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"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

Finally, it was the last Quidditch game of the season. I am truly astonished at how fast this year has gone by. Pretty soon we'd have the end of year examinations and off I go back to the Muggle world.
"Y/n, here!" I heard Pansy call out. She was sat beside a few other Slytherins. "Where's Daphne?" I asked, taking a. Seat next to her. "On the ground. Cheering for Draco." She rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to the game.
I furrowed my brows and squinted my eyes to spot Draco. My hair was flowing in all directions with the amount of wind pressure and it was extremely cloudy.
I spotted Harry just a few seconds after I saw Draco on his tail. Harry flew higher as I stood up, trying to see where he was going. God, Harry. I know I hate you right now but please don't die.
Rain soon fell as teachers began waving their wands with protective charms for the stalls. "Oh, my Merlin." I heard a boy behind me mutter. "What?" I asked, turning my head towards the boy who was now chuckling, intrigued. "Shit, Potter. Your brother's barely hanging on up there." He laughed. Why was he laughing?
I stood up abruptly, turning around on my tiptoes as Harry's figure became unclear. He was there, but unclear.
Oh, nevermind. He was coming closer. Why was he coming closer!? He was falling.
I clasped my hands over my mouth as Dumbledore chanted a spell on Harry, slowing his fall.

In a hurry, I ran down. I could see from the corner of my eye that the Slytherin team was told to go back. The match had been supposedly cancelled.
Harry had been taken to the Hospital wing.

I gathered near Harry just as his friends and the rest of the Gryffindor team made its way over to his bed. "How are you feeling?" I sighed a question as his eyes fluttered open. "Oh, brilliant." He said as I rolled my eyes impulsively. He slowly sat up before I pushed him back down. "You need rest, Harry." I said— well, warned as he went down with a groan. "You gave us a scare there." I heard, turning around to face Fred. Or George. I can still not tell. "What happened?" Harry asked. "Well, you fell off your broom, mate." Weasley answered as one of the twin's sat next to me. "Really?" Harry asked sarcastically, "I meant the match. Who won?" I rolled my eyes at his response, "no one, Harry." Grange strolled behind me, Harry's broken broom in her hands. Oh, Merlin. Was Harry going to cry now?
"When you fell... your broom sort of.. well, it—" I rolled my eyes, cutting Weasley off. "The Whomling Willow smashed your broom in half."  I said, ripping the bandaid as he stared at his broom in pity.

"What happened with Potter no. 2?" Draco asked me as I entered the Common Room. It was just him and a few other Slytehrin's.
The others must've fallen asleep preparing for their exams. "Well, his broom is broken. Fortunately, not his neck." I sighed, throwing myself on the couch across him. "At least we know who's winning the matches from now onwards." Draco smirked. "Have the least bit of sympathy, Draco." I rolled my eyes, getting off the couch. "Good night, Y/n." He said after a pause. "Good night, Draco." I said with a smile, feeling his soft gaze on me as I walked towards the girls dormitories.

It was early in the morning. About 5:30AM.
I looked out my window; Fred and George playing with a few first years. Fred and George were in their fifth year at Hogwarts.
I pulled myself off the bed, wearing a few mittens and a woolen jacket and scarf as I made my way down through the hundreds of stairs in Hogwarts. Unlikely, it was bright. Bright at 5,30 is very unusual for a place like this.
"Oy, Potter!" I heard as I looked towards the direction. Fred and George. "Hello, boys." I said, making my way to them. "How's the Slytherin Princess?" One of them asked, probably Fred. His face is softer. "Don't." I warned as the two chuckled taking a quick glance at eachother. That wasn't very good, the Weasley Twins were known for their pranks. I do not want to be involved. "What?" I asked cautiously. "Don't be scared, we're not that bad, Potter." George, I presume rolled his eyes. "Well, we planned on giving this to Harry.. but I guess anyone Potter would do."

"What's this rubbish?" I squinted my eyes, examining the folded piece of parchment they just handed to me. "What rubbish, she says." Fred snorted, "that there, is the secret to our success." He said, raising a brow. "George, if you will." Fred said as George pulled out his wand, pointing it at the parchment, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I snort at his words. He's not wrong there. Pathetic Weasleys.
He placed the wand lightly on the paper as writing began to fade in. "Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs? What is this, Weasley?" I asked, impatiently. "Open it, Princess." I rolled my eyes at George, opening the paper slowly.
A detailed map of Hogwarts. "What am I supposed to do with a map of Hogwarts, dear boys?" I asked in annoyance. Although, I answered my question myself as my eye caught the drawn footsteps of Draco and Enzo, side my side near the third corridor. "Is that.." I trailed off, "your beloved Malfoy? Yes it is." I glare at Fred. "So you're telling me that this map shows—" I was quickly cut off,
"Where they are,"
"what their doing."
"Every minute,"
"Of everyday." The boys said one by one, as though they'd practised the words. "Impressive." I raised my brows, "How'd you get your hands on this, Weaslebee?" The boys rolled their eyes, "Filch's office, first year." I shook my head, smiling as I looked around at what everyone was doing. "Well, Princess?" Fred asked. "Well what, Weasley?" I asked. "No thank you?" George answered, I rolled my eyes playfully, getting off the stone wall I was sitting on.
"Say mischief managed once you're done, or anyone can read it, Slytherin Princess." I heard Fred shout as I grinned. "Thank you." I said finally, walking back up the castle.

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