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"Ah, hello, weaselbee!"

Diary of Y/n Potter.

Dear Diary,
There's a lot I need to let out and a lot you need to hear. First of all, I don't think I'm a potter!? I mean I'm trying to listen to Harry but I just can't get my mind to do so. I need to know who my parents are.
I mean, who could they be?
Voldemort isn't wrong either, I look nothing like my parents. I mean, black hair. Really? Not even petunia has black hair! Speaking of her and the rest of the Dursleys, Harry's left me with them! He's gone with Dudley to some stupid children's park staring at little boys like a creep. Sorry, that was mean. He misses mum and dad.
Should I even call them that?

Whatever, Draco kissed me. YEAH. And, he told everyone about it. Now I just have to tell Harry.. I'll tell him when he comes back. It shouldn't be hard. I hope.

Oh, he's here. And the Dursley's are rushing out? God with these people.


I shut my diary, shoving it into my luggage.
"Happy, are we, now!?" I heard Vernon's voice fade in as I walked downstairs. "You've finally done it, you've finally driven him loopy!" I furrow my brows at him.
"Dudley? Let's be real here, he was always loopy." I rolled my eyes, walking towards Harry. "Quiet, girl." Petunia spat, cradling Dudley in her arms as though he was a two-year old.

I narrow my eyes at my cousin— god, he did look loopy. "I've reached my limit do you hear? This is the last time I'm gonna take of you two and your nonsense." He says, walking closer.
I look behind me, Harry seemed lifeless. What had happened?

Not a moment later, an owl flew in— holding a howler in its beak. "Dear Mr. Potter." It spoke.
"What?" I muttered, narrowing my eyes. "The Ministry has received intelligence that at 6:23 this evening you performed the patronus charm in the presence of a muggle!" My head snapped in Harry's direction.
"As a clear violation of the Degree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Socery.. you are hereby expelled from Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry." My hands clasped to my mouth upon hearing that.

The howler soon tore itself up. There was a moment of silence before Vernon began laughing.
The Dursleys took Dudley out, leaving us home alone as Harry charged upstairs.

He hit the wall harshly in frustration as I sat on his bed, Nicole on my lap. "Will you tell me what happened, Harry?" I sighed.
"Dementors. They were back. I tried protecting us." My eyes widened at his words. "What? Dementors? Are they looking for Sirius!?" I frown. He shook his head, "that can't be it.." he sighed, sitting beside me.


It was around 2am, I woke up. The sound of the door opening was heard as I shoved Harry awake. He grabbed his wand in a hurry, slowly but cautiously walking towards the door as I grabbed my wand too.
The door sprung open— I flinched.

"Professor Moody?" I muttered. "What are you doing here?" I rubbed my eyes. "Rescuing you two, of course!" He answered. There were people around him too who I didn't quite recognise.

We walked outside the house quietly. "Where are we going? The letter said I've  been expected." Harry said, walking beside Moody. "Not yet, you haven't. Kingsley, you take point." Moody answered. "Don't worry, Harry. We'll explain everything once we get back to headquarters." Said a purple haired girl. Moody shushed her, "Not here, Nymphadora." The girl glared at him. "Don't call me Nymphadora." Okay. Not purple haired girl. "How do you do that?" I raised my eyebrows in amusement. She smiled proudly, "I'll teach it to you."

Moody then summoned brooms as they landed in our hands. "Stay in formation, everyone. Don't get killed." Huh. Who's out to get us now? I mounted my broom as we flew up to the clouds and through the beautiful London City sky.
Ah, magic. I love it.

Soon enough we landed. There was a huge apartment ahead of us. This was their headquarters? Moody hit his stick on the ground as the building divided. I looked at it in awe. "In you go, kid." Moody said, looking at me.

We walked in, harsh whispers becoming prominent. The rest pushed past us, walking into the room. My eyes landed on Sirius just as his did on me. I smiled at him warmly. Molly soon closed the door, walking out and giving the two of us a hug.

Harry and I walked upstairs as we saw an old house elf about dobby's size who was murmering to himself. Harry opened the door infront of us where Hermione practically leaped on to him. "Oh, Harry. Are you alright? We heard them talk about the dementor attack." I squeezed past the two spotting Weasley.

"Ah, hello, Weaselbee!" He rolled his eyes at the sight of me. "Hello, Y/n." I smiled sarcastically, "always a pleasure, huh?" Harry put his hand on my shoulder. "Right, that's enough." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Uhm.. so what is this place?" I asked, scrunching my nose up as I spotted a tiny spider crawl into a hole. "Headquarters for the Order of The Phoenix." I furrowed my brows, turning around. "The Order of what now?" I asked again. "It's a secret society." Hermione answered. "Yeah, so best you not tell your little boyfriend and his friends about it." Weasley said as I widened my eyes at him.

Harry snapped his head in my direction. "Boyfriend? Who?" He asked, a little harsher than I wanted him too. "Ah, there's our favourite Potter!" I heard the twins say as they walked into the room. "Hello, boys." I sighed in relief. Harry stared at me for a moment before drawing his gaze away. I guess that talk will have to wait a while. "So, you couldn't have put this in a letter then? I've gone all summer without a scrap a of news." Harry scoffed at the two.

I rolled my eyes at Weasley's pathetic excuse. "Say, Y/n. How good of a kisser is Malfoy?" Fred asked, smirking down at me. I looked at Harry for a moment, making sure he didn't hear and was still busy arguing with his friends. "Shove off, Fred." I said playfully. "Ah, you finally distinguished us!" George said. "Right, but I still want to know." Fred grinned again. "I am not answering that." I folded my arms, looking back at the arguing trio. "Merlin, you're all boring. If you're done shouting, Harry, want to hear something a bit more interesting?" George grinned.

The twins brought out their hand-made magical ear with let us hear anything from yards away. They rolled it down to the door as the whispers of the Order became clear. I furrowed brows, trying to hear their conversation before I saw Nicole walk out. She meowed into the ear, nibbling on it. "No, Nicole!" I whispered down at her. "Oh, your bloody cat, Potter!" Weasley groaned softly as she grabbed the ear, taking it away. "Bad Nicole!" I groaned, walking away.

All of us walked downstairs as Molly called us for dinner. "Potter Twins." I heard Sirius's voice as I made my way beside Harry. Not sure how anyone calls us twins if we look so different.
Sirius opened his arms as I ran, giving him a hug. Merlin, if anyone was my real father— I beg for it to be him. I smiled into the warm embrace, spotting Lupin behind him.

We all gathered around the table. I sat beside the hair-colour-changing girl whose name was Tonks. She showed me a few funny tricks you could do with a harmless potion— like making your face into a pig. She was stupid, but entertaining.

"Show them, they'll find out soon enough." I heard Kingsley say. Lupin handed me a newspaper— 'THE LIARS OF THE DECADE' I scoffed at the headline. "What is this?" I frowned, shoving the paper back. "They're attacking Dumbledore as well. Don't want the world knowing you-know-who's back." Lupin sighed. "That's stupid, no one in their right mind would believe that." I said. "That's exactly the point, Fudge is not in his right mind." I scoffed at Lupin. "Well, that's obvious but why has he dragged us into his mess?" I asked again, a little harsher this time.  The group remained silent, not knowing what to say to that.

This was stupid, utterly stupid. Everyone at Hogwarts reads the Daily Prophet— have I become a liar to the whole school now?

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