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"Has anyone seen Y/n? She's been missing since yesterday evening." Pansy shouted, shoving the through the crowd that surrounded her.
The Weasley Twins grinned, stacks of money in their hands as they placed bets on the winner.

Draco's eyes snapped towards Pansy's direction, "She's missing?" He asked, trying to contain his worry for her.
"She's probably with her brother." Daphne said, ruffling her hands through Draco's hair. "Why do you care anyway?" She asked, her gaze narrowed.
"I don't." Draco stated, trying to convince Daphne and himself.
He moved away from Daphne, making his way towards Enzo.
They shared a glance before completely ignoring eachother's presence.

What must've happened?


"Welcome to the second challenge!" Dumbledore's voice roared, overcoming the cheers of the students.
The group sat seated in a small corner with only Y/n missing.

"Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions." He said.
Blaise raised a brow in quick realisation.
"This school is mad." He muttered to himself, "What was that?" Enzo whispered, leaning behind.
Blaise glanced at him before answering. "Just know that if Diggory doesn't make it out, nor will Y/n." He said, leaving Enzo in questions.

The champions soon dived into the water, the clock ticking as they did.

Cedric swam around the merpeople who paid no attention to his presence.
A sweet sound was heard as he swam closer.

Four bodies soon came into view. He was startled before realising who they were.
Weasley, Granger, Y/n and Delacour.
His eyes moved to Harry who grabbed Weasley. Harry tried moving Y/n before ne spotted Cedric.
They nodded at eachother before Cedric quickly untied Y/n'a ropes.

A merman snapped towards Harry's direction, not letting him take Granger with him. Cedric held Y/n close as Krum swam, grabbing Granger.
Finally, his eyes landed on Delacour. He swam to the top with guilt of leaving her but happy he'd saved Y/n.

The clock ticked faster as Cedric and Y/n made it to the top.

I gasped for air, my lungs burning in pain as I felt Cedric's arms around me. He was soaked, just as I was in the cold, iced water as we swam to the coast.
"Cedric?" I coughed, splattering in the water as a girl took me up, wrapping a warm towel around me.
Another was wrapped around Cedric before his friends pulled him away.

I panted, breathing heavily as cold smoke left my mouth. I spotted Draco running towards me, his eyes full of worry.
"Merlin's beard, Y/n are you okay!?" He said, rubbing my shoulders to provide heat.
I remained silent— was I okay?
Nevertheless, I nodded, "Yeah.. uhm.. I think." I shivered. I was definitely going to be sick.

Draco's thumb touched my lower lip which was practically frozen. "You were worried for me?" I asked.
He rolled his eyes playfully, breaking out into a soft chuckle.
"Yeah, Potter. I was. I was scared." I smiled at his respond.
I think we'd almost kissed before Harry was pulled up to the shore.

My eyes snapped in his direction as I quickly made my way there, Draco following behind reluctantly.
"Harry, are you okay!? You must be freezing!" I huffed, taking off my towel as I wrapped it around him.
Harry spluttered out a cough, his eyes quickly landing on Draco.
He clenched his jaw at the sight of him.
I noticed, "Nothing happened, Harry." I reassured earning a scoff from Draco.
Really? They had to do it now?

"I wouldn't call that something nothing, Y/n." I clenched my jaw, glaring up at Draco.
Harry coughed again, ignoring Draco for the given moment.

Dumbledore soon walked beside us, shouting for attention.
"The winner is Mr. Diggory." He said, I gasped.
I didn't thank Cedric. My eyes swarmed around the place, looking for Cedric before spotting him.
I made my way towards him, giving him a hug.
"Thank you so much, Cedric." I huffed as he hugged me back.
He let out a chuckle, "how couldn't I save you, Y/n?" He said, looking down at me.
I smiled softly.
God, I wish I felt the same about him as he did about me.


"Harry Potter 2nd place for his outstanding moral Fiber on not only saving Mr. Weasley but the others as well!" The crowd cheered for Harry.
"Favouritism to its peak." I rolled my eyes at Draco.

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