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"But we can't, Dobby. Hogwarts is our home!"

It had been 3 long months. Most children tend to love going back home, but you can't love going back if you don't have a home. Harry had been checking the mail everyday, just to see if he'd been sent a 'hi, harry' from Ron or Hermione. Spoiler alert: we got no mail. The only thing keeping me sane throughout these terrible 3 months was the live picture of Mum and Dad. Seemed that way for Harry too.
I took out my photograph, putting it in a frame next to my side of the bed. Right, the Dursley's were kind enough to spare us Dudley's old room now!
I filled the rest of the album with pictures of my friends.. and Draco. I'm not sure if we even are friends.

I sigh, "Harry, the owl's making noise again. The Dudley's already skipped our lunch, I'd hate to skip dinner to." I huff at the boy who rolled his eyes, talking to his bird like she could understand him.
I look back at my Siamese cat who I named Nicole, silently sitting on the floor. "Should've gotten a cat, Harry." I smirk as he rolled his eyes. "You know, day by day you're turning more into a Slytherin. Ron's not gonna be happy." I furrow my brows, "What's that supposed to mean? 'Turning more slytherin'. And plus, I could not care less of what Weasley thinks." I scoffed, walking over to Nicole as I pat her head. "Well," he was cut off by Uncle Vernon.
"Harry Potter!" I heard Uncle Vernon's voice scream, chuckling as I saw Harry huff. "I told you." I muttered.
We walked down the stairs, into the kitchen where Aunt Petunia was decorating her flat, dry cake. "I'm warning you, if you two can't control that bloody bird, it'll have to go." I roll my eyes. "But she's bored, if Harry could just let her out for an hour or two-" he quickly cut me off with a scoff. The audacity on this man. "So you can send secret messages to your friends? No sir." He chuckled. "But I haven't received any messages. From any of my friends." Harry sighed just before Dudley began walking up to him. "Who'd want to be friends with you?" He furrowed his brows, I slowly dragged my leg in front of him, causing him to trip a little. "You could be a little grateful, we've raised you two since you were babies. Given you food to eat, and even Dudley's old bedroom.. purely, from the goodness of our hearts." Goodness of our hearts, yeah right.
"Now let's go over our schedule for when the guests arrive once again, shall we?" Vernon giggled happily. "Petunia, when the guest arrive, you will-", "Will be waiting gracefully by the door to welcome them into our home." She grinned as I rolled my eyes. "And Dudley?" He looked over to Dudley. "I'll open the door." He said, stuffing his face with pie. "Excellent!" He chuckled. "And we'll be up in our room, making no noise." I started, "Pretending as if we don't exist." Harry continued, ending with a sharp sigh. "Too right you will, this is the biggest deal of my career.. and you- will not mess it up." Vernon had an unhealthy obsession with his job, just as much as he did with Petunias trash cooking.
Harry and I silently walked up to our room, stopping dead in our tracks when we found.. well.. it was a something. jumping on our bed.
It turned to look at us, "Harry and Y/n Potter! Such an honour." What was he? "Who are you!?" Harry asked, harshly shutting the door. "Dobby, Dobby the house elf!" I scrunch my nose up in confusion, "Not to be rude or anything, but this is not a great time for us to have a house elf in our room." Harry sighed. "Oh, yes, sir. Dobby understands! It's just that.. well.. Donny doesn't know where to begin." Harry sighed softly, "Why don't you sit down?" He offered the elf. "S-sit down? Sit down? S-s-sit down!?" It muttered before breaking into loud tears as it fell on the floor. "Dobby! Shush! I'm sorry- I didn't!" Harry tried calming the elf down. "Dobby, please, we didn't mean to offend you." I whispered at him. "Offen dobby!? Dobby has heard of your greatness, but never has he been asked to sit down.. by a wizard!" I roll my eyes. What is this waste of time!?
I ignore the rest of the conversation when suddenly Dobby banging his head into my wardrobe caught my attention. Harry tried calming him down again, but it wouldn't work. So, well, I pulled him a little. I wasn't about to eat Harry and I thrown on the streets because of dobby. "Y/n!" Harry shouted, "Oh, hush up, Harry." I roll my eyes again. "Dobby, what do you want? Why are you here?" I asked the elf, who began crying even louder. "Dobby, please. She's sorry, please don't cry!" Harry stuttered. "S-sorry, Mam, Dobby had to punish himself, this is how it's done in the house I serve!" He whimpered. "Which family do you serve?" Harry asked, "Malfoys." Dobby responded, of course it were the Malfoys.
"Now, dobby has come to warn Harry Potter and Y/n Potter not to go back to Hogwarts!" Who is this guy!? "There is a plot to make terrible things happen!" He continued, "What terrible things? Who's plotting them?" I asked, big mistake though. It provoked him to go hit himself with my lamp. "Argh!" I groaned, plopping back on to the bed as Harry continued trying to calm the elf down. Just a few moments later, a knock was heard on our door as I quickly got up. "Harry you get the door, I'll take care of.. this." I scrunched up my nose, grabbing Dobby by his shirt as Harry struggled to pull the lamp off him. I pushed Dobby in the closet as Harry opened the door. "What the devil are you two doing up here!?" Close one. I sighed. "One more sound and you'll wish you'd never been born." He spat.
"See why we've got to go back!?" Harry huffed. "We don't belong here, Dobby." He continued. "We belong in your world, it's the only world where I've got friends!" I added. "Friends who don't even write to Y/n Potter?" Wait a second, how did he? "Hang on, how do you know our friends haven't been writting to us?" Harry furrowed his brows. After a short pause, Dobby started speaking. "The Potter twins must promise not to get angry.. Dobby thought that if Y/n and Harry Potter thought their friends had forgotten them.." he murmured, pulling out two stacks of envelopes, "They might not want to go back to school." I glare at the little elf which I could so easily step on. "Give me those." Harry was definitely mad now. "No!" He shouted, "Dobby." I warned. Harry tried catching him but slipped away, running out the door. "Oh, Merlin, Harry! Get him!" I shouted, dragging him out. We frantically ran after him before the cake caught his eye. "Dobby, I swear to Merlin, I will kill you-" I warned him, in a flick of his fingers, he began to levitate the cake, oh, God, no. "Dobby!" Harry muttered, "Please, no," he begged. "Harry Potter must promise not to let himself and his sister go to Hogwarts." This evil elf. "But we can't, Hogwarts is our home, Dobby!" I whispered back. "Then Dobby must do it, for your own good." The cake began floating towards the guest, lingering on the top of her head as Harry put his hands out to try and catch it. Oh my god, they're thinking he's doing it. I audibly gasped, clasping my hand over my mouth as the cake fell on the lady's head.
At that point, I'd practically spaced out, just thinking of what the Dursley's would do now. Locked in the room for a week? No more food? The owl taken away from us? I'm going to kill that elf when I see him again.

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