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"Do you know how to dance, Potter?"

The Great Hall Breakfast. One of the many things I enjoyed about Hogwarts.
"So? Did you hear?" Pansy said with a wide grin on her face.
I furrowed, sipping my drink. "Hear what?"
"Cedric Diggory is gonna ask you to go to the Yule Ball with him!" She said, loud enough for Draco and Daphne to hear.

Draco's head snapped in my direction, his eyes burning into me. "Really? He is?" I asked with a sigh.
Pansy rolled her eyes, "Why aren't you more enthusiastic!? He's a year 7, tall— not to mention, hot." I giggled with her as she described Cedric.
I guess he wasn't that bad.

I turned my head to the Gryffindor Table, my eyes lingering on Harry and his friends.
Then, Weasley.
"Lovely dress, Weasley!" I shouted across the hall, as he glared at me.


"The Yule Ball.." Snape said boringly, "has been a tradition of the Tri Wizard Tournament for decades now— and you will not ruin it." Few whispers were heard across the hall.
"I truly wonder who he went to Ball with." Theo said, making Pansy laugh.

"Mr. Nott." Snape sneered, startling Theo as he swallowed slowly.
Snape pulled Theo up.
"Since you have an eagerness to act as though you are a monkey.. why don't you dance for us once?" The students giggled at Theo's expression.

"Parkinson, I've heard enough of your giggles. Come here." Pansy stopped laughing, slowly walking over to Snape who paired the two to dance.
Snape knew what he was doing.

"Now, as I announce you your dancing partners, you will come up and dance. Dance until it's the only thing you can remember to do." Snape slowly walked to get a sheet of parchment as he called out names.

"Blaise Zabinni with Laura Delacour."
"Lorenzo Berkshire with Katherine Forbes."
"Vincent Crabbe with Daphne Greengrass." I chuckled softly as Daphne stood up, her face of disgust as she intertwined hands with Crabbe.
"Draco Malfoy with Y/n Potter." I dropped my head in annoyance.
I turned around, Draco standing in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"Get dancing, I want it perfect." Snape said as the students began dancing around the hall.
Draco turned his eyes towards me.
"Are you gonna get up, or what?" He said.
I rolled my eyes, pulling myself up as we walked to an empty spot.

He put his hand on my waist, another intertwining with my fingers. I placed my right hand on his shoulder.
There was a moment of silence while he simply stared into my eyes.
He blinked, snapping out of whatever that was. "Do you know how to dance, Potter?" He asked, talking to me as if I were a baby. ".. I think?" I sighed awkwardly as he let out a soft groan.

"Follow my lead, okay?" He said, shifting his legs as he got ready to dance.
He shifted his right leg, pausing for a moment before he did his left.
Okay, that's not too hard.
I tried doing the same, stumbling on his foot a couple times before I got the hang of it.

"I'm doing it!" I smiled widely. I looked up upon hearing Draco chuckle.
He smiled, looking back into my eyes. "Yes, yes you are, Potter." He said with a proud expression on his face. "Okay, now spin." He said, stopping his movement, lending out his hand as I twirled once and then back into his chest.

"Sorry— I lost control there.." I huffed, looking up at him.
I was still pressed against his chest, his warm breath once again on my neck.
This time, it felt... better? Well, for once I wasn't pinned against the wall with him looking like he could've killed me.
He leaned in closer— just slightly.
I did too. Just.. slightly.

We were so close to kissing.. I could feel his nose touch the tip of mine before he pulled away quickly.
I looked to my side— Daphne. Right.

She cleared her throat, "Dray, the class is over. Do you want to go grab a drink?" She offered, a smile on her face. Not really a smile. She snapped her head in my direction.
"Y/n. We've got to go dress shopping, remember?" Draco raised a brow at her statement.
He turned his head towards Daphne.
She pulled him by his arm.
"I'll see you in an hour. Be ready." She was going to murder me, wasn't she.
"Mhm. See you, Daph." I muttered as she stormed away with Draco.

I sighed, caressing my hand. The hand which he had intertwined his fingers into.
I smiled at the memory before walking off.


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