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"Need your sister to defend you, Potter?"

"What do you guys have now?" Enzo asked. "Diviniation." Draco said, "oh, cool, me too." I said, glancing over my schedule. "I've got Charms." Zabini sighed. "Oh Merlin, I cant take Blaise alone for an hour. Does anyone else have Charms?" Daphne whined while Blaise glared at her. "I've got Charms, don't sweat it." Pansy chuckled as the three went off towards charms. "Wait, where is diviniation?" I asked Draco. "Ravenclaw tower, if I'm not wrong." He replied as we walked towards the tower.

"Hm.. Ms. Potter and Mr. Malfoy. Your are late." The Professor hummed as we entered class. "Apologies, Professor Trelawney. It won't happen again." I said as she dismissed the two of us to a table behind Weasley and Harry.

"Right, so as I was saying. Exchange the cups before you with your partner and read the leaves!" She exclaimed dramatically as Draco scoffed. "What an utter waste of time." He said before grabbing my cup as I did his. "I think it's cool. Reading hidden codes." I said while examining his cup. "Alright, nerd." I rolled my eyes at his comment. "First you must broaden your minds!" The Professor spoke, shaking Draco's head softly as I suppressed a laugh. "I think she fancy's me." He said, fixing his robes. "Right, of course she does." I agreed sarcastically.

A few moments later, she went up to Weasley and Harry's table— wait a minute, where did Hermione come from? Must've missed her.
Weasley began reading Harry's cup, "So you're gonna suffer.. but you're gonna be happy about it." I furrowed my brows, looking over at Draco. "What does mine say?" I asked him but before he could answer, the Professor screamed. "What's wrong with her now?" Draco squinted. "My dear.. you have.. the grim!" She said slowly, leaning in at every word. "It's an omen of death." Another boy said as I rolled my eyes. "I don't believe in this crap." I sighed, putting down the cup.

"Oh, look! Yours shows a little heart.. which means Cupid? And a moon which means devastation?" I chuckled. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Draco scrunched his nose up, snatching the cup as he tried to unscramble it himself. "Uhm, so you're going to meet the love of your life.. but it'll cause hatred?" I squinted. "I told you this class was a waste of time." He huffed, placing his cup back down.

For the last class of the day, I had Care for Magical Creatures with Draco, Pansy, and Enzo.
"Come on, now. Come closer." Hagrid's rigid voice called out. "I've got a great lesson for you today, follow me!" He said enthusiastically as Draco stared at him with boredom. "You know, I don't see why you don't like Hagrid. He's a great guy." I hummed to Draco as we walked through the narrow space to his lesson. "He doesn't deserve to be a teacher. That's all." He shrugged.

"Alright, form a group over there and open your books to page 49." Hagrid shouted. "Exactly how do we do that?" Draco shouted, furrowing his brows. "Stroke its spine, Draco. I swear, none of you can read." I huffed while Draco pulled out an amused expression. "I think I'll be with Harry for a while. Have to talk to him about his fainting thing or whatever." I told Pansy as she nodded in response before I walked towards them.

"Hi, Harry." I smiled at him. "Hey. Thanks for the advice on how to open the book.. wouldn't want to end up like Neville." He sighed, looking over at Neville who was struggling.
"Don't be such a wimp, Longbottom." Enzo scoffed, walking past him as I chuckled. "So you've really become a Slytherin, huh?" Weasley spoke from behind Harry. "What's that supposed to mean?" I crossed my arms. "Just that you've become like Malfoy now. Malfoy and his little gang, that it." He shrugged. "They're my friends, Weasley." I huffed, "friends? You're friends with Malfoy?" Harry furrowed his brows, "Yes? Why's that such a problem?" I answered. ".. he's not a good person, Y/n. That's all." Hermione said, speaking on behalf of Harry. "Yeah, and I don't want you near him and his friends anymore, Y/n. They aren't good influence." Harry added, "I'm not a 5 year old girl, Harry. I can choose the people I want you to be around." I said as Weasley scoffed. "No wonder you're Slytherin." That's it, "Another word out of your mouth, Weasley and I will hex you." I warned as the boy backed away a step.

Honestly, I know I was turning into them but why was that a bad thing? They were nice people.

