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"So I hear you've gotten closer to Draco?"

Back on the Hogwarts Express. I found a carriage with only Daphne in it.
The others must be arriving soon.
I opened the carriage door, letting myself in. "Y/n. Hello." She greeted.
"Hey, Daphne. How was your summer?" I asked, sitting across her. "Alright. Yours?" She smiled. But it wasn't a genuine smile. "Yeah. Alright." I smiled back nervously.

"So. I hear you've gotten closer to Draco?" Oh, god. "No, not really. If anything, we've drifted apart." I said.
She stared at me. "Really?" She asked, clearly not buying it. "Really." I nodded my head.
Merlin, Pansy. Where are you?
Just then, the carriage door opened. Draco. Perfect. Just perfect.

"Hi, dray!" Daphne said, shifting a little for Draco to sit next to her. He did.
A part of me was hoping he'd sit next to me.
"How was your summer?" She asked. Draco was still wearing the suit. "Not bad." He sighed, leaning back on the chair.
There was a moment of silence before Enzo walked in.
He quickly greeted us, making his way next to me. "Where's the rest?" He asked the group. Where were the rest?
"Some other carriage, I presume." Draco replied, glaring at Enzo. Had they gotten into an argument?
I didn't give it much a thought.

The rest of the train ride was boring. Daphne batted her eyes at Draco as he went on about his trip abroad. Enzo was quiet. So was I.

Another hour, and we had reached Hogwarts. This time, without the invasion of Dementors.

"What's going on?" I asked. Almost every student was cheering near the upper yard. "New students for the cup. It's being hosted at Hogwarts." Pansy answered behind me. I quickly turned around hugging her.
"It is so good to see a friendly face again." I groaned into her arms as she giggled, hugging me back. "Was Malfoy not with you?" I pursed my lips, letting go of her. "He didn't mention the kiss." Pansy sighed, rubbing my shoulder.
"I'm sure he was tired, Y/n." I gave her a smile.

"Welcome back to another Year at Hogwarts." I rolled my eyes. The same old speech, every year.
My eyes travelled around the room, soon landing on Draco.
He looked at me. I waved. He didn't. Well, talk about embarrassing.
"So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event!" I turned my attention to Dumbledore. "The Triwizard Tournament!" I narrowed my eyes. The Triwizard Tournament?

"Now, please help me in welcoming the laddie of Beauxbatons!" The sound of the door opening was heard. I turned around.
There were a dozen pretty women who walked in gracefully. All the boys were swooning over them.
Once they were done, there was a standing applause. From Harry, especially.
I rolled my eyes.

"Now, for the proud sons of Durmstrang." The doors opened once more as another dozen men walked in. Swords at their hips as they escorted their Headmaster.
Lastly walked in, Viktor Krum.
Well that one certainly caught Granger's eye.

"Alright, let's get to the good stuff." Theo smirked. "The Yule Ball!" I furrowed my brows.
"And what's that?" I asked. "Well, Potter, think of it like a muggle school dance—" Blaise said before being interrupted. "But much better than Muggle ones." Draco spoke. I glanced at him.
"Malfoy. Who're you going with?" Blaise asked. ".. I don't know. Yet." He answered, taking his eyes off of me.
Pansy cleared her throat, "I know who I'm going with." I raised my brows, looking back at her.
"Really, Parkinson? Do you now?" Theo said, grinning at her.
Theo and Pansy. You never would've thought.

"Your attention, please!" Dumbledore spoke again.
Draco scoffed, "Is this still not over?"
"Eternal Glory. That's what awaits the student who wins the Tournament." Blaise and Theo looked at eachother. They were definitely gonna do it.
"To do so, you must survive three tasks." Dumbledore said again. "The ministry has imposed a new rule, no student under 17 must enroll." The two groaned.
My eyes shifted behind Dumbledore. There was a strange looking man who entered.

"Look, it's Mad-Eye Moody!" A first year shouted. "Who?" I asked.
Draco leaned forward. "He's an Auror. Half the cells on Azkaban are filled, thanks to him." I nodded my head in understanding. "Oh, Draco. You're so smart." Daphne laughed, earning a short glare from Draco.

Mad-Eye Moody pulled out a bottle, taking a long sip of it. "What's that he's drinking, Draco?" I rolled my eyes at Daphne, internally mocking her. "How am I supposed to know, Greengrass?" He scoffed, shifting away from her.

Dumbledore soon used his wand as the glass cage faded away. A blue fire was lit. "Put your names forth in the Goblet of Fire before this hour on Thursday night, if you wish to enter. Remember, there is no turning back." He said. I heard encouraging whispers from the Hufflepuff Table.
His friends were begging him to put his name forth. His eyes soon landed on mine.
He smiled softly as I did back.
It's just now I've realised how good he looks.

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