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"I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most.. and turn it into something funny."

We sat in the Great hall as Draco cried to Daphne about how the bird could've killed him. "Does it hurt terribly, Draco?" Daphne asked the boy, touching his arm. "It comes and goes.. I consider myself lucky. If it weren't for Madam Pomfrey, another minute or two I could've lost my arm there." He answered. "Quiet down, Malfoy. You're alright, Madam Pomfrey said there was barely a scar." Enzo chuckled. "How would you know? You're not feeling my pain." He rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I'm going over to Harry, I'll see you guys later?" I said, standing up from my seat as they nodded in response.
I walked towards Harry's table, "At least Hagrid didn't get fired." I heard. "He's getting fired?" I asked, drawing their attention, "maybe. Thanks to your slytherin boyfriend." Weasley said, looking at me up and down. "Draco's father is furious." I said, ignoring Weasley as the other two sighed.
"He's been sighted! He's been sighted!" Finnigan shouted, carrying the Daily Prophet. "Who has?" I asked. "Sirius Black!" He answered before Harry and I glanced at eachother in panic. I quickly ran towards Finnigan, pushing Weasley out of my way as I did so. "Dufftown? That's not far from here." Hermione sighed. "You don't think he'd come to Hogwarts, do you?" Longbottom questioned.
At that point, I'd stopped listening, backing away from the little crowd as I went back to my seat. "What's wrong with your face?" Draco asked me, "Charming as always, Draco." I sighed, grabbing my bag and shoving my books inside. "Woah, woah, where are you running off to? We don't have class with the new Professor for like another 2 hours." Pansy said. "Nowhere, I'm just heading back to our dorm. I'll see you guys later." I said before quickly fastening my pace out of the Great Hall.

Just as I'd reached my dorm, I heard another pair of footsteps as I turned around to see Draco. "What?" I asked. "Nothing, I'm a Slytherin too, you know." He answered back cockily. "Pure blood." I rolled my eyes at the password. I wasn't even a pure blood.

It had been about two hours and I did not want to be late to the new Professors class. Wouldn't want to make a bad impression.
I quickly grabbed my back and robe before heading out of my dormitories.


"Intriguing, isn't it? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" Professor Lupin asked, referring to the closet that rattled constantly. "That's a boggart." Theo answered, "Very good, Mr. Nott." Lupin praised before the closet rattled again. "Now can anyone tell me what a Boggart looks like?" He asked again, "No one knows," Hermione said, startling me. Was she always right here? "They take shape of whatever the particular person fears the most."
"That's what makes them so terrifying, yes, excellent work, Ms Granger." Lupin said. "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart." He said as I leaned in closer to listen. "After me, Riddikulus." He said as the entire class repeated after him. "Very good, a little louder now." He said, "Riddikulus." The class chanted once again. "This class is ridiculous." Draco sneered as I rolled my eyes. "No, I like it." I said. "Of course you do, Potter." He grinned teasingly. His grin.. well it did something to me as I looked away. What was this feeling?

"Now, the spell isn't the only thing to repel a boggart. A big factor is laughter, to turn your fear into something funny. Let me have a volunteer.. Neville! Join me here please." Professor Lupin said, calling Neville to the front as he followed. "Tell me, Neville. What frightens you most?" He asked followed by a mumble Neville let out. "Sorry?" Lupin said, asking Neville to repeat himself. "Professor snape." He said as the class chuckled. "What a moron." Draco scoffed, causing Crabbe and Goyle to laugh behind him at the lame remark.  "Yes, he frightens all." Lupin said, chuckling. "And I believe you live with your grandmother?" He asked, "Yes, but I don't want that Boggart to turn into her either!" Neville said quickly, causing me to unintentionally scoff. "Look at the Slytherin coming out of you." Theo said, nudging my shoulder playfully. "Shut up, Nott." I rolled my eyes playfully, shaking by head before I turned my attention back to Lupin.
He'd asked Neville to imagine his grandmother's clothes to which Theo and Draco made a silly, innapropriate joke about. Teenage boys. Lupin then whispered something into Neville's as the boy's eyes turned into a mix of fear and hesitation as he pulled out his wand, aiming it at the boggart-closet.
Lupin soon twisted the knob on the wardrobe using his wand as Professor Snape strolled out. I heard Draco laugh around with his friends beside him as they called Neville all sorts of names.
"Riddikulus!" Neville said, as Professor Snape's robes transformed into those of an old lady's. Laughter and giggles filled the room as Lupin praised him. "Everyone, form a line now!" He said. Of course, Draco and Nott began pushing a few students around to make room for themselves as I squeezed behind Draco and ahead Pansy.
"I want everyone to picture the thing they fear the very most.. and turn it into something funny." Lupin shouted, playing a track on his music box.
"Next, Ron!" I scoffed at his name, crossing my arms as I tried to get a look at his pathetic face once the boggart came out.
The boggart transformed into a humongous spider as Weasley whined, pulling his wand out as his hands shaked. "Ridikkulus." He stammered before the eight legs of the spider stood on roller skates, once again, causing laughter and commotion.
It was about another ten or so students before Harry came on. Dementor. I gasped, covering my mouth, as Harry took a few wobbly steps back right before Lupin ran in front of Harry.
A moon? Lupin was afraid of the moon? "Riddikus!" Lupin shouted as the moon from the boggart flew around the room as a balloon before landing on my feet. I kicked it away quickly before turning my attention to Draco.
"Dementors. Seriously? He's scared of those?" Draco scoffed as Lupin began dismissing the students. "It was a traumatic experience, Draco." I sighed, crossing my arms as I squeezed my way out the small door which was bombarded with students, "Traumatic." Draco scoffed, "He knows nothing about traumatic experiences." He muttered again, much slower. "What?" I asked, turning my head to him, "Nothing."

I'm back!!!!!

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