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"You'll be next, mudbloods."

POV: Harry James Potter
I rushed Ron to Hagrid hut, alongside Hermione who wouldn't utter a word. What did 'mudblood' mean and why would Y/n have said it?
As Hagrid hut and the three of us closed the distance, we saw Hagrid exiting his hut, holding carrots before he spotted us.

"This calls for specialist equipment." Hagrid sighed, holding out a bucket as Ron puked slugs into them. "Nothing we can do, I'm afraid." He continued. "Who were you trying to curse anyway?" He asked Ron, but since he wasn't in any position to answer, I spoke on behalf of him. ".. Y/n. Erm- she called Hermione a.. actually I don't know what it means." I stammered before Hermione stood up, walking away. "A mudblood. She called me a mudblood." She stated, causing Hagrid to widen his eyes as he muttered; "No, she did not." What on the world did 'mudblood' mean? "It means dirty blood. It's a really foul name for someone who's muggle born- someone with non-magic parents. Someone like me." .. what would've made Y/n want to do something like that. "The thing is Harry, there are some wizards and witches- like Malfoy and perhaps Y/n who think they're better than everyone else because they aren't muggle borns." Hagrid explained, although I didn't pay much attention. I suppose I was a little disappointed in Y/n.
Hagrid continued to comfort Hermione- which worked, but I'm still hung upon the fact that Y/n did that. Perhaps I'll have to talk to her about it during detention with Lockheart.

POV: Y/n Lily Potter
I sighed, walking towards Lockhearts cabin as I saw Harry already seated beside him. God, I really hope he won't mention anything that happened on the ground today. "Ah, Y/n!" I heard Lockheart exclaim as Harry's head shot up. "Glad you're here." Lockheart gave me a cheeky smile before I sat across him, answering his silly fanmail. "Can you possibly imagine a better way to serve detention than helping me to answer my fanmail." He boasted proudly before Harry answered, "Not really." He muttered.
Felt like months had passed by and we were still doing the same thing over and over again. I felt my wrist pain before I heard harsh whispering in my ear. I looked up to see Harry staring back at me- just as confused. 'Come to me' is the best I could hear. The two of us looked up at Lockheart, who was mindlessly signing his mail. Could he not hear it? "What..?" Harry muttered, catching Loclhearts attention. "Sorry?" He asked, looking at Harry. "That.. voice." He replied as color began to drain of Lockhearts face. What a scaredy cat. "Voice?" He cleared his throat. "Don't you hear it?" I asked harshly, startling Lockheart as he replied. "What are you talking about, Y/n?" He said before chuckling, "I think the two of you are a bit- drowsy. Oh! Look at the time, we've been here nearly four hours." He exclaimed sheepishly. "Spooky, how the time flies when one's having fun." Yes, fun. "Spooky." Harry muttered.
Finally, Harry and I had made it out (alive, apparently) out of Lockhesrts torturous detention. "Y/n, I've been meaning to talk to you." Harry sighed, "I know what you want to say, Harry. But I didn't call her a mudblood, I promise you. I would never." I cut him off. But before he could reply, the same whispering rang in my ears again- and by the looks of it, his too. "Kill" they whispered right before we ran into Hermione and Weasley. Just great. "Look who it is." Weasley scrunched his nose up, looking at me. I rolled my eyes, "did you hear it?" Harry stammered, panic filled in his voice. "What voice?" Hermione replied. "We heard it first in Lockhesrts office, then again.. just-" before I could finish, I heard the voice.. moving away? "It's moving." Harry spoke for me. "It's going to kill." He muttered while jogging off somewhere as I followed behind him. "Kill!?" Weasley cried out followed by a "Guys, wait!" By Hermione.
As we everted another corridor, I felt water beneath my feet. I looked down to see a puddle of dirty water as it led to.. eugh, spiders. "Strange." Harry murmured, "I've never seen spiders act like that." He said. "I don't like spiders." Weasley and I said in unison before giving eachother a glare. "What's that?" I furrowed my brows, looking down at one of the puddles as it reflected a writing on a wall behind us. "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened, enemies of heir.. beware?" I read before gulping, "it's written in blood." I stated soon after. I heard Hermione gasp softly beside me as we spotted a cat, hanging by the tail on a wall. "It's Filchs cat. Mrs. Norris." Harry said, stepping closer as the corridors fillled with students. "Enemies of the heir beware?" Draco read out loudly, snapping his head at Hermione. "You'll be next, mudbloods." He spat. Not to soon after, Filch appeared, shouting at the children before spotting Mrs. Norris- and Harry beside it. Oh God, he's gotten the wrong idea. Filch began storming over to Harry like he was going to kill him before I pulled Harry harshly by the robe out of Filchs way. "Mrs. Norris. You've murdered my cat.. you've killed her. I'll kill ya!" He growled, holding Harry by the collars. "Argus!" I heard Dumbledores voice as Filch let go of Harry. "Everyone- will proceed to their dormitories immediately." He said before I quickly dispersed into the crowd before he could spot me. The three tried running too but Dumbledore caught them. "Everyone except- you three."
"She's not, Argus. She's been petrified." I heard him say faintly as I moved along.

