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"That stupid animal-chicken's being sentenced."

I couldn't stay a moment longer in that place. I ran, forcing the other to follow behind me so they weren't exposed. And once we were out, I took off the cloak, walking back to the castle as I ignored Pansy's calls.
I needed to be alone.

He was their friend. And he betrayed them. My parents, he betrayed my parents. He's the reason they're dead.
"Y/n." I heard Draco call once we had reached the dormitories. Apparently, he had followed me here. "I hope he finds me, Draco." I I sniffled, wiling a tear as Draco stood in front of me, unclear of what to do. "Because once he does, I'm gonna kill him." There was a slight twitch in Draco's expression. Almost as of he had something to tell me. Instead, he sighed loudly before taking a seat next to me. "Don't act stupid, Y/n. You can't kill him." I rolled my eyes at him as he furrowed his brows, "Don't roll your eyes at me. I'm helping you out." He scowled. "Well, I don't need help. Unless, of course, you know something about him." I raised my brows, looking towards him as he pursed his lips. After a brief moment, he rolled his eyes, "No. I don't." I sighed, looking away. "Don't make stupid choices, Y/n. Act mature. That's all I'm gonna say to you." He said, standing up to walk away.

"My cat hasn't killed your rat, Ronald." I heard murmured voices ahead while I was sat beside Pansy, going over some last minute notes for the exam tomorrow. "Scabbers is gone!" Ronald Weasley. Just what I needed.
I turned my attention back to the revision. From the corner of my eye, I could see Weasley shove Granger's arm as the two looked in my direction, stopping Harry to do the same. I rolled my eyes, looking up. "Need something, Granger?" Pansy asked on my behalf. "No. Nothing." She muttered before walking away with Harry. "What? Do you also want a special invitation, Weaselbee?" I asked, shooting him a glare under which he winced before running away. "Pathetic blood traitors and mubloods." Pansy scoffed, her attention back on the book. "Right." I sighed.

"Uhm, Y/n." Pansy said after a short pause. "Yeah?" I answered, "Don't take this the wrong way, but by chance do you maybe.. fancy Malfoy?" Well, wasn't expecting that obviously. "What? No! Why would you think that?" I stammered, "It's not just me, Theo and Enzo see it too."she explained. See what? That I fancy him!? "Oh for Merlin's sake, not you too, Pans. It's bad enough Harry thinks so." I sighed. "You can tell me, you know that right?" I looked up at her. I don't know if I liked him, I just lied being around him. "I don't like him.. persay. It's just his company, you know?" I I tilted my head as she smiled comfortingly. "I do not agree, but whatever fills your cup." I rolled my eyes playfully, hitting her arm. "Speak of the devil." I turned my head to see Draco walking towards us, beside him Goyle and Crabbe.

"Guess what I hear today?" He said. "We're trying to study, Malfoy." Pansy rolled her eyes, "That stupid animal-chicken's being sentenced." My jaw dropped at his words, "that poor creature is being killed because of your mistake!?" I shout, "It was not my mistake, Potter." He spat. Gosh, why does he act so much more different around his friends than alone with me. "Challenging an animal? Sure does seem like it." I said, standing up this time. He stared back at me, his nose scrunched up in annoyance before he turned to walk away.
"Doesn't seem like you like him company very much anymore." Pansy chuckled. "Oh, shut up." I said playfully.

Dear Diary,
It's been a while since I've caught you up. A lot's happened too.. well, for once, Harry and I are no longer talking. And don't even ask me when I think I'll talk to him again. It's not that he's discriminating my house, it's that he's stereotyping ME, his sister because that stupid Weasley told him so. What is his problem? Granger's starting to piss me off too but I do feel apologetic for calling her a 'mudblood'. I agree, that was not like me. But I think that's all for now, I better get going. I have stupid diviniation again.

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