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'It's not LeviOHsa, it's LeviohSAAR'

'Okay, take seats everyone. This class is combined with Slytherins and Gryffindors.. I see.' 'I'll be choosing your seats.' The professor, his names 'flitwick' I heard said.
'Let's see.. Mr. Potter and Mr. Malfoy on one,' Poor Harry.
'Ms. Parkinson and Mr. Longbottom on another,'
'Ms. Granger and Mr. Weasley,'
'Ms. Greengrass and Ms. Potter.'
Oh. I got stuck with the only girl who doesn't seem to give a shit about me. Although I feel bad for Harry.

'It's not LeviOHsa, it's LeviohSAAR, Ronald.' I heard hermione scold Ron— oh! I did it! The leaf started flying as soon as I said 'Wimgardium Leviohsaar! Hermiones advice applied to me aswell, it seems.
'I did it!' Daphne exclaimed beside me. 'Draco, Draco! Look! I did it!' She shouted towards Harry and Dracos table, gosh this girl was obsessed with pleasing Draco.
'Did you do it yet, Y/n?' She snickered.
'Yes actually, couple of seconds before you.' I smiled.
'Ugh, your such a show off, Honestly.' She said running up to Draco.
'Show-off? That bit—' I was interrupted,
'Hey, y/n.' Harry gloomed up behind me.
'Hey? What's wrong?' I asked him.
'It's Malfoy, he's been eating my head.' He groaned.
'Daphnes been eating mine.' I sighed to him.
'Daphne? Is Daphne the blonde girl who's— who's er.. clinging onto Malfoy?' It is true. Daphne was a monkey hanging onto Draco like he was a tree.

Sorry for the tiny chapter, I just had to say that my exams begin in 4 days and I've had two important tests already which were for Science and Maths, I got pretty low in Science so I'll have to leave everything and focus on studying if I ever think of passing this grade.

Also wanted to say a big, biggggg thank you to the votes and views <33 these views are what keeps my motivation going!

please tell me if you want me to add any special characters, you can give me there name, age, personality and blah blah. I may not release the character in PS/SS but later on in the book, I will also give credit <33

(P.S. I may not update the book for the next two weeks but whenever I'm free, a short chapter will be released. Although not as tiny as this one.)

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