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As we we all were chatting and walking up the stairs back to our dorms all of the sudden the stairs started moving—
'What's happening!?' Ron squeaked out.
'The staircases change, remember?' I said.

'Let's get off before they move again.' Harry said, carefully waking towards the door in front of us four.
'egh— it's dusty.' I said, squinting my eyes.
'What? Are you allergic to dust or something?' Ron said sarcastically.
'Yes Ron, yes I actually am.' I smiled sarcastically.
'oh.' he said walking away from me.
'Does anybody feel we shouldn't be here?' He said.
'We're not supposed to be here!' Hermione squeaked at him. 'It's the third floor, it's forbidden!' She said again.
'Let's leave—' Just as Harry could finish his sentence, we saw a cat— oh, merlin. It was Filch's cat!
'It's filch's cat!—' hermione said.
'Run!' Harry said running like a scared rabbit.
'Quick! Let's hide through that door!' I yelled pointing at a door.
'UGH, ITS LOCKED!' Harry panicked.
'that's it. We're done for.' Ron said practically giving up.
'Oh, move over you drama queen!' Hermione said pulling the two away.
'Alohomora.' She said.
'Alohomoara?' I asked her.
'Standard book of spells! Chapter 7.' She said almost sounding as of she had memorised every page.

Filchs POV:
'Anyone here, my sweet?' I asked Mrs.Norris while looking around the room.
'Come on..' I walked out.
Stupid children.

Y/n POV:
'It was locked, the door.' Hermione answered to Ron's question which I didn't pay attention to, I was preoccupied by what was in front of me.
'Was locked, and for a good reason.' Harry whispered.
There was a big— no, ginormous.. dog? I think it's a dog.. yes, a three headed black scary huge dog. And it got up.
'SHUT THE DOOR—' I heard Ron scream at Harry.
'fuck.' I sighed.
'What did you say?' Hermione stared at me.
'Oh, come on Hermione.' I said panting off to my dorm.

Hermione POV:
'What are they doing!? .. keeping a thing like that locked up in school..' Ron started blabbering.
'You don't use your eyes, do you? Didn't you see what it was standing on!?' I scolded Ron.
'I wasn't looking at its feet, I was a bit preoccupied with its heads— or maybe you didn't notice..— THERE WERE THREE.' He screamed back at me.
'It was standing on a trap door. It wasn't there by accident!' I said after letting out a small sigh, 'it's guarding something.' I told the two.
'Guarding something?' Harry turned to me.
'That's right.' I replied. 'Now.. if you two don't mind, I'm doing to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed..— or worse.. expelled.' I said it all in one breath.
I swear I heard Ronald say something along with "priorities".— I can't lose my focus on these two, I have to get my homework for Madame Hooch done. And learn a few spells for tomorrows class.

Y/n POV:

'Hey—! Where were you yesterday, Y/n?' Draco asked me.
'Oh. Err— with uh.. Harry. And Ron, and hermione.' I replied.
'With Scarhead, the blood traitor and Mudblood?' He scoffed, 'a great taste in friends you have, y/n Potter.'
'Might I remind you, I have a scar on my head aswell.— and please, stop calling them that. Especially Hermione.' I said, annoyed.
'Merlin, what's got your wand in a knot?' He said chuckling a bit.
'Didn't get sleep yesterday.' I answered. 'I was finishing studies for todays Herbology class.' I said.
'You like Herbology?' He scrunched up his nose.
'Not as much as how much you like gelling your hair.' I giggled.
'Very funny.' He said sarcastically.
'I didn't intend it to be.' I replied smiling.
'But yes, Herbology does sound cool. Interesting.' I said, checking the huge book once again.
'You're one weird Slytherin, Y/n.' He chuckled as we walked off to Charms class.

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