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'You're a witch, Y/n.'

11:58 PM, here we were.. at some old ugly hotel to hide from letters. It was 2 minutes until my birthday— our birthday, Harry was drawing a cake with 5 candles and a "big happy 11th birthday, potters!" on the sand in our room. We looked over to Dudleys watch— it was officially 12. Happy birthday y/n.
'Make a wish Harry!' I told him.
'You too.' He replied.
After I wished, the two of us blew the sand. There was at least a second of peace before something— perhaps someone barged threw our door.
'WHOS THERE!?' Uncle vernon shouted, trying to sound as intimidating as possible in his scrawny morning voice with a shotgun in his hands. Harry and me hid near the corner in the wall.
'Sorry about that..' The creature said, Although it didn't look like one, it was more or like a man who had not cut nor combed his bear and hair, he walked over to our door and simply glued it back together.
'I demand you leave at once sir! You're breaking and entering!' Uncle vernon shouted at him.
'Dry up Dursley, you great prune.' He said before twisting the shotgun upwards. He was clearly extremely strong.
'I haven't seen you since you was a baby, Harry!' He said walking up to Dudley. 'Where's y/n? Your sister.' He asked.
'Your a bit more along than I expected, particularly in the middle.' He said to Dudley.
'I- I'm not Harry!' Dudley protested as Harry and I walked out.
'I am.' Harry said.
'And Im y/n.' I chipped in.
'Well of course you are!' The man said. 'Got something for the two of you.' He said again as he struggled to pull a box out of his coat. 'Baked it myself, words and all.' He handed the cake to me.

The box was white with blue ribbons on it, I opened it to see a cake. A pink frosted cake with green letters which spelled out; Happy birthday Harry and Y/n. The cake wasn't in its best manner, but I could say it was made with love and wholesomeness.
'Thank you!' Harry said after taking a peek at the cake.
'It's not everyday the potter twins turn 11, is it?' He said.
He sat himself on a couch after which he removed a small, pink umbrella. He pointed the umbrella to the empty fireplace and.. fire lit up. It was magical— not in the way I hoped I'd first witness it but it was lovely. I should wake up soon, this dream is getting a bit too real.
'Excuse me, but who are you?' Harry asked the man.
'Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of keys and ground at Hogwarts.' The man— Hagrid said.
'Of course the two of you know all about Hogwarts.' He said looking between the two of us.
I snapped out of my thoughts when he said that, 'I'm sorry no, we don't.' I said. As soon as I did, Hagrid smile dropped.
'No? Didn't you ever wonder where mum and dad learned it all?' He asked me.
'Learned what?' I asked, I was clearly confused now.
'You're a witch, Y/n.' 'Oh, of course, and you are too Harry.' Hagrid whispered to the two of us.
'We're a what?' Harry said with widened eyes.
'Witches and Wizards.' Hagrid answered.
'No, you've made a mistake. We're- I mean.. We're y/n and Harry, just y/n and Harry.' Harry said.
'Well, just y/n and Harry, did you ever make anything happen? Anything unusual you couldn't explain at all?' Hagrid said.
He then got up and handed me and Harry a letter— the same letter Uncle vernon never aloud us to read.

Dear Ms potter,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Students shall be required to report to the Chamber of reception upon you're arrival—
I was reading the letter before uncle vernon interrupted me.
'They will not be going to that school! We swore we'd put an end to this rubbish.' He said.
'You knew!? You knew and never once bothered to tell us?' I said.

'Of course we knew. How could you not be?' Aunt petunia chipped in, 'my perfect sister being who she was— my mother and father were so.. proud the day she got that letter.. we have a witch in the family! Isn't that wonderful? I was the only one to see her for what she was.. a freak.' She spat. 'And then she met that potter, and then she had you and y/n.' 'Then she got her and potter blown up and we landed with the two you.'
'Blown up!? You told me they died in a car crash!' I shouted.
'A car crash!? A car crash killed Lily and James potter!?
While Hagrid was arguing with the dursleys about us going, Dudley took our cake and started eating it, Hagrid must've noticed my staring as he pulled out his umbrella and hit out a spark which gave Dudley a pig tale— suited him right.

Im not going to do the rest talking because speaking very honestly— I'm watching the movie, part by part to see what happens and what their dialogues are- so sorry for the tiny chapter, I swear to merlin I'll make it up in the next one! <3

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