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"You don't have to talk for what we're going to do now."

"So what was Draco doing with that cabinet?" I asked Harry. We were in the train, back to Hogwarts. "It was a ceremony. Some sort of an initiation." He answered. I narrow my eyes, looking at him in annoyance. "Seriously, Harry? Stop it. I know where you're going with this." I warn the boy. "It's happened. He's one of them." I roll my eyes at him. "One of what?" Ron asked. "Harry's under the impression that Draco is now a deatheater." I respond, still glaring at Harry. "What else would he be doing in Borgin & Burkes? Browsing for furniture?" He scoffed.

I stood up in annoyance, "I cannot believe you, Harry." I sighed in disappointment before leaving the compartment. I walked a little further until I spotted Draco and the others. "Y/n!" I heard Pansy say. I smiled at her giving her a short hug before pulling away. "Y/n. Hello." Draco said. A smile on his face but it was not genuine.

Nevertheless, I smiled back at him. "Hi." I said. Suddenly, there was a sudden black fog in the air. I felt Draco tense up beside me. "What was that? Enzo?" He panicked. "No idea." Enzo replied. "Probably a first year pulling pranks, come on, Draco. Sit down." I almost didn't notice Daphne.

I sat next to Draco as I heard him scoff. "Hogwarts. What a pathetic excuse for a school." I furrowed my brows at him. What's gotten into him? "I'd pitch myself off the Astronomy tower if I had to continue for another two years." I roll my eyes at his dramatic response. "What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. He stares at me for a moment before answering. "Let's just say you won't see me wasting my time in charms class next year." He muttered. I shake my head in annoyance at him.

Theo snickers softly. "Amused, Nott?" He asks before muttering, "we'll see who's laughing in the end." I don't think anyone heard that but me. His head quickly snaps up in the upper head cabinet above us. "What's wrong, Draco?" Daphne asks. "Nothing." He replies before turning he head to me. "Stay back with me for a bit after the rest leave, okay?" He says, leaning down to my ear. I nod my head.


"Are you two coming?" Theo asks, looking at us. "You go ahead, we'll be right with you in a minute." Draco answers, before I could even open my mouth. I see Daphne glare at me for a moment longer before she left. Draco towards the door, closing it after making sure everyone had boarded off.

"I'm not talking to you, you know? I sent you three letters and you replied to none." I huff, folding my arms and as he walks closer. I could feel his breath on my neck. "You don't have to talk for what we're going to do now." He mutters against my ear before kissing me roughly. His arms wrap around my waist as I wrap mine around his neck, pulling him closer.

I pull away for moment— widening my eyes when I see Harry standing behind him. I push Draco off immediately. He stumbles back a little before catching his balance.

I glare at Harry not knowing what to say. "What the fuck, Harry!?" I shout. I could myself get even more mad when he doesn't move, staying still and staring back at me.

I clench my jaw, placing a hard slap on his cheek before leaving the train.

What type of creep watches their sister make out with another guy!? Minutes later, I could feel Draco join beside me. "Hello, princess." He smirks. I roll my eyes. "Did you know?" I ask him, a bit harshly. He shrugs. "Should ask him what he was doing on our overhead compartment." He snickers softly. "You know what— forget that, why haven't you replied to my letters?" I ask. He rolls his tongue inside his mouth, remaining silent.

"Got busy." He mutters simply. "You got busy? You were the one practically begging me to visit you and then you just ghost me for the entire summer?" I shout. He rolls his eyes, fastening his pace towards the entrance. "I wasn't begging, Y/n. Don't piss me off on the first day of school." I clench my jaw at his response. "What's wrong with you?" I ask again. He ignores me, grabbing in of his bags as I do too.

I look behind me, Harry. I furrow my brows at his bloody nose. Surely, a slap couldn't have done that. "Nice face, Potter." Draco spat, a little smirk on his face. My eyes flicker between the two before going back on Draco. "Did you do that to him?" I scoff. He stares at me for a moment before walking off again.

I shake my head in annoyance. What an asshole.

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