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'What an idiot.'

'Mails here!' A boy across the table shouted as we were eating.
And suddenly there were 100's of owls flying all across the Great hall, dropping packages and gifts in the hands of students.
Daphne got a parcel along with a newspaper, I was sure my dead parents wouldn't send anything from up there and neither would Uncle Vernon nor Aunt Petunia.
'Hey, Daphne?' I tapped her shoulder.
'What?' She sighed looking at me.
'Sorry. Could I borrow that newspaper?' I asked.
'Sure. I don't read that trash anyway, take it.' She said before putting all her focus in a letter. I assumed it were from her parents.
'Believed to be the work of dark witches and wizards, gringotts goblins acknowledge the breach but insist nothing was taken. The vault in question, 713 was emptied out the very same day.' Draco read out the newspaper, scooting next to me.
'Vault 713? That's the vault I went t-' I was interrupted by someone shouting my name.
'Y/n! Y/n!!' Harry came running towards the slytherin table. Thank god everyone was chatting so no one heard his girly screams.
'What's wrong?!' I stood up.
'Have you read the paper?' He whispered-shouted dragging me away from the glares of my friends.
'Yes, I have. Vault 713? Isn't that the vault Hagrid went in?' I asked him.
'It is.' Hermione came along with Ron.

'Good afternoon, Class!' The professor, I presume walked in looking cheerful.
'Good afternoon, Madame Hooch!' The class responded.
'Welcome to your first flying class.' Madame Hooch has really, really pretty eyes.
'Everyone step up to your broomstick.' She ordered. 'Stick your hand up and yell; up.' She said.
err- oh! Up.
'Up!' The broom clapped onto my palm. I looked over to see Harry— of course. He was first. Again.
'Now, mount your broom.' 'At the count of 1.. 2.. 3–' Neville had already started shouting and flying up.
''Mr. longbottom!.. 'MR LONGBOTTOM, GET DOWN THIS INSTANT.' She shouted.
Poor Neville only flew higher and higher and soon crashed into the Hogwarts building, fell.
'I want everyone to stay in their place or you'll be out of Hogwarts before you can say; quidditch!' Quidditch? Strange.
'Draco? What is quidditch—' I turned around to see him walking towards the area where Neville fell.
'Did you see his face?' I heard him say as I got closer. 'If that fat lump had given this a squeeze, he'd remember to fall on his fat arse.' Daphne giggled at that.
'Put it down, Draco.' I told him.
'Maybe I'll leave it somewhere for longbottom to find.' He said to Daphne, ignoring my warning.
'Give it here, Malfoy.' Harry said.
Draco just juggled the remembrall Neville had got from his grandmother and took off on his broom, staring at Harry.
'How about on the roof?' He said flying across me and Harry.
'What's the matter, Potter? Bit beyond your reach.' I was sure he was talking to Harry.
'Harry, No.' I said stopping him from mounting his broom.
'You heard what Madame Hooch said!' Hermione told him, supporting me.
'Besides, we don't even know how to fly!' I argued, he simply took off.
'What an idiot.' I murmured to myself.
I couldn't properly hear what the two were arguing about but one thing for sure, Draco threw the remembrall and Harry being the attention-seeking hero he's always been flys to get it. Okay, I know. I know I envy Harry. He just doesn't have to act all.. goody-two-shoes all the time.
'That wasn't funny, Draco.' Pansy nudged him as he flew down.
'Oh, please. What would you know about fun?' Daphne whispered.
'Harry Potter! My office. Now.' Professor mcgonagall shouted at him.
'You must be happy, Y/n.' Draco told me.
'Happy? Why would I be happy now that Harry might get expelled!?' I was upset. Even if I envied Harry, he's still my Brother.
'You were.. jealous of him.' 'You hate him.' He told me, almost sounding unsure at the end.
'When did I ever say that?' I crossed my arms.
'oh. Who cares?' He said.
'I'd like an apology, Draco.' I scolded him.
'For what?' How dare he. he's so occupied by Daphne praising him— Harry was right to deny his handshake.
'You- you're so—' Hermione came up to me as I was speaking.
'Y/n, class is over. Do you want to go meet Harry?' She asked me.
'Harry?— isn't he in trouble?' She dragged me away from them to a narrow corridor where Harry and Ron were chatting.
'Y/n! Guess what?' Harry exclaimed as he saw me.
'You're not expelled?' I chuckled.
'That and, I'm a seeker! For Gryffindor.' He smiled.
'Really!? Now I know we don't know much about this world but I didn't know first years were allowed to get selected!' I said.
'He's the youngest quidditch seeker in about a century!!' Ron said from beside him.
'But- but I don't know how to play Quidditch!' Harry almost shouted at us.
'It's in your blood, Harry.' Hermione said.
'My blood?' He asked.

'I swear, she knows more about the two of you then you two do yourself. It's creepy.' Ron whispered at us. I didn't mind her.
'See?' Hermione stopped pointing at a shelf. A badge which read; James Potter, Quidditch seeker, 1972.
'You two never told me your father was a seeker too!' Ron spoke in awe.
'We didn't know.' I said looking at the badge.

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