"I think they're funny." Hermione said, referring to the monster books. "Oh yeah, terribly funny. Really witty." Draco said out loud as the students between us cleared up. "God, this place has gone to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes. I rolled my eyes at his comment as his friends laughed. Really, what was his problem all of the sudden?
"Shut up, Malfoy." Harry said, taking a few steps forward. "Oh, Im sorry, Potter. Did I hurt your feelings?" Draco raised an eyebrow as he apologised sarcastically. "Draco, that's enough." I scoffed, taking a few steps next to Harry as his friends began 'oohing' "Need your sister to defend you, Potter?" He smirked, walking closer as he his eyes never left mine. I could feel heat rise to my cheeks before he finally broke the eye contact by looking behind Harry as Draco flinched away, "Dementor, Dementor!" He shouted as Harry snapped around in fear. I rolled my eyes once him and his friends began laughing, pulling over their hood, pretending to ghosts.

I walked towards them while Hermione pulled Harry away. "That was very immature of you, Draco." I scoffed as he rolled his eyes, "it's all in good fun, not my fault if your brother can't handle a little joke." He smirked, pulling his hood down again as I shook my head slowly.

A few seconds later, Hagrid cleared his throat as he walked out with this giant, huge bird-horse. I squinted my eyes and furrowed my brows as I tried to understand what in the name of Merlin that was. "Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid asked, throwing a piece of meat into its mouth. "Say hello to Buckbeak." He said it like it was a piece of cake. "Yep. This is where I die." Pansy sighed loudly. "Hagrid what even is that?" Enzo squinted his brows, "That, Berkshire, is a Hippogriff. First thing you wanna know about Hippogriffs is that they're very proud creatures. Very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff." Hagrid explained. "Right, so he's basically Draco but creature version?" I whispered amongst our group, making Enzo and Pansy laugh while Draco just stared at me. "Hilarious." He mumbled.

"Now, who'd like to come say hello?" Hagrid asked. There was no way I was doing that so I took a few steps back, as so did everyone.. everyone but Harry anyway. "Well done, Harry. Well done." Hagrid exclaimed.

"You have to let him make the first move, so step up and give him a nice bow. Then you wait and see if he bows back. If he does, you can go and touch him." I rolled my eyes as he said that. "And if he doesn't?" I asked. "Er.. well, we'll get to that later." Hagrid answered. "No, Pansy. This is where my brother dies." I sigh as she chuckled.

Harry bowed down, a few feet away from big buck or whatever. That thing does not like Harry since she began cawing.
Harry took a step back cracking a branch as I gasped, almost touching Draco's hand. Thankfully, the bird bowed down to Harry too. As he got closer to pat it, the bird cawked again— this time, I actually did touch his hand.
He looked down at me in surprise as I quickly moved a few feet away. Oh, Merlin. Save me.

The bird, surprisingly let Harry pat it as everyone applauded. "What's so big in that? I can do it easily." Draco scoffed, munching on a green apple.

A few seconds later, Hagrid picked Harry up with ease, putting him on top of the bird as he got ready to ride. Oh, how lucky.
He rode the bird around the castle as the students began whooing and applauding for him.
A few minutes later, he finally landed down at the blow of Hagrid's whistle as I applauded along with the students.

"Oh, please." I heard Draco scoff as he pushed past some students to the entrance. Oh, god what was this boy up to now. I slowly walked to the front to get a clear view. "You're not dangerous at all, are you? You great ugly brute!" Draco shouted. "Oh, boy." Enzo sighed, leaning on a tree as Pansy put her hands to her face.
"Malfoy, no." Hagrid said right before the bird scraped his robes. "That's killed me!" He cried out as I quickly ran to the front with Enzo and Pansy. "Calm down. It's just a scratch!" Hagrid said. "Hagrid, he has to be taken to the hospital." I said as Enzo helped me pick him up. "I'm the teacher, I'll do it." Hagrid's said before Enzo stopped him. "Woah, woah big guy. I think we can handle it." He said before dragging him away by the collar. "Uhm, Hagrid? Don't worry, yeah? He's kinda dramatic. I'm sure he's barely even scraped his arm." I rolled my eyes while I heard his scream and argue with Enzo. "You're gonna regret this!" Draco shouted at Hagrid as I quickly jogged up to them. "You and your bloody chicken." He muttered. "Okay, shut up, Draco." I rolled my eyes.

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