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"Perhaps you might excel this class learning a few things from Ms. Potter?"

I awoke the next morning to the sound of birds chirping and students muttering not to wake the rest. The school had given us a holiday to rest. Blaise and Draco were already awake, playing a game of wizard's chess. "Good morning." I stretched, sitting up. "Morning, Potter." Draco replied, his eyes narrowed as he thought on what move to make next. "G'morning, Y/n. Sleep well?" Blaise smirked, looking at Draco as if he was sure he'd win the game. "All right." I responded, my eyes glanced over to the chess board as I crawled over to them. Draco was very focused. They'd probably bet on some galleons. I raised my brows, knowing how to checkmate Blaise's king. "Knight to e5." I whispered in Draco's ear while Blaise was busy shoving Theo and Enzo awake. "Sure?" His eyes glanced to meet mine. "Sure." I responded as he turned his eyes back on the game.
"Knight to e5." Draco said as Blaise's head snapped towards the game. The knight moved slowly, slaying Blaise's king as Blaise groaned. "You're kidding me." He put his hands up in defeat. "Pay up, Zabini." Draco smirked as Blaise mimicked his words, pulling out 50 galleons from his bag. "Pleasure doing buisness with you." Draco smirked, counting the money. "Shove off."
Not too soon later, the rest were awake. The gates of the Great Hall were opened as we were allowed to leave.

I sat behind Granger and Weasley, Harry next to me as we waited for Snape to enter class. And Merlin could I not have been more excited for him to come.
The very first day, in year 1, Snape had made sure we all pick our seats wisely because no one, for the next seven years would change after that.
It was incredibly awkward as Harry didn't even look at me, Granger was too focused reading the chapter and Weasley kept shooting me glares.
Snape finally came, storming into class dramatically, "turn to page 394." He scowled slowly. I opened my books with a thud, turning the pages. "Excuse me, sir. Where's professor Lupin?" Harry asked as Snape shot him a sharp glance. "That's not really your concern, is it, Potter?" He sneered, shutting Harry up. "Werewolves?" Weasley furrowed his brows as his little girlfriend dramatically threw her head behind to face Snape. "But, Sir. We just begun learning about red caps and hinkypunks." I rolled my eyes. "Quiet." Snape dragged the word. The Slytherin's were grinning ear to ear. Being Snape's favourite, he'd already informed us before hand so I was ready. "Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?" He asked. I glanced at Granger who was frantically searching through her book. I smirked, raising my hand. "Ms. Potter." He said as Granger snapped her head towards me. "An Animagus is a wizard who elects into an animal. A werewolf has no choice." I said. "With each full moon, when he transforms, he has no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his best friend if he crossed his path. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds and respects his own kind—" I continued before Draco quickly interrupted me by howling loudly. I rolled my eyes at him. "Thank you, Mr. Malfoy." Snape sneered before turning to me. "15 points to Slytherin. Excellent work, Ms. Potter." I smiled, quite proud of myself. "But Sir, she didn't list—" Granger started, clearly angered. "This is the second time you've spoken out of turn, Ms. Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself? Or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" I snorted at his friends, unable to restrain my laugh as so did the other Slytherin's. "Perhaps you might excel this class learning a few things from Ms. Potter?" He raised his brows, as I turned my head to her, a smirk plastered across my face. "Five points from Gryffindor." Snape finally said, letting the poor girl go now that she'd turned red out if embarrassment.
I looked back to my book scrolling through my pages before a little note in the shape of a bird landed on my book. Draco, of course. I opened the piece of paper,

Proud of you, Potter. You're finally catching up in class. ;)
- d.m.

I could feel Harry's glare on me as he too read the note. I ignored him, smiling at Draco's note before folding it to out in my pocket. I turn my head to look for Draco who was already looking at me with his usual smirk. I smiled back. Harry noticed. "Malfoy? Really?" He asked, "Malfoy what?" I asked back, raising a brow. "You fancy him, don't you?" I rolled my eyes at his comment. "No, Harry. I just have friends." He scoffed at my comment. "Ron told me what happened the other day at Hogsmeade." He said. "I see. And?" I raised my eyebrows, "what's gotten into you, Y/n?" I stared at him as he continued, "You're becoming just like Malfoy and one of his goons." I scoff. "What's gotten into YOU, Harry? Have you really let Ron make you think that Slytherins are monsters?" Made you believe that your sister is a monster?" Harry shut his mouth. "That's what I thought," I scoffed, turning my attention back to the book.

Filler chapter xx

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