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'Not slytherin, eh?'

'Welcome to Hogwarts!' A sweet lady said as we climbed the stairs. 'Now, you must be sorted into your houses.' 'There's Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin.' Her smile seemed to have dropped slightly at the last house.
'Now while you're here, your house will be like your family. Good deeds will earn you house points, bad will decrease them. At the end of the year the house with the most points will win the house cup.' She said, housecup? That's something I'm looking forward too.
'Trevor!' A boy ran to the frount. Earning stares from the Professor. 'Sorry..' he said picking up the toad and walking back in the crowd.
'Sorting ceremony will begin momentarily.' She said before walking through the doors.
'So it's true then. What they were saying on the train.' An oddly familiar voice said. 'Y/n and Harry Potter have come to Hogwarts.' There it was, Draco Malfoy if I'm not wrong.
As soon as he said that, murmuring and whispering broke out through the crowd.
'This is crabbe, and Goyle.' He said pointing to his two friends before walking towards us. Once he did, his eyes lingered on me for a while longer, must've recognized me.
'And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.' What did I tell you?
Ron started snickering as soon as Draco said his name.
'Think my names funny, do you?' He asked him, certainly not in the nicest way he spoke to me in Diagon Alley. 'No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe? You must be a weasley.' He spat at Ron. I liked his attitude.
'You'll soon find out that some Wizarding families are better than others, Potters.' 'You don't wanna go make new friends with the wrong sort.' 'I can help you there.' He said forwarding his hand for Harry to shake.
'I think we can figure the wrong sort for ourselves, thanks.' He said. I didn't like the fact he answered for me. Dracos facial expression seemed frustrated.
'What about you? Don't expect you to be like your brother.' He said moving his eyes to me. How quick can one sentence change a persons behaviour to another. I shook his hand, seemed to get him to smile. Although, Harry and Ron weren't the happiest about it. Harry couldn't do anything as Draco had pulled me to his side of the room.
'We're ready for you now, follow me.' Professor came in.

'First years please note that, the dark forest if forbidden to every student. Also, our caretaker has asked me to remind you that the third floor corridor is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a slow, painful death.' Dumbledores voice sounding casual.
'When I call your name, you come will forth and the Sorting Hat will be placed on your head.' Professor Mcgonagall said.
'Hermione Granger?' .. 'Gryffindor!'
'Draco Malfoy?' .. 'Slytherin!' The hat seemed to not even have touched his head before it shouted.
'Susan Bones?' .. 'Hufflepuff!'
While the others were called, I turned to look at a professor, his staring seemed to have made my scar burn, badly. The longer I stared the worse it got—
'Harry Potter?' .. that name made Dumbledore nearly jump out of his seat. 'Gryffindor.. please!' Harry whispered.
'Not slytherin, eh?' 'Right then.. Gryffindor!' Cheers were heard from the Gryffindor table, all they were counting on now is for the Potter number two to be sorted in Gryffindor.
'Y/n Potter?' .. 'Another Potter?' The sorting hat sneered, 'don't have to think about this one.. power over friendship? Right then.. Slytherin!' It shouted while the Slytherin table beamed with pride.
For some reason, I was happy. Pansy was in this house as well.
'And so, we meet again.' Draco said from behind me.
'We do.' I replied.
'For a second I thought you'd be sorted into Gryffindor like your brother.' He said looking over to Harry.
'For a second I though too.' I murmured.
'What was that?' He asked.

A/n: SORRY FOR SUCH A TINY CHAPTER! my exams ended a while ago and I'm having terrible menustral/period cramps 😭😭

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