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"And to ensure this doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention."

"So?" I tapped Draco's shoulder once I was sure Dafny was busy talking to someone else. "So what?" He responded, slicing his waffle. "So are you gonna help me again?" I asked, "after what happened last night? You're either a fool or take me as one, Y/n." I roll my eyes at his remark. "Alright. Fine. But if you change your mind, I'll be in the library." I said, getting up from my table. "I won't." He paused for a second, "What even are you researching on?" He asked, finally turning his head to look at me.  I took a quick glance around the table, everyone was engaged in their own conversations. "Nicolas Flamel." I whispered quietly. He started at me for a moment before turning back to his food.
I leave the Great Hall and take the stairs to the library where I see Hermione, Harry and Ron.
"I had you looking in the wrong section! How could I be so stupid?" I heard Hermione huff as soon as I reached their table. She walked along with me to their table with a heavy book in her hands before throwing it onto the table, frightening Harry.
"I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading." She continued as I sat opposite Harry. "This.. is light?" Ron questioned, earning a short glare from Hermione.
"Nicolas Flamel is the only known maker of the Philosophers Stone!" She exclaimed, "The what?" The two boys said in sync. "Honestly, don't you two read?" She sighed. "The Philosophers Stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers. It can transform any metal into pure gold! And produces the exilir of life, which make the mortal immortal." I read out loud. "Immortal?" Ron murmured, "It means you'll never die." Hermione replied, "I know what immortal means!" He shouted before I hushed him up. "The only stone in existence, belongs to Nicolas Flamel." Hermione said.
"So that's what the three-headed dog's guarding on the third floor?" I asked her as she nodded. "Fluffy." Ron added. "So what now?" I asked them. "Well, we're going to Hagrid's hut later." Ron said. "But I can't, I've got tutoring." I sighed, "That's alright, Y/n. You can stay here and research a bit more." Harry smiled. "Okay. Good luck." I said, before walking out.
"Took you long enough." Dracos voice startled me. "Jesus, Draco." I sighed. "Not that I wanted to, but I know something about Nicolas Flamel." He said, catching my attention. "Really? What is it?" I asked eagerly, "Slow your horses." He rolled his eyes, waking away, signalling me to follow along.
"Surely with the amount of research Mudblood did, you must know that he owns the Philosophers Stone?" I ignored his comment on Hermione. "Yeah, what do you know about it?" I asked. "I know how to get it. To get past Fluffy on the third floor." He smirked. "How? How do you know what its name is?" He rolled his eyes, "I have my ways, Potter." After a short pause, he continued. "Now, do you want to know, or not?" He asked, "tell me!" He poked his tongue to the side of his cheek. "Follow me, come on." He practically dragged me outside, we were jogging towards a small hut and Hogwarts was getting smaller and smaller. "Malfoy, I swear if you get me in trouble." I warned the boy who rolled his eyes, "Hush up, will you?" He slowed down, tiptoeing towards a window. I peeked in to see Harry, Ron and Hermione. "Is this.. Hagrids hut?" I ask, furrowing my brows. "Yeah. Now just listen closely. To get past that Dog, you have to sing a melody, or just play something. It'll put the dog to sleep and-" He was cut off by a murmured voice. "Who's that?" I recognised Hagrid's voice. "Alright, time to run, Potter." He shoved me.
We walked a little further before Draco walked up to Professor McGonagall. "Professor? I think I saw three Gryffindor's out there. In Hagrid's hut. Thought it was my duty to inform you." Oh, this little jerk. Professor McGonagall widened her eyes, "Yes, thank you Mr. Malfoy and.. Ms. Potter." She said before the three came behind us.
"Draco!" I punched his arm. "Ouch, what?" He frowned. "Why would you say that!?" He rolled his eyes, "You got what you wanted, Potter." He grinned, looking back to see Professor McGonagall scolding the three. "And to ensure this doesn't happen again, all five of you will receive detention." He had gotten me in trouble! Ugh! "I'm sorry Porfessor, perhaps I heard wrong, I thought you said., the five of us?" He furrowed his brows. "You've heard me correctly, Mr. Malfoy. You see, as honourable as your intentions were, you two too were out of bed, after hours." She stated simply as I glared at Draco. "Thanks, Draco." He snapped his head towards me. "Don't talk to me like that, at least you got what you wanted." He rolled his eyes, shoving past me.
"You'll be serving detention with Hagrid." Filch said, finally letting us go after talking about the brutal punishments back in his day. "You've got a little job to do, inside the dark forest." He grinned evilly. I ignored the rest of the conversation and Hagrid's sob story about a Dragon named Norbert. "The forest? I thought that was a joke! We can't go in there.. there are.. werewolves!" I rolled my eyes as Draco continued rambling.
As we went deeper into the forest, it got darker and scarier. "Ron, Hermione you'll come with me. Y/n, you'll be with Harry and Malfoy." I sighed. "Okay, but we want the dog." I said, crossing my arms. "Fine, he's a bloody coward anyway."
The three of us, alongside Fang went deeper into the forest. "Wait until my father hears about this." Draco rambled as I held the lantern. "This is servant stuff!" He continued. "If I didn't know better, Draco-" Harry started as Draco rolled his eyes, "I'd say you were scared." Draco scoffed, "Scared, Potter." Almost immediately after that, he snapped his head back. "Did you hear that?" He whispered. "Come on, Fang." I muttered. We walked a bit more before I heard Draco's scream. And for some odd reason, the scar on my forehead began burning. "Well, he's gone." I rolled my eyes, suddenly then. Some.. creature walked up to me and Harry. I pulled him back, taking a few steps behind. What is that!?
I could see Harry tripping over a rock as I got down to help him. I let out a mute gasp as some weird looking horse came and threw the creature to the floor and scared it away. "Harry and Y/n Potter. You must leave." It spoke. "What was that thing you saved us from?" Harry asked. "A monstrous creature." I stopped listening after a few seconds, the scar on my head was burning so bad, my ears began ringing. "Harry, my head hurts." I whispered to the boy before falling to the ground.

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