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"Merry Christmas, Y/n."

Later than evening I walked through the hallways before spotting Longbottom he stood in front a brick wall before it opened slowly. That must be the room of requirement.

"Come on Nigel, give it your best shot." I heard Harry say as he stood infront of a first year. The two of them waved their wands with the 'stupefy' spell sending both of them back.
I chuckled at the scene before feeling all their eyes on me. "Y/n, you came!" Harry smiled. I returned it.

After a few practise duels, it was my turn. And, it was against Weasley. This was going to be a piece of cake.
"Don't worry, Y/n. I'll go easy on you." He said, a grin on his face.
I rolled my eyes. "Thank you, Ronald." I mutter, steadying myself.

With a deep breath, I waved my wand. "Stupefy." I yelled as he flew back.
He rolled his eyes, walking towards his brothers with an embarrassed look all over his face while the girls congratulated me.


"What is this?" Pansy scoffed, looking up at the new rule. 'All students wanting to earn extra credit can now join the inquisitors squad.'
I guess Filch wasn't much of help sneaking around.
"Oh, I need some extra credit." Theo sighed. Draco looked at me. "I'm joining, you will too, right?" He asked. I thought over it for a moment. I could be apart of Umbridge's squad so she doesn't question me, it's a solid plan really.

"Why not?" I sighed looking at the grin on Draco's face as we went up to Umbridge's office.
She gave us little badges which we were to wear on our robes all day, everyday. When she got to me, there was visible confusion on her face. "I'm surprised you'd want to join, Ms. Potter." She said, pinning my badge on.
I shrug, "I think it'll be fun, Professor." I say, she nods.
"Mr. Malfoy is giving you great influence. Keep it up." She says before leaving.

"Great influence?" Draco smirked, leaning down. I pushed him away. "Shut up, if you think I'm going to kiss you with that woman being here, then you are a mad man, Malfoy." I said, causing him to chuckle lightly.

Draco and I had been given a job to make sure no student was breaking any of the 189 new rules— there were so many that I had to carry a piece of parchment with them all written so I didn't forget what they were. "I can't believe the fact that you genuinely want to help Umbridge out, Dray." I snicker. "I told you, father thinks it's best if I'm on her good side. Unlike that brother of yours—" Draco was quickly cut off by Harry who almost bumped into him.

"Watch where you're going, will you, Potter?" Draco groaned, fixing his robes. Harry almost didn't notice me with him glaring at Draco but when he finally did, it wasn't me he noticed— but my badge.
He narrowed his eyes before they finally shifted up to my face.

"Merlin, Y/n, are you kidding me?" He scoffed. I sighed, this boy will never gibe me a chance to explain myself. Before I could say anything, his eyes landed on Draco. "Did you make her do this?" He asked him to which Draco rolled his eyes.
"For goodness's sake, Potter. Get over yourself." He spat, pushing past Harry before stopping for a second. He turned to look at me. I raised my eyebrows to see what he wanted.

He smirked, his eyes landing on Harry before landing back on me. He walked closer to me, pulling me in for a short kiss. I had no time to react whatsoever because he pulled away. "I'll see you later, Y/n." He said, winking at me so obviously that Harry saw it. Then, he left.
Left me alone with Harry.

I turned to look at him, his mouth gaping open and he looked like he wanted to kill me for letting Draco touch me.
I pursed my lips, patting his shoulder before leaving.

God, I hate Draco.


It was another evening back at the room of requirement. I'd already told Harry all about my plan and why I decided to join the Inquisitors Squad.

"Fantastic, Neville!" Harry said, congratulating the boys who finally mastered a spell. "Okay. We won't be meeting after Christmas.. so just keep practicing. Good job, everyone!" Harry smiled at the lot who clapped for him.

The group began dispersing after congratulating Harry. "Y/n," I heard Fred call out. "Look at this, you think Harry's gonna like it?" He asked, a bag in his hand full of prank treats. I laughed.
"Uhm.. he might, but he's a little busy staring at Cho at the moment." I said. He rolled his eyes.
"Thanks a lot, Y/n." I heard him say as I made my way to the huge mirror. There was a picture of Cedric.

I smiled at it, picking it out. He would've been proud, right?

I turned my head to see Cho and Harry talking. Yeah, I do not want to be here when they kiss.

I placed Cedric's picture back on the mirror before making my way out. "Goodbye, lovebirds." I said as the two giggled. "Merry Christmas, Y/n." I heard Cho shout out.
Well, she's certainly better than the Weaselbee junior.


It was, at last, finally time for winter break. I had no idea where I was going to be spending mine. Hopefully not the Dursley's. "I'm telling you again, you should come spend it at the Malfoy Manor. Certainly better than having Greengrass over." Draco sighed, pulling his bags. "Yeah, Y/n. I hear Theo and Pansy are gonna be joining us later too." Enzo said.
"I'll try, boys. No promises, though." I warned. Enzo rolled his eyes, leaving the room.

I sighed, looking at Draco. "Do you promise to write to me this winter?" I asked the boy. He chuckled. "I promise, Y/n. But you better write to me too. Or, better, join me." I rolled my eyes at him.
"With you kissing me in front of Harry the other day, chances are slim to none."  I said, closing the zip of my luggage.
He rolled his eyes, "whatever."
I was just about to leave when he pulled me in for a kiss.
I kissed him back a smile on my lips. "Merry Christmas, Y/n." He muttered between the kiss.

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