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"I hate you too, Malfoy."

Y/n Potter's Diary
Dear Diary,
According to Malfoy, it was an accident. A mistake, how he would word it.
I hate him. I don't know why. I know that kiss meant something and he's dismissing it like it was nothing! God, I really thought he'd ask me to the Ball. Speaking of the ball, I have no dress.
Harry's gotten himself stuck in some stupid deadly tournament— of course, he always wants to one up me.
And I really think something's wrong with me. Ever since that weird dream I had.. I haven't had one since.
It's been like two weeks and I have no idea what the hell is going on.

"Have you seen them, Y/n?" Enzo laughed, walking beside me and Pansy.
I raised a brow, "Seen what, exactly?" I asked.
"The badges. Best tell your brother about them before we start putting them on." I furrow my brows, looking ahead.
A tall boy, walking in our direction had a badge on his robe.
'Harry Potter Stinks!' It read.

I rolled my eyes. "You better not put these on, Berkshire." Enzo chuckled at my response.
"No promises, Potter." He said before walking away.

I spotted Harry a few moments later. "I'll see you later, Pansy." I smiled at her, dismissing myself as I walked over to Harry.
"Was it necessary? Enrolling yourself in such a competition?" I scoffed, walking beside him.
He sighed in annoyance, "For Merlin's sake, not you too, Y/n."
"I didn't put my name in the Goblet." I furrow my brows at him as we walked outside.

"Well, somebody did." Harry rolled his eyes at me.
"No shit somebody did, but who?" I raise my brows in surprise.
This competition has really gotten him off the hooks.

Harry began charging towards Cedric who was surrounded by his friends.
His friends immediately began teasing Harry as Cedric got up abruptly.
I stood beside Harry as Cedric walked towards us.

"Dragons. That's the first task." I snap my head in Harry's direction.
Oh, god, he is not going to survive.
"Are you- are you serious?" He stammered, ignoring his friends.
Harry nodded his head.

"Hey, uh, about the badges— I've told them not to wear it, but-" Harry quickly dismissed Cedric's not-so-apology apology as he walked away.
Cedric's eyes then landed on me.
"Y/n. Uh, I've been meaning to ask you something.." I raise a brow.
My head turns as I heard Draco's voice. Him sitting on the tree as he teases Harry about something.
I quickly stop Cedric.
"Sorry, Cedric, I've got to go. I'll catch you later." I say. He nods before I walk away.

"Why so tense, Potter?" I heard his voice fade in as I walked beside Harry.
Harry puts his head down, fastening his pace. "My father and I have a bet, you see. I don't think you're gonna last 10 minutes in that tournament." Harry stops abruptly upon hearing Draco's words.
God, he was gifted with a talent of riling up both the Potters

"He disagrees. He think you won last five." Draco hops off the tree, his goons immediately swarming him. All, of course, wearing the badge.
Harry storms up to Draco.
"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy." Harry says, shoving Draco harshly.
I roll my eyes at their little cat fight.
"He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic." Draco shoots me a glare before pulling out his wand.

"You're gonna regret that." He says.
"Draco— don't." I say before Moody shouts out.

"Oh, no you don't, sonny!" He immediately transforms Draco into a ferret.
I snicker, trying to hide my laugh as he's lifted in the air. Professor McGonagall soon maker her way over.
She transforms him back into— well, Draco.

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