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"You love Malfoy!?"

Dear Sirius,
I know I left with us being on the wrong page and I would want to apologise for that. It was my mistake. I understand there's a reason you and Lupin and many others won't tell me who I really am.. but I'm going to be patient and hope for only the best. Although, there's another matter I didn't quite tell you and Lupin about. I thought it was useless until I thought back at it. The night at the graveyard, Voldemort promised to reveal my family if I let him.. well.. kill Harry. It's sounds strange to me because why exactly would he need my permission or consent to kill or harm Harry in any way? I've spoken to Pansy about it too and she's given me a few books I've been procrastinating on reading. If you have any idea, please do let me know.

Y/n P̶o̶t̶t̶e̶r̶


I walked into the Great Hall hours later, hoping Daphne had remained quiet. Taking a quick glance around made it clear that she had. I sighed out of relief before walking towards the Slytherin Table. I saw an empty seat beside Draco and one beside Pansy. I heard footsteps behind me to see that Daphne, too, had reached.

Draco spotted me, patting the seat beside him. I paused for a moment before making way towards Pansy to sit beside her. I looked back at Draco who had a twist in his eyebrows, staring at while Daphne sat beside him with a proud smile across her face.

The next second, we were able to hear Professor McGonagall and Umbridge arguing over something. The students in the Great Hall exchanged a look before making their way towards the staircases.

"Pardon me, Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" Umbridge scoffed, "I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." I swallowed softly, looking down at my still-red-scar. "So silly of me, but it sounds.. as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom." Umbridge said. "Not at all, Dolores, merely your medivial methods."

"I'm sorry Minevera, but to question my practises is to question the Ministry. And by extension, the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman, but one thing I will never tolerate is disloyalty." Umbridge said. "Disloyalty?" McGonagall scoffed.

"Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared.. Cornelius will want to take immediate action!"

The next few days were depressing. Umbridge had called all students for a special meeting. Alone. I wonder how well that would go.
There were rumors of her slipping Truth Potions into the tea— so now I know not to drink it.

Merlin's beard, Pansy told me there was a time when her and Theo were.. uhm.. kissing. And Umbridge pulled the two apart. Is that even allowed?

During one of Trelawney's classes, Umbridge came in for inspection— asking the stupidest questions.

Another time when Theo, Draco and Enzo had just come back from Flying Lessons— their clothes were undone, shirts untucked— and again, Umbridge used her little magical charm to fix it up for them.

Yesterday, when I was with Daphne in Potions class she began interrogating Snape. Guess how well that went.

Earlier this evening, I was with Fred and George while they blasted their fireworks around the courtyard— Umbridge had to come confiscate it, giving us detention.

The next few weeks were a trance. She kept installing the most useless and pathetic rules which weren't even necessary.
All Weasley products banned.
Girls could not keep their hair untied.
You weren't allowed to skip a class— even if you were sick.

I'm so done with her shit at this point.


After my potions class I had with Daphne, we walked out to see the students running towards the courtyard. "What's happening." Daphne muttered, pushing past a few first years to make her way there. I shrugged, following behind her.

We watched from the hallways while Filch carried Trelawney's luggage. Was she leaving? "Draco, what's happening?" I asked the blonde boy. "She's being fired." He replied. I raised my brows. Well, good riddance. Never liked the woman.

"You can't do this." Trelawney sobbed, "actually, I can." Umbridge said, holding up a piece of parchment. God, I hate this woman. Just then, McGonagall ran out, hugging Trelawney in a way to comfort her.

"Something you'd like to say, dear?" Umbridge asked McGonagall, "Oh, there are several things I would like to say." She responded.

The door burst open, revealing Dumbledore. "Professor McGonagall, might I ask you to escort Sybil back inside?" He ordered as McGonagall wiped Trelawney's tears, taking her back in the castle. "Dumbledore. May I remind you that under the terms of—" her squeaky voice was soon cut off by Dumbledore. "You have the right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however have the authority to banish them from the grounds." He said in a stern voice. After a short pause, Umbridge spoke again. "Yet."


In the distance I was able to spot Harry sulking in front of the Grand Staircase. "Harry? What are you doing?" I asked, standing beside him. "Dumbledore's.. ignoring me." He swallowed, his eyes still glued on Dumbelore's office.
"Uhm. Okay." I muttered. "We have to talk, Harry." I said, to which he finally turned his head to look at me. "What's the matter?" He raised a brow. How exactly do you tell your brother of lifetime that you aren't his sister?

"I spoke to Sirius the day of your hearing about what Voldemort told me.." I started, "Merlin, y/n, are you still stuck on that? I told you, you are my sister." My heart sank at his words. I shook my head, "No, Harry. I'm not." I sighed, looking down at my feet. "What do you mean you're not?" He asked cautiously, "it would've been clear to anyone that Sirius and Lupin know something. Something their hiding from me. And it's not just them— it's a ton more people, apparently. The other day, Daphne told me that she knows too but they've all done some sort of stupid Wizard Promise so that I dont find out!" I say in one breath, panting.

Harry stands still for a moment with a frown. "I don't care, you're still my sister, Y/n. You always will be. And I will always protect you the same way I have." He sighs, pulling me in for a hug which I return.
I smile warmly in his arms. "Thank you, Harry. I love you."
"I love you too, Y/n." He said, rubbing my back.

After another moment, I pulled away. "Now that we're on this revealing-your-secrets topic.." I start awkwardly, earning a frown. "I like Draco." I mutter. He raises a brow, "Pardon?" He asks.
"I like Draco. Like, really, really like Draco." I mutter quickly. Harry pauses, simply glaring at me. "What?" He asks sternly. "God, Harry. How many more times are you gonna make me say that I love Draco?" I sigh.

"You love Malfoy!?" He asks again, a little harsher this time. "Oh, my days." I mutter under my breath. "Harry, as my brother, you have to support me in every decision I make." I scold the boy. "Y/n, as your brother I have to advise you on things. And I give you advice that Malfoy's a mad man, he's cruel!" I roll my eyes at him. "That's not advice." I say. "No, Y/n." He says bluntly. "What do you mean no? I'm not asking you, Harry. I'm telling you. And it's really hard for me to do so!" I scoff. Harry looks down at me with a given up expression. "Whatever, don't come crying to me when he hurts you." He sighs loudly.

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