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"Nicolas Flamel."

'Y/n!' A distinct voice called out,
'Draco.' I stood up.
'I heard what happened, are you alright?' He asked.
'Obviously, she is.' Daphne scoffed from behind me.
Draco ignored her.
'I'm fine, Draco.' I said, 'Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go over to the Gryffindor table.' I said which made Draco roll his eyes.

'Y/n!' Hermione squeaked as she saw me.
'Hi y/n!' Ron greeted with a chicken leg stuffed in his mouth.
Harry didn't say anything. He was too focused on professor Snape walking towards us.
"Good luck today, Potter. You've proven yourself against a troll, a game of quidditch should be easy work." Professor snape spoke as he spotted me. "Even if it is, against Slytherin." He eyed me and limped off.
"That explains the blood." Harry stared at his limping leg.
"Blood?" I looked at him.
"Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape—" I interrupted him, "professor Snape, Harry." I said.
"What, so now that you're a Slytherin, you've started to give respect to that guy?" Ron eyed me.
"What- you know very well it's not about that, Ronald." I frowned.
"Okay, well, I'm guessing PROFESSOR Snape let the troll in as a diversion." He said exaggerating the word 'Professor'.
"So he could get past that dog?" I completed.
"Exactly." Harry praised. "But- he got himself bit, that's why he's limping." He continued.
"Eugh, why would anyone in the right mind want to go near that dog!?" I scoffed.
"Well.. the day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was 'Hogwarts business'."
"Harry but it's none of our business." I cross my arms. We'd just got here, he wasn't getting into trouble.
"I know, Y/n but-"
"Don't listen to her, Harry. Just because she's a Slytherin, she's trying to protect Snape!" Now he's done it.
"Shut up, Ronald. Harry, if you do something wrong, you can get expelled. He's a professor!"
"I agree with Y/n." Hermione chipped in, "But I still think that if Snapes hiding something, we need to find out. Sorry, Y/n.." She smiled awkwardly.
"Fine, but count me out of it." I picked up my books and left the Gryffindor table.

"Finally done talking to those Gryffindors, are you?" Daphne stopped me from going anywhere else.
"What's your problem with me?" I sighed.
"I just don't like you. It must be surprise, since your Potters think you're loved by everyone, don't you?" She crossed her arms.
I rolled my eyes walking away from her and her annoying screams.

omg it's been so long since I updated this book 😭😭
I'm so sorry, I was just rlly demotivated and I got busy from starting a new grade. I'll try updating more xx
(Btw, I'm also changing my writing style. I used to use 'xx' for quotations but I'll start using "xx")
You can also checkout my recent books which are about Theodore Nott, Tom Riddle and Draco Malfoy :))


"So, is it gonna be your house or your brother, Y/n?" Dafny shouted from behind me as we all sat on the bleachers.
Pansy rolled her eyes, "She'll choose Slytherin. Won't you, Y/n?"
"Er.." I was quickly interrupted by Draco, "There's no 'err', you're a Slytherin, Y/n." He crossed his arms before sitting next to Dafny.
I rolled my eyes, "Alright, whatever." I said, knowing I'd secretly be cheering for Harry.
Just moments later, players from respective houses began cheering.
"Hello! Welcome to Hogwart's first game of the season! Today's game, Slytherin vs. Gryffindor!" A girl shouted before the houses of Gryffindor and Slytherin broke into screams and shouts.
Amongst a few Gryffindor, I saw Harry who was very visibly anxious.
"So, the game's like.. Wizard football?" I asked Pansy. "Er.. yeah, whatever that is." She replied.
Right now, Gryffindor seemed to be playing really well. Obviously, that angered Draco, a lot!
I heard a few gasps from the Gryffindors and chuckles from Slytherins as Oliver Wood was knocked down. "Is that even allowed?" I asked Pansy again. "Everything and anything is allowed when it comes to Quidditch." I sighed, looking away from a moment at the beautiful sky. It wasn't too hot, nor was it too cold. It would've been the perfect weather to sit outside and read a book.
While I was lost in my thoughts, laughs erupted from all directions. I couldn't have missed that much.
I looked back to the ground to see- Harry? He was practically dancing with the broom! What was he doing!?
"Good riddance you picked your house over Potter, Y/n." Draco boasted while Dafny and his goons giggled. "Shut up, Draco." I rolled my eyes, causing Draco to scrunch his nose up in disgust before he leaned back.
From my peripheral vision, I could see a boy sniffing. "Is that.. fire?" He said before few professors screamed. Professor Snape's coat has caught on fire.
I wonder how that had happened. Anyway, Harry was finally able to get back on his broom.
Not soon after, Harry started standing in his broom! What was he doing!?
Very audibly, I let out a loud gasp as Harry fell off the broom- quickly covering my mouth after.
"Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Golden Snitch!" I let out a breath of air I didn't know I was holding.
"Gryffindor wins!" The lady shouted as I heard Draco whine behind me. "No! How that's even happen!" He had his head in his palms.

Before I'd caught up with my friends, I quickly ran to Harry and Hermione. "Harry! Great job! I really didn't think you'd be able to win." I smiled at the boy. "I didn't either.." He giggled. "Professor Snape was trying to make him fall!" Hermione chipped in. "What? Why would he do that?" I frowned, before Ron came up behind us. "Why wouldn't he? He's evil!" He shouted, his mouth full of candies.
"Yeah, about that. Y/n, we'd gone to the third floor a couple nights before, and there was this huge dog-" Hermione was quickly interrupted, "Ginormous!" Ron corrected. Hermione rolled her eyes, "This ginormous dog.. with three heads and it was guarding something! We're sure Professor snape has something to do with it."
"Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher!" Hagrid shouted, before I could reply. "Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one!" Hermione said.
Hagrid remained quiet for a moment before speaking again, "Now you listen to me, all four of you. You're meddling in things that aren't supposed to be meddled in." After a short pause he continued, "This is strictly between the Professors, me and Nicolas Flamel!" Nicolas who?
"Nicolas Flamel?" Harry asked. "Should not have said that. I should not have said that." Hagrid quickly murmured, walking away.
"Who's Nicolas Flamel?" I asked the three.

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