"So what was that!?" Daphne ran up beside me, intrigued. "I don't know. I mean- I heard a few whispers.. Al thought u can't really seem to describe them." I sighed loudly, crashing onto the couch in our common room. "Psh. Nonsense. What really happened? Did Potter kill that cat!?" She raised her brows intriguingly. "Oh, will you slow down, Daphne? Let her breathe, will you?" I gave Pansy a soft smile as she said that before turning my gaze to Draco who was looking at me suspiciously.
"What?" I furrowed my brows at him. "It's just strange." He murmured, "Strange?" I asked. "You hear these 'whispers' only you can hear and that Filchs cat ends up petrified? It's just strange." He explained as I followed with a sigh, "do you think I should tell Professor Snape? Or Dumbledore perhaps?" I asked quietly before a boy sneaked up behind us. "Are you mad?" He scoffed before clearing his throat. "Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear. But, no, Potter. Even in the Wizarding World hearing whispers isn't a good sign." I remained silent, what was I supposed to do now? "Uhm.. anyway, I'm Lorenzo Berkshire." The boy introduced himself. "Ah, Draco's cousin!" I perked up, looking back at Draco who simply rolled his eyes at Daphne's comment. Draco had cousins here? "Yeah, I suppose." Lorenzo huffed quietly. "You know, I could introduce you to my other friends. I'm sure they'd be happy to meet you." He grinned with innocence. "Oh, yeah! Y/n, you're going to want to befriend Slytherins, you know." Daphne giggled beside me as I internally rolled my eyes. "It's 9pm, I'm going to bed." Draco huffed dramatically before getting up. "Too past your bedtime, Draco?" Lorenzo mocked the blonde as a small laugh erupted out of the other three of us. "Shut up, Lorenzo." He rolled his eyes, "Fine, since you lot need me so much, I suppose I can spare a couple for minutes." He shrugged as the rest of us contained a laugh.
"Alright, so that's Theo, and Draco, Daphne and Pansy already know Blaise." Lorenzo said, pointing first at a short boy white brunette spiked up hair and the next who was slightly taller and had short black hair. "So, you must be the Potter everyone's talking about." Blaise said. "Yeah.. it's nice to have a few friends in Slytherin." I smiled at the group. "Okay, if you're all done now, can we get going? I don't want Snape catching us past curfew and out of bed." Draco groaned, pulling Blaise along with him, probably trying to get him to leave as well.
Perhaps Slytherin wasn't all that bad?

Sorry for such a late and short chapter, it's a filler chapter again. I js wanna portray how Y/n is gonna become and I wanted to quickly introduce the new gang members too (Theodore nott, Blaise Zabini and Lorenzo Berkshire)
And I'm sorry for such late uploads, I'm in freshmen year now and my work has increased significantly and it's getting harder to cope us with it. I'll try updating often because I'm just waiting to get year 2 over with so the romance can finally start. Thank you so much for your views, please vote :))

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