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"I tried to kill you! Thought it'd be easier to go after the other Potter once I'd killed you."

I awoke in the Hogwarts Infirmary, the nurse, Madam Pomfrey was beside me. "Ah, you're awake." She sighed in relief. "What happened..?" I murmured. "Your scar. I'm not sure what caused it, but it was bleeding. Did you feel any pain before you blacked out?" She asked. "Er.. yeah.. a bit of a burning sensation. But it doesn't burn anymore." She rolled her eyes, "Well, of course it doesn't. Here. Drink it." She handed me a glass of a purple, bubbling liquid. "It's sour, but finish it." She continued. I took a sip of it, scrunching my nose in disgust. "Is she awake?" I heard Harry's voice, turning my head around to see him, Hermione and Ron. "She'll be dismissed in a few hours." Madam Pomfrey informed him before she went to check up on another girl. "Harry, what happened?" He sighed, "I don't know. I was talking to the centaur before you fainted." He walked closer. "Are you feeling alright now?" I nodded my head in response. "Much." Then it struck me, I hadn't told them about what Draco said. "Hermione, I know how to get past Fluffy." I said, causing her to snap her head towards me. "Are you sure!?" I nodded my head, "A melody, you play a melody to it and it falls asleep. Then we can go through the trapdoor." Harry and Hermione sighed in relief. "How do you know that?" Ron asked. "Dra- Malfoy. Malfoy told me." I coughed as Ron rolled his eyes. "Can we really trust him? I mean, guys, it's Malfoy!" He huffed, "It's worth a try, Ron." Harry said, trying to convince him as Hermione nodded in agreement. "Fine." Ron muttered. "Great, so today night?" I said. "Are you sure you'll be able to? Don't strain yourself, Y/n." Hermione asked. "I'll be fine, Mione." I smiled. "Alright, it's settled then. We'll meet on the third floor." She said.

"Okay, Ms. Potter. You're free to go now." Madam Pomfrey said as I quickly got up from my seat. "Thank you." I replied with. I still had time before meeting Harry so I decided I'd just go back to my dorm.
"Y/n, are you alright?" I heard Pansy's voice as soon as I entered, catching everyone else's attention. "I'm fine, it wasn't a big deal." I smile awkwardly, "what even happened? We tried visiting you but Madam Pomfrey wouldn't let us." She rolled her eyes. "Uh.. I'm not sure. But I'm fine now." I sigh, taking a glance around the common room where I saw Draco talking to Dafny. Pansy followed my gaze and raised her eyebrows, "Malfoy? Really?" She whispered, causing me to widen my eyes. "What? No. We're barely even friends." I roll my eyes. How could she assume I'd fancy Malfoy? He's.. well, I don't know. I'm too tired for today.

It was 21:00, all students were supposed to be asleep by now. I sighed, slowly getting out of bed and taking a quick glance at the room before I opens my dorm door. Pansy was fast asleep and Dafny had gone to Astoria's dorm. I opened the door, slowly stepping out before shutting it. I turned around to find Draco sitting on the couch with a book in his hand. "You read?" I scoffed, catching his attention. "Obviously? Do you take me as a moron?" He rolled his eyes, shutting the book. "Where are you sneaking off to?"He asked. "No where." I muttered, quietly opening the Common room door, I didn't hear what he said next as I shut the door close.
I fastened my pace to the stairs, cautiously reaching the third floor where I found the three already waiting on me.
"Finally." Ron muttered, "Alright, we've got to be quick." Hermione said.
We slowly walked into the dark corridor, silently. "Ow! You stood on my foot!" Hermione whispered to Ron who quickly apologised quietly. As we got closer, we could hear a melody playing. "Wait a minute.." Ron said, "He's snoring?" I continued. "Looks like Snape's already been here." Harry said, pointing to the harp. "He's put a spell on the harp." We walked towards the trapdoor, "Eugh, he's got troll breath." I look down to his paw which was above the trapdoor. "We've got to move his paw." I sighed, "What!?" Ron's voice followed before he was pulled by Harry. "Come on." He said. The three of us slowly pushed the large heavy paw, opening the trapdoor. "I'll go first, don't fall in until I give you a sign." I stopped listening to Harry, my gaze moving to Fluffy who was slowly opening his eyes. "Oh, my god." I muttered. "Doesn't it seem a bit quiet..?" Harry asked. "Guys, stay quiet. Fluffy's up." I whispered right before a large amount of stinky saliva dropped on Ron's shoulder who seemed as if he wanted to cry. "Ugh! Yuck!" He groaned. I look up, pushing the three in there as we screamed.
