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'Tutor me, maybe?'

I was walking down the hall, trying to find my transfiguration— .. ugh.. I bumped into something. Well, someone.

'Oh, I'm so sorry!' A girl said, it was the same girl from the carriage in the Hogwarts Express.
'I'm sorry as well' I replied as I got myself up. 'Hermione, right?' I asked her.
'Yes! Pleasure to meet you Y/n!' Hermione said, forwarding her hand.
'The pleasure is all mine!' I said smiling while shaking her hand,
'Which class do you have?' She asked me.
'Transfiguration, you?' I replied.
'Oh, transfiguration aswell! I'll show you the way if you like. You look lost.' She said giggling.
'Is it that obvious?' I asked scratching the back of my head.

'Here we are!' She said.
'Oh, you're early, girls.' The professor said. 'Please, take a seat in the frount.' She said.
Gradually, the class was full of students. I wanted to talk to Hermione but her head was stuck in the book. 'Transfiguration for Begginers,'
'Hello y/n.' Draco spoke from beside me. Hermione was too focused to notice.
'Oh hi Draco!' I replied.
'Where's your brother?' He asked curiously,
'Not sure.. he might've gotten lost.' I answered looking across the room.
'Or not?' He said chuckling at the door.
Harry had arrived with Ron. They seem to have been relieved that Professor mcgonagall wasn't here.. poor boys, a cat had jumped in front of them and transformed into Professor Mcgonagall.
'brilliant!' Ron said with amazement.

'Okay, that's all for today children. Please make your way safely towards your next class.' She said.
'What do you have next?' I asked hermione.
'Er.. history of magic!' 'How about you?' She asked. (A/N: I know hermione has potions along with Harry and Ron but for the drama between y/n, Draco and Harry.. she has to go.)
'Oh darn.. I've gotten double potions..' I huffed.
'Potions near your dormitory's, shouldn't be hard to find..' she said smiling slightly.
'Thank you, good luck with History of Magic!' I said as she hurried off to her class.
'YOU TOO WITH POTIONS!!' She shouted.

'Ditched by mudblood?' Draco tapped my shoulder.
'Mudblood?' I asked in confusion.
'It stands for dirty blood. Means someone who doesn't have a witching family. Non magical folks.' He explained.
'It's sounds rude.' I furrowed my brows.
'Your a slytherin y/n. Gryffindors are our sworn enemy's! You can be hanging out with the mudblood.' He scolded me.
'Don't call her a mudblood, Draco.' I gently hit his shoulder.
'Whatever, what do you have now?' He said diverting the topic.
'Potions.' I said.
'Perfect, we're same. Follow me!' He exclaimed.

'The class is a bit creepy.' I whispered to him.
'You don't have to whisper, you know?' He laughed.
'Help me catch up with few concepts?' I smiled at him.
'Have you not studied anything?' He sounded almost disgusted.
'No, Draco. In the realization of that I was a witch and after finding out my parents were killed by a dark creature and not in a car crash and that I can perform magic—' I stopped catching my breath, 'I couldn't remember to learn potions.' I finished.
'Your life really is pathetic.' He said removing his books.
Just then, the door burst open revealing a man dressed in dark robes, slightly long dark hair, storming down the hallway— wait a minute, this was that man I saw during the feast!

'There will not be foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class.' He announced. He spoke a bit more but I was focused on his gaze. It moved from Susan, a Hufflepuff to William, Gryffindor, Ronald and then— landed on me.
'... to not pay attention!' He shouted as his gaze lifted from me towards Harry.
'The potter twins.. our new celebrities.' Seems as if people here are almost.. obsessed with us.
Professor had shot a question our way. How did he expect us to revise on every topic when we just found out we had magical blood in us couple days ago!?

'You're lucky, you do know that right?' Draco nudged me as we were walking towards the great hall.
'Lucky? How so?' I stopped.
'Luckier than your brother anyway. Snape favourites Slytherins.' He smirked as he continued to walk.
'Tutor me, maybe?' I asked. (A/N: please 😭 their 11 don't expect any.. HBP tutoring lessons involving kisses. Maybe tutoring lessons might not stop this year. :))

'Hello Y/n!' Pansy exclaimed as I sat next to her.
'hello!' I giggled
'Forgive me for my foolishness.' She said laughing.
'Would you like to meet my friends?' She asked.
'Sure, I'd like some company in this house.' I said.
'This is Daphne, Daph-' Pansy was interrupted by a blonde girl.
'Daphne Greengrass. Pleasure to meet you, y/n Potter.' The girl who's name was Daphne said forwarding her hand towards me.
'Pleasures all mine, Daphne.' I smiled shaking her hand.
'err.. Daphne has a sister, Astoria. Although she was sorted into Ravenclaw.' Pansy told me. (A/N: I searched Astorias house and apparently I found 2 results which said she was in either slytherin or Ravenclaw so for some drama, Astorias a Ravenclaw.)
'Apart from Daphne, Draco Malfoy is also a good friend of mine since we were 3.' She chuckled.
'Oh, yes, I've met him.' 'We had potions together.' I smiled.
'Really? You.. did?' Daphne said, almost as if she was disgusted.
'Great, now that we've all met eachother.' 'Where is Draco?' Pansy said ignoring Daphne.
'Here.' Draco said walking towards us with his two goons following him like puppy's.
'Oh, right, forgot to mention Crabbe and Goyle.' Pansy said looking at them up and down.

We all sat down, and heard Professor dumbledores speech before the entire hall was filled with the scent of delicious pies and all sorts of meals. God, I love magic.

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