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"Does the school know your little secret?"

"The lady's mad, I tell you." I scoffed, storing towards her office. I knocked on her door— more like banged on it, but who can tell, really? "Come in!" I heard her squeak.
Next time this bit— Harry quickly shoves me inside as I take a seat in front of her.

The pink in her room was hurting my eyes. "You're going to be doing some lines for me today, Potters." I bend to take out a quill, "No, not with your quill. You'll be using a rather special one of mine." I scrunch my nose slightly as I smell her extensive perfume as she walks past me.

She hands us a quill. "Now, I want you to write 'I must not tell lies,'." I harden my grip on the quill at her words. "How many times?" I sigh out. "As many as it takes to.. sink in." I roll my eyes. "You haven't given us any ink." Harry says. "Oh, you won't need any ink." I furrow brows. Strange quill.

As I started to write, I could feel my left hand ache. Although, I brushed it apart, continuing. By the time I had finished the sentence, the pain increased. I finally lifted my eyes from the parchment and to my hand.
My eyes widened at what I saw. It was engraved. On my hand.

I looked over at Harry who was facing the same issue.

I winced looking at the blood as Umbridge came in front. "Yes?" I clenched my jaw at her. "What's wrong with—" I felt Harry pinch my arm. "Nothing." He said. "That's right. Because you know deep down you deserve to be punished. Don't you?" Harry nodded at her while I sold glared at her.

Soon, she dismissed us to leave. "Why did you let her get away with it!?" I yelled at Harry and soon as we were out. "Who would believe us, Y/n? After the Daily Prophet, do you really think anyone would?" I gaped my mouth at him. "That is no excuse, Harry." I said, shoving past him as I walked towards my dorm.


"Pansy, I said I was sorry!" I heard Theo groan as I entered the common room. "What's wrong?" I asked Draco, walking towards him. "Nott flirted with one of the fourth years." He said with an annoyed sigh. I laughed softly at the sight of a Theo begging Pansy for forgiveness.

Pansy's eyes landed on me as she leaped up. "Y/n! I found something useful about.. your situation!" She smiled, walking over to me. She pulled out a book as I took it.

I opened it with my right hand with Draco being right beside me. He narrowed his eyes, grabbing my wrist. "What's this?" He asked. I snatched my hand away. "Nothing." I muttered.
I took a step back as Draco tool one closer. "That wasn't nothing. Give me your hand, Y/n." I gulp slowly, handing him my left. "For Merlin's sake, Y/n." He muttered, pulling my right hand as he inspected what was written.

"What is that!?" Pansy said. "It's nothing—"
"Was this your detention? Did Umbridge do this?" Draco asked. I slowly nodded my head, "It's fine, Draco." I said as he scoffed. "It's not, you're telling Snape about this." I sighed at him, "fine. I'll tell him." I said as he smiled proudly.

"Let me go change my robes." I said, walking up to my dorm.
I opened the door to find Daphne on my bed, flipping through my diary. I closed the door shut, snatching my diary away. "What the hell, Daphne!?" I shouted at her. "You liked Draco when I told you I liked him!?" She shouted back. I swallowed hard, I knew this topic was gonna come up at some point.

"I can't control my feelings, Daphne." I sighed. She raised her brows, smiling sarcastically. "Does the school know your little secret?" I froze, staring at her. "What secret?" I muttered. "That the Girl Who Lived isn't really a Potter?" She folder her arms. "Don't do this, Daphne." I huffed, shoving my diary in my desk cabinet. "With the whole you being a liar thing going on, it won't take long for everyone to believe me. Plus, it's not like I'd be lying either." I scoffed at her, "seriously? Is it all because of Draco?" I asked. She clenched her jaw.

"No, Y/n. If it was, I wouldn't be this mad. You see, before you came, Pansy was my best friend. We did everything together. And now— she's abandoned our life long friendship for you. She's keeping secrets from me! My grades, to my parents they were perfect before they saw your scores. My parents compare me to a liar like you!" She shouted in one breath. I stared at her for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"None of this is my fault, Daphne.." I said, trying to calm her down. "It is! You stole everything from me, Y/n!" She yelled, I could see tears form in her eyes. "And now, mark my words, I will make sure the whole of Britain finds out that you are not a Potter! Your fame is the only reason people like you, Y/n. Once that's gone, you will be too. No one is going to remember you." She smiled evilly. "Please, Daphne. This is hard for me, I spent 15 years of my life thinking that I was part of my family. Do you know how it feels to simply be told that I'm not!? And on top of that, I have no idea who my real family is! No one does!" I said, practically begging her at this point.

She paused for a moment, "I do." I snapped my head in her direction. "What?" I said, but it really just came out as a whisper. "I know. But I can't tell you. We had to do a Wizard's Promise to make sure you wouldn't find out." She said. I glared at her. "We? So there's more people who know?" I asked furiously, she shrugged. "People who you know very well." She said.

I sighed in disbelief. "Doesn't feel good when people you love hide things from you, does it, Y/n?" I shake my head in disbelief. "If you knew I wasn't a Potter, why go through my stuff?" I asked softly, "to make sure. And it was true." She got up from my bed and made her way towards the door.

"How am I supposed to find out who my real parents are?" I asked her. She paused for a moment, "you don't. You'll know when you have to." She said, shutting the door behind her.

I threw my head back on the couch. I am so done with this world. I was better off as a Muggle.

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