"Woah!" Harry exclaimed, as chains began wrapping around our arms and legs. "Stop moving!" I heard Hermione's voice call out, immediately stiffening my body as I shut my eyes and it worked, I let out a sigh of relief. "Weasley, Harry, relax! If you don't, it'll only kill you faster!" I shouted to the two. "Kill us faster!? Oh, now I can relax!" Ron groaned, as I gave him a sarcastic smile. Slowly, the chains pulled Hermione and I, dropping us to the floor. "Thank god, Hermione you're genius." I sighed, causing Hermione to giggle. "Y/n! Hermione, where are you!?" I heard Harry's voice. "Just relax!" She shouted up. Soon, Harry too fell down, followed by a Ron screaming "Harry!" I sigh, "he's not relaxing, is he?" I said. "Apparently not." Harry replied. "I've gotta do something!" Hermione frantically started walking around. "The sun, Hermione! Light!" I quickly reminded her. Hermione sighed in relief, pulling out her wand as she cast a spell. "Lumos!" She shouted as a bright light sparked out. "Ron, are you okay!?" Harry asked the boy. "Yeah. Wew, luckily we didn't panic." He laughed awkwardly as I glared at him. "Lucky Y/n and Hermione pay attention in Herbology and Charms." Harry rolled his eyes playfully. We remained silent for a few seconds, hearing distant fluttering. "What's that?" Hermione asked. "I don't know.. sounds like.." Harry squinted, "Wings?" I suggested. "Yeah." He answered. We walked towards the noise, where we found tons of.. birds? Well there were keys attached to wings. "Their keys." I said, "Yeah, and I bet one of them fits that door." Harry pointed to the door. "What do we do? There must be a thousand keys up there!" Hermione grunted, "Well, we're looking for a big ol' fashioned one." Ron responded. "Look! There!" I pointed to one. "Harry. There's a broom, you've got to do it. You're the best at flying." I shove him softly, though he remained silent. "What's wrong, Harry?" Hermione asked, "It's.. too simple." He sighed. "Come on, Harry. If Snape can do it, so can you!" I nodded my head, "Weasley's right, Harry. And if you need help, there's two brooms." I smiled encouragily. "Okay. I'll do it." As soon as he grabbed the broom, the keys began swarming him like bees swarming a honeycomb. While trying to look for it, he almost tripped. "Y/n!" Hermione shouted, I rolled my eyes, hopping onto one of the brooms. The keys began swarming me too, but they were less. I squinted my eyes, trying to look clearly for the slow key. "Y/n! There, get it!" I heard Ron's voice as I turned my head for it, rushing to get it. Once I did, I threw it down to Hermione as she tried unlocking the door. "Hermione, faster!" Harry shouted. Once they'd opened it, Harry flew towards me, "Y/n, on the count of three, okay?" He shouted, as I nodded my head.
"1," I got my broom steady to fly.
"2," Hermione and Ron walked out of the path, holding the door.
"..3!" He shouted as the two of us flew in at the same speed.
I let out a loud breath as we got in.
"Where are we?" I asked, looking around the room. "A graveyard?" Hermione asked, "It's no graveyard.." Ron muttered. "It's Wizards chess!" He shouted in realisation. "There's a door there!" I pointed behind one of the characters. As we started walking, the bishops pulled out their swords, causing us to stumble back.
"We have to play our way across the game." Ron sighed, "Okay, Harry, you take the empty Bishop square, Hermione, you'll be the queens sidecard, Y/n, you take the Rook, and as for me.. I'll be a knight." He said the roles as we too our respective places.
"What happens now?" Hermione asked. "Well, white moves first.." .. "Then, we play." Ron answered. "Ron, you don't suppose it'll be like actual Wizard chess.. do you?" Hermione asked, panic filling her voice. Ron shook his head before commanding, "you there! D-5!" He said before the character moved, slicing the other statues head off. "Y-yes, Hermione. I think this is gonna be.. exactly like Wizard chess." Ron shouted a few more commands around the place before it all fell silent. "Wait a minute.." Harry paused, "Harry, once I make my move. The queen will take me." He sighed, "But you're free, to check the king." Oh my god. "No, Ron, No!" I shouted, "What is it!?" Hermione shouted back. "He's going to sacrifice himself!" I replied, "No, you can't!" She shouted, at Ron this time. "There must be another way!"
"Do you wanna stop Snape from getting that stone or not?" He turned to the two of us. "Harry, Y/n. It's you two who have Togo on! I know it." He explained. He took a deep breath before commanding, "knight to H-3!"
Within seconds, the queen walked towards Ron's knight, hitting his head as Ron fell. "Ron!" I shouted before I saw Hermione moving. "Don't move, we're still playing!" Harry warned her. "Checkmate." I commanded as the statue fell itself.
