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"You're the reason they're dead. You're the reason we have no parents."

He killed it. I had to convince Pansy to let me stay behind. He killed Buckbeak.
"Y/n." Harry said as I quickly turned around. "Merlin, Harry, you startled me." I chuckled nervously, wiping a tear I hadn't realised had formed. "Uhm.. thanks, Y/n. For.. well, slapping Malfoy." Granger spoke from beside him. I furrowed my brows. "You're welcome?" I paused for a second before signing loudly, "I'm sorry. For everything." I muttered loud enough for her to hear. She gave me a half-hearted smile. Better than what I expected. "Oh, I see your rat's back, Weaselbee." I said as he rolled his eyes. "There's the real you." I rolled my eyes playfully before the rat bit his finger, running off. "That's too bad." I chuckled before Weasley ran behind it, Granger behind him. Harry turned too, but remained still. "Are you coming..?" She asked as I raised a brow, "You know. Weird way to connect but we haven't hung out since last year. The four of us." He stammered, his eyes still locked on Weasley. "Why not." I rolled my eyes playfully as he smiled.
I ran beside him to Weasley before stopping quickly. Moron had gone sitting next to the Whomping Willow.
"Harry, you do realise what tree that is." I furrowed my brows at Harry who widened his eyes. "Ron, run!" Granger and him said in sync.
I heard the soft voice of a road behind me. I quickly turned around spotting— oh. my. god. "Potter, Hermione, Harry, run!" Weasley shouted. Well, no shit run.
Just the Harry and Granger turned behind, the animal ran after us. Well- not after us.. it went above us— straight to Weasley. It dragged him by his feet, down into the tunnel of a tree.
"God, Harry, do I have to come? I think we've connected pretty well. I forgive you." I stammered, staring up at him. "Guys help!" Weasley cried before Harry gripped my wrist. "Come on, Y/n." Weasley, if that animal doesn't kill you, mark my words. I will.
Harry soon let go of my wrist, jumping on the ground as he tried to grab Weasley's hands. If it wasn't clear, it did not work out.
I sighed loudly before looking in front— a branch was coming straight at us. "Watch out!" I shouted, ducking down as the branch hit Granger and Harry, throwing them away.
I jumped over the next branch, running away from it as they kept dashing down.
Not Granger, certainly. Her scream cam ringing in my ear as the girl flied around on the branch, hitting me. "Oh, my god. That hurts." I groaned, rubbing my head. "Y/n!" Harry shouted as I looked up, quickly rolling away from the branch that was about to kill me. I stood up before feeling Granger's wrist on my shirt, pulling me along with her. "What are you doing!?" I screamed as she pulled Harry too. God, this girl was strong. "Helping you out!" She shouted back.
She threw Harry down the hole, then me.
I screamed falling on Harry's back, pushing him down deeper. Quickly, I made myself off his back right before Hermione too fell on him. "I'm sorry.." she whined. "Don't worry. That didn't hurt at all." I smiled sarcastically as she shot me a quick glare. I rolled my eyes shortly after, wiping the dust off my face. "Where do you suppose this goes?" She asked.
"I have a hunch." I replied soon after.

We walked along the stairs for a moment before faded, distance screams were heard. "Ron." Harry muttered, leading the way to the room where the sounds were coming from.
"Ron, you're okay!" Granger sighed out of relief as we entered the room. "The dog. Where is it?" I asked. "Potter—" he panted, almost surprised that I was head before ignoring the thought. "It's a trap. He's the dog. He's an animagus." My body froze at his words. This is where I die.
I turned around to see where Weasley had pointed. The muddy footsteps on the ground, leading to the the one and only. Sirius Black.

I stood frozen, glaring up at the man— in fear. I turned to look at Harry who looked as if he had waited all his life for this moment. He's going to get us killed.
"If you want to kill them, you'll have to kill us too." Merlin, Granger. Trying to be smart won't work when the man pulls out his wand, killing you under a single spell. "No, only one will die tonight." He spoke, his voice sending shivers down my spine. But wait a minute. Did he say One?
"Yes, it'll be you!" Harry shouted, charging at the man. "Harry, no!" I shouted at the boy who ignored me.
He jumped on top of him, pulling out his wand. But Black simply laughed. Laughed as if it was a joke. "Just like your parents. Both of you. Lily and James. Y/n and Harry." He chuckled. I narrowed my eyes, him even speaking of my parents after what he did.. it's unacceptable.
"Don't say speak their names from that mouth of yours." I spat. "Are you going to kill me, Y/n, Harry?" I gulped.
"Expelliarmus!" I heard someone shout. Lupin. Harry's wand flew out of his grip.
What was Lupin doing!?

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