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"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?"

"So, did Diggory ask you yet, Y/n?" I flinched, turning around to find Daphne.
I shook my head, "No, not yet." I smiled awkwardly. Where are you, Pansy?

She hummed in response, walking alongside me. "I think he will. Now." I furrow my brows, looking at her the ahead.
Cedric was walking towards me, a smile on his face as his friends giggled.
Daphne shoved me ahead as I bumped into his chest.

"Oh— I'm so sorry." I muttered. Damn you, Daphne Greengrass.
He chuckled, looking down at me. "No worries," I smiled awkwardly, waiting for him to get over with it as the students in the yard turned their eyes towards us. Harry too.
Draco soon walked in as Daphne ran to him.

I made eye contact with him, his soft gaze hardening at the sight of me with Cedric
"Y/n, I wanted to ask you something—" Cedric stammered. My eyes were on Draco who was soon pulled into a kiss by Daphne.
"Mhm?" I hummed. "Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" He asked.
I turned my eyes back to him, a soft smile on my lips.
"Of course, Cedric." I said as his friends cheered for him.

"Sorry about them," he scratched the back of his head as I chuckled, shaking my head.
He looked into my eyes, "so, I'll see you tomorrow?" He smiled.
I nodded my head, "See you." I said as he walked back to his friends.

Harry stormed up to me. "Really? He's my opponent." He said.
I rolled my eyes. "Get yourself a date, Harry. It'll be shame to be a champion and attend the ball alone." I winked at him playfully as he clenched his jaw.
I dismissed myself as Daphne ran up to me.

"Okay. Now that you have Diggory, leave Draco alone. Okay?" She said, a smile on her face but it didn't quite reach her eyes.
I nodded anyway nervously. "Yeah.. sorry, Daphne—" she quickly cut me off by wrapping her arm around my shoulder.
"I don't mind. You don't have a chance with him anyway." I scoffed silently at her.
She then said, "So, dress shopping now?"
I nodded my head once more. "Yes, let's go."


'Rosey Cheeks Dress Store' what a name for a store.
Daphne dragged me in, my nose immediately filling up with the scent of sparkly dresses, gowns and skirts.
"Come on!" She said excitedly, walking over to one of the stalls.

She browsed through the dresses as so did I.
One really caught my eye.
It was long, layered, heavy.. well, everything I'd ever dreamed for as a child.
Growing up as muggle, I'd only ever seen Disney movies.
Usually the ones with princesses who were beautiful, with lovely lives. And they wore dresses like these before they met their Prince Charming and had a Happily Ever After.

I, was no such princess in no such movie, with no such ending.
But, it doesn't hurt to act like it sometimes, does it?
With a grin, I pulled out the dress. Daphne laid her eyes on it, her eyebrows raising in shock.
"That's beautiful, Y/n." She smiled.
I smiled back.

She soon pulled out her own dress.
It was just as lovely and looked as if it was made for her.
"Alright, my favourite part. Trying them on!" She squealed as I giggled, walking into the dressing room.

I put on the dress. It looked magical, like a dream.

I walked out the same time Daphne did, her dress fitting her perfectly.
"You look gorgeous, Daphne." I chuckled.
She sighed, walking over to me.
"Uhm.. I'm sorry. I know you and Draco are friends but.. I'm a little insecure." I furrowed my brows at her sudden revelation.
I laughed awkwardly. "Insecure?" I asked.
"Of you. You're stunning, Y/n. You're at the top of your classes, you're kind— you're the girl I dream to be." She said.
My expression saddened.
I never thought that Daphne of all people envied me so much.

"Stop, Daphne." I said, gently holding her shoulders.
I smiled before speaking, "You're amazing. You're beautiful, just as smart and look how nice you're being right now!" I said as she chuckled softly.
"And.. if Draco can't see that, he doesn't deserve you." She smiled warmly, pulling me in for a hug.
She sighed out of relief.
"Thank you, Y/n. You're a good friend." I smiled into her embrace, hugging her tighter.

"Okay, let's get these dresses checked out, yeah?" I said, wiping her tears.
She chuckled, nodding her head. She turned, walking away before stopping abruptly.

"Y/n, if you tell even a soul about how vulnerable I was today.. I will finish You-Know-Who's job." I chuckled awkwardly. "You got it." I said, showing a thumbs up as she walked into the dressing room to change.

Added a little filler chapter for Daphne and Y/n. Js wanted to show you guys how she really is when she's alone :))

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