As soon as the game was over, Harry, Hermione and I ran over to Ron. "Take care of him." Harry told Hermione. "Send a message to Dumbledore. Ron's right. We have to go alone." I sighed. "You'll be okay, Harry, Y/n. You two are great wizards, really are." She smiled. "Not as good as you." Harry smiled back. "Never, as good as you, Hermione." I added. "Me? Boos and cleverness. There are more important things. Friendship, and bravery." She smiled softly. "Be careful." She said before Harry and I turned around to leave.
I sighed, "What do we do now?" I asked him as the pain in my scar returned, worse than last time. "I'm not sure." He turned to look at me, "Y/n? Are you okay?" He asked. "I- my scar hurts. Does yours?" I look up at him, "Not a lot.." he responded before looking down the stairs where we saw Professor Quirell. "You?" Harry spoke in disbelief as Quirell turned around. "No, it can't be.." I furrow my brows, still holding my scar in pain as it gradually got worse. But I had to stay strong right now. "It.. it was Snape-" Harry stuttered. "Yes. It does seem that way, doesn't it? Next to him, who would suspect p-p-poor st-stuttering Professor Q-Quirell?" He mocked the last few words. "But that day.. during the Quidditch match.." I tried to recall what I remembered from that day. "Snape tried to kill me!" Harry said, "No, dear boy. I tried to kill you. Thought it'd be easier to go after the other Potter.." His gaze stayed on me for a second, "once I'd killed you." He continued. "And trust me, if Snape's cloak had my caught fire, I'd been able to have finished my job and killed you both. Even with Snape muttering little counter-curses." I was shocked by his words, Snape tried to protect us?
Argh. My scar! It burns.
I took a step back, my mind blacking out from the conversation before a loud voice rang in my ear. "Use the girl." It said loudly right before Quirell shouted at me. "Come here, Potter!" Harry slowly pulled me towards him. "Tell me, what do you see?" I squeezed my eyes open, seeing myself. Myself, shoving a hand through my pocket as I rummaged for something, the something being the Philosophers Stone. I cautiously looked down to my pocket, poking it as I felt the stone. "What is it!? What do you see?" He shouted again. "I-I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the House cup for Slytherin." Once again, the voice rang loudly in my head. "She lies!" It roared. "Tell the truth!" Quirell shouted again. I sighed looking at Harry as I signalled to tell him that the stone was in my pocket as he raised his eyebrows. "She's saying the truth. We see the same thing." Harry shouted back. Then suddenly, he pulled me a few steps back as Quirell removed the turban he had on.
I groaned in disgust as I saw a face on the back of his head, just looking at his face.. Voldemort's face made my head hurt harder. "Argh! My head." I winced as his voice cackled through the silent room. "Potter twins.. we meet again." Harry looked terrified, "Voldemort.." he muttered. "The unicorn blood cannot give me a body of my own.. but there is something that can. And it is in Y/n Potter's pocket and this very moment." Harry grabbed my arm, running up the stairs. Just then, fire lit up around the room. "Don't be a fool. Why act heroic, when you two can join me to power instead?" He hissed, "Never!" I shouted, my scar burning even more. It felt as if someone was carving it into my skin. "Bravery.." he groaned, "your parents had it too. Tell me, Y/n, Harry. Would you like to see them again?" That caught Harry's attention. "Don't fall for it, Harry." I shoved him out of his transe. "Shut your mouth, girl!" He roared again. "Harry, I can bring them back. All I ask is for someone in return." Harry turned to look at me while I glared at him. He took the stone out my pocket examining it for a second. "That's it, Harry." He whispered loudly. "Just give me the stone!" He shouted, his voice cracking as he did. "Don't. Do it, Harry." I whispered, as I found Voldemort's gaze on me. His gaze only made the scar burn more, making me fall to the ground as I screamed. "Choose wisely, Harry." I heard Voldemort's voice again. "You liar!" He shouted. "Kill him!" Voldemort roared back louder, and almost immediately, Quirell jumped onto Harry. "Get off of him!" I tried pushing his hand away, turning it into steam and coal as he screamed. I quickly jumped away, but atleast Harry was free. "How.." I started, "I don't know how, but don't stop, Y/n!" Harry shouted, bringing his hands to Quirell face as I did the same. Not a second later, he turned into stone, breaking down into tiny pieces of rocks. I clasped my hands to my mouth in fear as Harry grabbed the stone. We smiled at eachother, turning around to see smoke in the shape of Voldemort's face as it went through us painfully.
And we blacked out.

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