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'Good Merlin!'

'Hey Hermione!' I tapped her on the shoulder.
'Hello y/n!' She responded.
'How'd you do it?' I asked.
'Do what exactly?'
'The spell. On your first try too!' I smiled.
'I suppose I've read too much about Hogwarts and it's history.' She sighed.
'Maybe help me learn? I wanted to ask Draco but I presume he's busy with Daphne.' I said, scratching my head.
'Malfoy and his goons are no good, Y/n. You'll only get into trouble with the group.' She responded.
'I do need friends in my house.' I said.
'Fine, I'll tutor if you promise to learn.' She smiled.
'Great! Thank you Hermione!' We giggled.

'Oh! Look, there Ron and Harry.. with some other boy.' I said pointing out at my brother.
'Ah! I think that's Seamus, Seamus Finnigan!' She said.
'Let's go to them.' I said, running towards the trio.
'Y/n! Hey.' Harry said.
'Hello Harry.' I joined.
'ugch, she's a nightmare, honestly! No wonder she's got no friends.' Ron squeaked from behind us— he was talking about Hermione. I turned around to look for her, maybe I could get her away from these cruel people, nevermind, she hit Ron's shoulder and was running to the girl bathroom.
'I think she heard you.' Harry said.
'You think!? That was just rude, Ronald.' I stared at him.

I ran after her, how could he— why did he have to be so rude towards her. She was simply trying to help him. Lost in my thoughts, I heard a silent sob near the girls toilets. Must be Hermione.
'Hermione?' 'Are you in here?' I whispered.
Another sob.
'Hermione, come out, please. Im sure he didn't mean it.' I was lying, of course I wasn't forgiving him.
'How would you know, Y/n?' She sobbed out.
'I-' before I could finish, a loud bang was heard— and it was not from Hermiones stall.
'What was that!?' Hermione whispered as she threw herself out of the toilet.
'I- I'm not so sure.' I stuttered.

'GYAAH—' I screamed— anyone would, there was a- a creature as big as the size of a grown tree!
'RUN!' Hermione shouted as she pulled my sleeve into a stall.
And moments after, that thing demolished all the stalls with his.. err.. thorny baseball bat. We could hear another door open— oh good merlin, it must be the professors— Harry. And Ronald. Just who we needed.
'Y/N, HERMIONE, MOVE!' Harry shouted. Oh I can't explain how weak I felt while Harry saved me.
'HELP!!' Hermione shouted, I honestly looked for another hiding spot while Harry and Ron threw pieces wood at that thing.
'Hermione! Quick, under the sink!' I shoved her.
'HELPP!' She screamed again after the thing bashed the sink.
'GYAH- HARRY! STOP—' That moron he was riding the thing!
eughh.. he stuck his wand in the things nose.
'Do something!' He shouted to Ron.
'W- what!?' He cried.
'Anything, Ronald!' Hermione shouted from beside me.
'Swish and flick, Ronald! Hurry up!' I shouted.
'Wingardium Leviosa.' He shouted.
'Harry move!' That thing was going to fall on him!

'Good Merlin!' Professor Mcgonagall yelled.

(A/N: Yus I'm back :) my exams are officially over (if you don't count results) so my focus will be completely on finishing this book, or atleast this year.

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