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"He was being sarcastic, don't get your hopes up, Dolores."

I sat in the Common room. Everyone were in their dorms. Everyone but Draco who had just entered. "Hello, liar." He greeted, a fake smile on his mouth. "Seriously?" I sighed, setting the book I was reading down. "Seriously." He answered, sitting across me.

"What can I do earn your forgiveness, Draco?" I asked, tilting my head. "Nothing, Y/n. I'm not mad. I'm just disappointed as to why you wouldn't tell me. Do you not trust me?" I shook my head at his accusation, "no, I trust you, Draco. I simply thought it would be best if not many people knew. Now, I know I was wrong. Please, I'm sorry." I huffed, walking towards his chair. I took in front of him.

He examined me for a moment before rolling his eyes and pulling me onto the couch on his lap. I gasped silently at the sudden movement while he kissed me.
I kissed him back, my hands on his shoulders. He slowly brought up his hand holding my right while he rubbed the engraved part. "I'm sorry about this too." He he muttered, looking down a the three half finished 'I am a liar.'s. "Happens. She's a strange woman." I laughed lightly as he did too.


It was finally the day I dreaded the most. OWL's Examination. It's a special unit test you give in your third, fifth and seventh year. I hope the world ends before I give it in my seventh.

I flipped through the pages, answering the simple ones first. Before I could flip back, there was a strange noise heard outside the doors.

Everyone turned their heads to see. Umbridge soon made her way over, frustration written all over her  face.
She opened her door, fidgeting around with something we couldn't quite make out.
Suddenly, a little firework burst through the room, blowing up sparks of blue. I heard Draco, Pansy and Enzo laugh.

Within the next second, Fred and George flew in on their brooms— throwing answer sheets in the air. I successfully caught one while the hall burst into laughter. While Umbridge screamed, I copied down all the answers. God bless the Weasley twins.

A huge dragon in the form of fireworks came flying at Umbridge who ran out to the courtyard.

Students began running outside and cheering for the Weasleys.

My eyes landed on Harry who had fallen to his feet. I ran towards him, getting on my knees. "Harry?" He wouldn't listen. Why can't he hear me. "Harry!" I shouted. "Sirius." He said blandly.


"Harry are you sure?" I huffed, running up the stairs with Hermione and Weasley behind me. "I saw it." He replied.

"Alohamora." I muttered at Umbridge's door flew open. The four of us walked towards the floo network. Harry rambled on about us separating now so that we don't die. "Harry. Get this straight, we're all in this together." I stated. "That you are." I flinched upon hearing Umbridge's voice. Fuck.

She had me chained onto the chair in front of her in minutes. Harry was held back by a few inquisitors, just as the rest of his friends.
Draco walked into with a sigh, "you called for me, Professor—" he went utterly still once he spotted me panting for breath in front of him. His gaze went back to Umbridge. "What is this?" He muttered. "Catch hold of Harry, don't let him get away, I have business with this one." I swallowed, glaring at Umbridge.

"Were you going to get Dumbledore?" She asked me while Draco reluctantly grabbed Harry by his robes. "No." I sighed. She slapped me. My mouth gaped open. How dare she. "Liar. As usual." She smiled. I fist my hands until I could feel my nails dig into my palms.

"You sent for me?" I heard Snape. "Severus. Yes." She answered. I turned head to look at Draco who was no longer holding Harry. What were they planning now? "The time has come, hand me the veritaserum. I need answers." I widened my eyes at Snape who looked at me blankly. "I'm afraid you've used up all my stores, the last one on Ms. Chang." Umbridge clenched her jaw at his words.

"Unless you wish to poison her—" what the fuck, dude. "Oh, that would be lovely." She responded, glaring at me. I scrunched my nose up, "he was being sarcastic, don't get your hopes up, Dolores." I felt her hand come in contact with my cheek once again as I remained quiet.

"He's got Padfoot." Harry shouted. "He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden." He shouted again, catching snapes attention. "Padfoot? What— what's your brother talking about, Y/n!?" I remained quiet,shrugging my shoulders at her. "He's kind of crazy, no idea what he speaks of most of the time." I respond.

"Well, you leave me no choice, Y/n." I furrow my brows. "What?" I mutter as she pulls out her wand. "The Cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue." My eyes widen. No, no. Please, not that again.
"You can't do that, Umbridge." I heard Draco scowl as he let go of Harry completely. "What a romantic love story, I must say. But it will not work here." She answered, drawing her wand at me.

I closed my eyes shut, preparing myself. "Tell her, Potter!" Draco shouted again, his glare on Harry. "Tell me what?" Umbridge asked. "Dumbledores secret weapon. I know where it is." Hermione spoke. I raised a brow. We'd spoken about this. It's a trap, oh, my god she's genius.

I nodded my head, "I'll take you there." I stammered.


We walked through the forbidden forest. I had no idea what to do now. "Hermione, what now?" I whispered to her. "No idea." She whispered back.
We came to a sudden halt when Hermione stopped. It was just the two of us, Harry and Weasley were still in the castle. Hermione was staring at some rope.

"Well? What is this weapon?" Umbridge asked, panting. We remained quiet. "There is none, is there?" I rolled my eyes at her. Suddenly, we were able to spot Centaurs in the distance. Umbridge faltered behind us, her wand still in hand. What a bitch. A centaur shot an arrow at us, luckily, she used a protective charm.

"How dare you, you filthy half-breed!?" I raise a brow at her response. I hope she never finds out that I'm one too. Umbridge quickly caused a charm causing one of them to choke on a rope. "Stop that!" Hermione shouted. Suddenly, a giant man licked her up by her clothes, I fell on my feet.

"What the fuck is that?" I stammered. "Don't worry, he's nice." Hermione laughed lightly, helping me up. The centaurs began shooting the giant. "Leave him alone!" Hermione shouted, I grabbed her wrist, pulling her away. "Merlin's beard, Hermione I understand you love for animals but not right now!" I shouted at her.

The centaurs finally caught Umbridge. "Y/n! Tell them I mean no harm! Tell them I'm a nice woman!" She screamed. I smiled at her. "I'm sorry, Professor. But I must prove to you that I am no liar." I huffed as they took her away. "Hermione, Hermione! Sirius!" I shout at her before we run towards the castle.

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