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"Ah, there's the Potter who caught Malfoy's eye."

"Today, we acknowledge a terrible loss. Cedric Diggory as you all know was exceptionally hardworking.." I sighed, my heart aching as I thought of him. "Most importantly, he was a fierce.. a fierce friend." I looked around me, the Hufflepuff table was in tears at Dumbledores speech. To be honest, I would be too if I had not spent all night crying.

"Now, I think, therefore, you have the right to know exactly how he died. You see.. Cedric Diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort." I visibly flinched at the mere mention of his name. I will never forget that night, not in a million years. "The ministry of magic doesn't want me telling you this. But not to do so would be an insult to his memory." I heard a sniffle behind me. Dumbledore really had a way with words if he could make Slytherins tear up.

"In light of recent events, the bonds of friendship we've made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that, and Cedric Diggory will not have died in vain. You remember that. And we'll celebrate a kind, honest, and very brave boy."

I walked out of the Great Hall as Cedric's ceremony came to an end. I spotted Harry in the distance and ran towards him.
"Harry!" He stopped, looking back. "Hey, how are you? I know you two were close." He asked. I swallowed, shrugging softly. "He's in a better place now. That's all that matters." Harry nodded.

"Uhm.. there was something else I needed to discuss." I said nervously. "Is it about what Voldemort said? I'm sure it's nothing, Y/n. He was simply trying to get under your skin." I nodded my head at his words. "I suppose you're right." He smiled at my reply. "I have to get to my friends now, I'll see you later Harry." I turned around, making my way towards the group.

"Ah, there's Potter who caught Malfoy's eye." I raise my eyebrows at Theo. "What?" I ask awkwardly. "He told us, Malfoy. How you two shared a sweet kiss." Theo said, imitating a kiss with his hands.
I rolled my eyes playfully, trying to hide my smile. "Shove off, Nott." I looked away, my eyes meeting with Draco.
We held contact for a moment before I felt a nudge from Pansy.

"Ouch?" I scoff playfully, "you didn't tell me!" She scoffed. "Well, I was going to. But then I was almost killed." She rolled her eyes, "oh, whatever." We laughed for a moment before her eyes landed behind me. I followed her gaze.
"I think he's waiting for you, so I'm not gonna occupy you any longer." I roll my eyes playfully, walking towards Draco.

"So. You told them?" I asked, folding my arms. "I suppose I did." He sighed playfully. "Even Daphne?" I asked to which he nodded his head, "I'd recommend you stay clear of her path, Potter." I chuckle at his response. "Right, there she comes." I sigh, looking behind Draco as she walked towards us, ahead of Enzo.

"Did you and Enzo make up then?" I asked. He rolled his eyes, "we never fought." This time, I rolled my eyes. "Come on, Draco." He sighed at me. "No. And I won't unless he apologises." He answers, saying it a little louder so that Enzo hears him. Enzo rolls his eyes, putting his arm around Daphne as Pansy and Theo join us.

"Do you think we'll ever just have a quiet year at Hogwarts?" Pansy snickers, breaking the minute of silence. "No." We say in unison, breaking into a laugh. "Oh, well. What's life without a few dragons?" Theo shrugs.
"Promise me you'll write this summer. All of you." I sigh as we walk towards the little balcony. "I'll try— have I mentioned my trip to France this summer?" Daphne says. At least she isn't mad at me.
"Yes, Daphne, about a hundred times now." Enzo answers with a scoff.

I chuckle as we reach the balcony— all six of us looking at the clear sky.

I love the little slytherin group bonding here, their all so cute omd

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