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"Thank you, Potter."

I sat beside Daphne while she spoke to one of her other Slytherin friends. Theo and Pansy weren't anywhere near, I'm guessing they were off fucking eachother.

Draco hadn't come to dinner again, I was getting worried for him. "Look, there's the mail!" A first year shouted as owls bought in bunch of presents. I recognised one of them, it was Draco's owl. I'd fed it a snack last year when it'd delivered me Draco's letter.

The owl dropped a letter down for him which I picked up. Probably should give it to him later.


I walked towards his dorm, looking at the envelope once again. From: LM. I'm guessing that meant Lucius Malfoy. Just thinking of Lucius brought back memories of Sirius. And that day.
Once I reached his dorm, I gave his door a slow knock. Minutes later, Enzo opened. "Y/n. What brings you here?" He asked. I examined his face for a minute. Eyebags, messed up hair and he seemed to be dead compared to his usual jolly-self.

"Hi, Enzo. I was wondering if Draco was there?" I asked. He looked back for a moment before turning to,face me again. "Uh, no. Why?" He asked. "There's a letter for him. From Lucius." I said. "Oh. Well, you can come in. I'm sure he'll be here in a minute." He said. I smiled, walking into his dorm. I immediately smelled Draco's perfume and cologne.

"Uhm.. can I ask you something?" I turned to Enzo. "Sure?" He furrowed his brows. "Did anything happen at the Malfoy Manor last summer?" I asked. He tensed up. "Why?" He asked simply. "Nothing. Just that.. Draco's been a little distant. And harsh, if I phrased it right." I sighed lightly. "Yeah. Uhm.. family problems, you could say." He answered. I nodded in understanding. "Listen, don't go to hard on him, yeah? This summer was.. different." He sighed. Different. Tahts what Daphne said too. I was about to ask him another question before the door quickly opened.

I turned around to face Draco, who now had his eyes fixated on me. "What are you don't here?" He spat. I was about to speak before his eyes quickly shot up at Enzo. "I thought I told you I didn't want anyone here. Especially—" he clenched his jaw, glaring down at me. I scoffed lightly.

"Hello to you too." I muttered. "What do you want?" He asked harshly. "You got a letter. From your father—" he quickly snatched the letter from me, looking over it. "Did you read it?" He asked. The panic in his voice was clear. "No, I didn't." I answered truthfully, but now I think I should have. He glared at me for a bother moment before swiftly pulling out the letter and reading through it before his eyes widened in worry.

The more he read, the more tenser he got. What was in the letter?

His eyes flickered up to me. There was a hint of pity in them before they went back to cold. "If that's all, you can leave now." He said, folding the letter. "You're welcome?" I huffed. He rolled his eyes, grabbing my arm roughly before dragging me out of his dorm.

"Thank you, Potter." He spat before slamming the door on my face. "What's wrong with you, dude?" I heard Enzo sigh at him before turning around to leave.
I fastened my pace towards my dorm, there were too many people here to see me cry.

"What's wrong with you, dude?" Enzo sighed. I glared up at him before pushing the letter in his chest. He grabbed it, unfolding it before reading through it.
His eyebrows raised in confusion as he looked back at me. "What?" He whispered. "You're keeping her away from me. At all costs. If Vold— if the Dark Lord finds out that I've gotten closer to her.. I don't wanna find out what he'll make me do to Y/n, Enzo." I said, spilling it out it a single breath.

Enzo looked back at the letter. "You have to tell her, Draco." He muttered, his eyes still glued to the letter. "Tell her? You expect me to tell Y/n that Voldemort is her father?" I spat. He remained silent.

Yeah. Sorry guys but y/n isn't finding out anytime soon 😭😭
Also, I request you guys to vote. I'm rlly trying to motivate myself to do even one chapter a day. I don't wanna lose motivation now bc I've been working on this book since sep 2022 😭🙏

So please vote, it really keeps me going xx

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