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"I fucking hate you, Malfoy."
"Feeling's mutual, Potter."

I rubbed my eyes, sitting up. Had I seriously fallen asleep in my school robes?

I took a quick glance around the room. Pansy was no where to be found. She probably sleptover with Theo in his dorm. I quickly got out of bed and did the usual morning routine before walking out of the dorms.

Today was the weekend, everyone was busy doing their DADA homework which was taken way more seriously now with Snape as the professor. I huffed out a laugh, my eyes drifting to Draco's dorm. My smile faded as I thought back at yesterday's events.

Nevertheless, I walked towards the couch in the Common Room, taking a seat and grabbing a book to read. I wasn't really reading though, just didn't want to look like a phycopath with nothing to do. "Y/n. Hey." I looked over to see Enzo standing beside me. "Hi, Enzo." I smiled half heartedly. "How're you doing?" He asked, taking a seat beside me.

I shrugged, "Being kicked out of my.. I don't even know if I could call him my boyfriend anymore. But yeah, being kicked out his dorm with no valid explanation to why he's been ignoring me.. I'm doing fantastic." I said with a sarcastic smile. He laughed lightly. "Things have been tough, I hope you can understand." He said, I sighed. "He could tell me, though. I love him, I'd be there to help through whatever it is he's going through." I said, my brows furrowed as Enzo looked at me sympathetically.

"This is something no one can help him with, Y/n. And I really think you should distance yourself from him. It's for your own good." He said. I poked my tongue to the side of my cheek. "Have I done something? Is he mad at me?" I asked. He shook his head, "No, Y/n. He's.. I don't know what to tell you. Just stay away from him, okay?" He said, getting up to leave. I tried to say something but instead, I bit my tongue to stop. What was the point?


I decided to stay in the library while the rest of the school had gone to watch the match. It was Slytherin vs. Gryffindor, couldn't be missed by anyone. I had a feeling we'd lose anyway so it's better if I stayed and studied in the library.

I entered the library, sitting on the same spot I had last year. With Draco. When he was actually speaking to me. I sighed at the memory before pulling out my books. 'Defense Against the Dark Arts: What the Arts are.'
I've always been interested in magic. Dark magic. It wasn't like I was going to perform it— but a part of me yearned to know more. To do more.

I was just lost in my thoughts before I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned around to look. Draco.
"What are you doing here?" He asked coldly. I rolled my eyes. "It's a library. Sorry I didn't ask your permission." I huffed. He glared at me for a moment longer before taking a seat in front me.

We were sitting exactly how we were a year ago. The only difference was that he was avoiding me. "Why have you been distancing yourself from everyone? Me, especially." I quickly blurted out. "I'm not." He said, his eyes still glued to the same book he was reading the previous year. "Aren't you? This seems like it. We haven't spoken properly since you kissed me the last time." I said, practically yelling at this point. But who cares? Everyone's at the game.

His eyes snapped up towards me. "Whatever it was that we had, forget about it." He said silently. I didn't show it, of course, but my heart sank. It felt like a punch to the gut. "Forget about it?" I spat. His eyes lingered on me. "What do you want me to say? That I love you? Because that would be a lie, Y/n." He snapped, standing up.

I swallowed, biting my cheek to avoid tears from falling down. How could he just say that? "What's wrong with you?" I muttered, but it barely registered as a whisper. "Do me a favour, and stay away from me, yeah?" He said with a scowl, grabbing his bags and turning around to walk away.

I don't think I could hold the tears anymore. "I fucking hate you, Malfoy." I muttered, a tear falling down my cheek as I refused to look at him.
After a long pause, he replied. "Feeling's mutual, Potter." That was the last thing I heard him say before the doors slammed shut.

I let my tears flow down as I began sobbing. I put my head in my hands, trying to stop the tears but they wouldn't stop.

"I fucking hate you, Malfoy." She muttered. It felt like a stab to the chest, hearing her say those words and mean it. I wanted to talk to her, to show her my mark. To hug her, kiss her, feel the warmth of her arms while she told it was going to be okay. But I won't. I will not risk her getting hurt because of me.

"Feeling's mutual, Potter." I answered, starting to walk away. I quickly shut the door, immediately hearing her sobs from the other side. I pressed my head against the door. My heart sank hearing her cry. It hurt even more knowing that I was the reason for her tears.

I hated myself. I fucking hate myself. And I hate myself for what I was going to do next.

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