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"Expecto Patronum!"

I walked alongside Sirius while Granger and Harry held Weasley, and Lupin who dragged Pettigrew. "Sorry about the bite, I reckon that tinges a bit." Sirius said hoarsely. "A bit? A bit!?" Weasley shouted.
I snickered softly. "You almost tore my leg off!" He whined. "I was going for the rat." Sirius explained, trying not to too laugh— although, he did end up breaking out a smile, earring one from Harry too.

We were out of the hole. Lupin was somewhere far away. I wiped the dust off my clothes. Pansy and Draco were probably looking for me.
"Sirius." I sighed, walking towards the man who turned around. "I apologise. I didn't mean whatever I said, you know." I crossed my arms in conscious. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I can't lie, that's probably the most comforted I've felt in years. "Your father would be proud of you, Y/n." I smiled softly to myself before Harry joined us.
There was a brief moment of pause as Sirius looked up at the castle in admiration. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" He asked. "I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again as a free man." He sighed. I felt bad for him. Being falsely accused and put in Azkaban, sentenced to death, being framed of your best friend's murder. I could never.

"That was a noble thing to do, Harry." I rolled my eyes again at Sirius. "He doesn't deserve it." I sighed. "Dad wouldn't want his two best friends to become killers." Harry spoke, his voice coming out as a whisper.
Not soon after, distant whispering was heard as Pettigrew begged Weasley not to turn him into the dementors.
"I don't know if you know, you two.." Sirius spoke, "..but when you two were born.. James and Lily made me your godfather."
"We know." I stated.
"I can understand if you choose to stay with your uncle and aunt—" I cut him off with a laugh. "Even if we wanted to, that is not possible." I said, looking at Harry who snickered.
"Well then, if you want a different home.." Harry cut him off, "What? Come and live with you?" Harry said, that coming out rather harsher than he expected it to. "It's simply a thought, I can understand if you don't want to." Sirius explained.
"Of course we will-" I was quickly interrupted by Granger.
"Harry!" She shouted. The three of us turned around to look.
Full moon.
God damn it.

"Remus, my friend, have you taken your potion tonight?" Sirius shouted, running up to Lupin as he held him. "You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live!" I swallowed hard. This night was far from over.
Remus screamed as Granger and Harry quickly helped Weasley up. I stepped beside Harry, no clue what to do.
Peter looked at me, waving his fingers as he transformed into a rat. Running away.
"No!" I shouted, trying to chase the rat beefier Granger held my arm. "Not now, Potter. You can't." I grunted, fisting my hands again as my nails sinked back into the spot they previously carved.

Lupin slowly transformed into a werewolf, still being held by Sirius.
His clothes tore, he roared loudly. Cried, rather. "Come on!" Weasley shouted before I pulled away. "Wait, wait." I muttered, walking towards Lupin who winced softly. "Y/n." Harry shouted.
"Professor?" I said cautiously. "Professor Lupin?" I asked again. Definitely did not work.
He cried into the night as Granger pulled me away, hugging me tightly into the group as I too hugged them. "Nice doggy, nice doggy." Weasley winced.
Snape quickly walked out standing ahead of us, protecting us. He roared, jumping on us almost before Sirius, in his animal is form jumped onto him.
I swallowed hard at the scene. Snape ahead of us, Lupin charging at us while Sirius tried his best not to hurt Lupin, but keep him far away.

Lupin soon ran after Sirius. I broke free of Snape's grip, as so did Harry. "Come back here, Potters!" Snape shouted as the two of us ran behind them.
I threw a rock at Lupin, squinting my eyes at Sirius's whimpers. "Y/n. Run." Harry said as I got my feet ready to. He charged against us before the roar of another wolf was heard.
He ran away.
Who was that?

I ran towards Sirius who was back human, falling down somewhere.
"Sirius!" Harry shouted, spotting him near the lake as I followed. "No. Sirius!" He cried as I knelt next to Sirius. My head on my hands.
The lake soon froze. So did my feet as I looked up. Dementors.
They were here for Sirius.
"Expecto Patronum!" Harry shouted, his wand in the air; pointed at the dementors.
The charm casted a protective layer which only lasted about five seconds before the Dementors headed towards us.
One came straight as Sirius, another at Harry and the next at me. I couldn't explain this feeling. It felt as if my whole body was stuck. As if I was paralysed, I couldn't move and my eyes stung. I felt sleepy. Drowsy, even all of the sudden. My lips turned blue, my skin pale as the cold took over.

Within moments, a chanted deer came into view a few feet away. Well, something happened and in an instant the Dementors were flown away. There were two people right there. A man and a woman.
Dad, mom?
The last thing I remember is seeing them before I fell on the hard rock ground.

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