottom's state. "Now, grasp your mandrake- and pull it out!" As everyone did so at the same time, the cries became louder and painful. Seconds later, Draco tapped my shoulder as I looked back at him. He was teasing his mandrake by hovering his finger around his mandrake's mouth. He was grinning, until the Mandrake slightly nibbled on it. Draco managed to pull it out, giving the Mandrake a death glare as he did. "Awh, who's a good mandrake?" I cooed at it in a baby voice, setting Draco off even more. The boy had some serious bipolar issues.

We all sat in the great hall, eating our meals as Draco rambled on how his father had bought him the Nimbus 2001.
"Hi, Y/n!" A short boy came up to me, quickly flashing the light of a camera in my face before I could answer. "Uh.. hi." I replied, rubbing my watery eye. "I'm Colin Creevey! I'm a Slytherin too!" He exclaimed. "Uhm.. nice to meet you, Colin." I felt Draco chuckle beside me. "Not even a day into year 2, and you've already gotten fans, Potter." He pointed out. "Look everyone, Weasley's got himself a howler!" Finnigan shouted all the way across from the Gryffindor table. "This is gonna be fun." I smirked, leaning back. Everyone remained silence as Weasley opened up the note. "RONALD WEASLEYS!" It screamed in Mrs. Weasleys voice, "HOW DARE YOU STEAL THAT CAR!? I AM ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTED. YOUR FATHER'S NOW FACING AN INQUIRY AT WORK AND ITS ENTIRE YOUR FAULT. IF YOU PUT ANOTHER TOE OUT OF LINE, WE'LL BRING YOU STRAIGHT HOME." It spat in his face before turning to Ginny, "Oh, and Ginny dear, congratulations on making Gryffindor. Your father and I are so proud!" Ginny smiled awkwardly before the howler turned back to Weasley, blowing raspberries on his face before shredding to pieces. There was a long moment for silence before the Great Hall errupted into laughter, starting from the Slytherin table, of course.

Last class of the day; DADA. Shouldn't be too hard. "Let me introduce you to your new Defense Agaisnt the Dark Arts teacher- me!" Lockheart grinned as he came in. "Gilderoy Lockheart; order of Merlin- third class. And five times winner of Most Charming smile award." He smiled. Good God, what did people see in him? Something was off about his stories, who would want to brag about their achievements? "Now! Be warned, because my job to arm you agaisnt the foulest creatures known to mankind. You may find yourself facing your worst fears in this room- not that anything can happen to you whilst I'm here. I must ask you, not to scream.. It might provoke them!" He spoke slowly before unveiling a cage full of little blue flying mice. "What is that?" I furrowed my brows, trying to look closer. "That, Ms. Potter is a cage of Cornish Pixies." He answered while I heard Draco chuckle behind me in amusement. "Laugh if you will, Mr. Malfoy. But pixies can be devilishly, tricking monsters. Let's see what you make of them." Wait a minute, what did that mean? He quickly opened the cage, allowing those flying mice to run around freely, poking and biting everyone in the room. I could hear screams and gasps as everyone covered themselves with their books or hiding under the table. "Come on now, round them up, round them up! They're only pixies!" He chuckled. "He's a dead man walking when my father hears about this." Draco huffed loud enough for me to hear.
Not too long after they were released, they grasped Longbottom by his ears, pulling his up. "Well, if there's anything good these can do- it's that." Draco sneered. "Poor Longbottom." Pansy chuckled, still covering herself.
Just looking at Longbottom's state, the entire class- including Pansy and Greengrass vanished. "Get off of me!" I shouted at one of the pixies who was nibbling on my hair, "Hold on." I saw Draco roll his eyes from my peripheral vision before he used his book to smack the pixie away. "Pesky, Pixie, Pexinomi!" Lockheart chanted using his wand but nothing happened- other than a pixie stealing his wand. "Hey, where are you going!?" I heard Harry shout, who was helping Ron and Hermione out. I turn around to see who he was referring to, when I saw Lockheart slowly running uo to his cabin upstairs while grabbing one of his portraits. Gosh, what an excellent teacher. "I'll ask you five to just nip the rest back into their cage." He grinned sheepishly before shutting the door to his cabin.
"My-father-will-hear-about-this!" I heard Draco groan beside me as he hit couple of the Pixies. "What'll we do now!?" Weasley cried out next, covering his head with two books. "Immobiulus!" Hermione shouted, pointing her wand at the pixies as they went still. Draco scoffed, fixing his robes as he got up to leave. "Pathetic. I could've done that myself." He muttered.
"Why is it always me?" Longbottom panted out, his robe hanging on for dear life by the chandelier.

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