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"What are you playing at, Potter!?"

"Again? You mean the Chamber of Secrets had been opened before?" Theo asked me as I told them the entire story. "Sounds like a load of rubbish, if you ask me." Blaise scoffed, "Well, no one's asking you, are they, Zabini?" Pansy rolled her eyes, turning her attention back to me. "Well to answer your question, apparently it has." I said, responding to Theo. "Well, there's no need for us to worry. We aren't muggleborns." Daphne said, causing Draco scoff. "And blood traitors too. Better tell your sweet brother to stay out of his mudblood friend way if he doesn't wanna end up petrified. Or worse, dead." He said, leaning back on the couch. "Shut up, Draco." Pansy sighed, looking back at me. "He's just being his usual self, Potter's going to be fine." She said, smiling back at me. "Thank you, Pans." I smiled back.

"Gather 'round!" Lockheart shouted. He'd called all second and first years to the Great Hall for some self-Defense activities. "Can everybody see me? Can you all.. hear me?" He asked softly as I rolled my eyes, internally dying from cringe. He began muttering some stuff as Lorenzo and Draco mimicked his words. "Let me introduce my assistant, Professor Snape!" Well, this was going to be fun.
They both pulled out their wands, point it at their faves before bowing down as they walked in opposite directions to get ready to duel. "Expelliarmus." Professor Snape said causally before Lockheart flew, toppling to the ground as we all let out laughs. "Uhh, let's have a volunteer pair. How about you? Potter and Weasley?" Draco scrunched his nose up as Harry went on stage. "Weasley!s wand causes devastation with the most simplest of spells. We'll be sending Potter to the infirmary in seconds. May I suggest Simeon from my house? Perhaps the other Potter, or Malfoy?" I shook my head, taking a step back as Draco smirked, getting up on stage. "Scared, Potter?" Draco boasted, "You wish." Harry responded. "Now at the count of 3, cast your charms to disarm the opponent- only to disarm." Lockheart demanded, "one, two-" Draco quickly cut him off before casting a spell, throwing Harry few feet back. I sighed, shaking my head, of course he would cheat. Harry quickly got up, shouting another charms which sent Draco further away to Snapes feet as Snape picked him up harshly by the collar. "Serven Sortia!" Draco shouted, although nothing happened to Harry. But a snake did appear. Oh Merlin. "Don't move, Potter. I'll get it." Snape sighed, walking closer. But before he could do anything, the snake hissed at Harry- I could understand it! And by the looks of it, Harry could too! I looked back up at Harry who began speaking to it.. I couldn't understand what Harry said but the snake soon turned towards me, moving closer- "it's going to attack her!" I heard Daphne whisper beside me before Professor Snape quickly killed the snake, using a curse. "What are you playing at, Potter!?" Zabini shouted from behind me, "Trying to kill your own blood?" Daphne scoffed too, adding fuel to the fire.

"Y/n, are you okay? I didn't think Potter would try and attack you." Draco rushed beside me as I walked back to the dormitories. "I'm fine, I'm sure it was a misunderstanding. Harry wouldn't do that." I sighed, before Draco rolled his eyes. "Oh please, Y/n. He just tried to kill you." Daphne said on behalf of him. "I mean how naive can you be?" She added again, "Shive off, Greengrass." I scoffed loudly, quickly rushing up to my dorm as I closed the door behind me. Harry wouldn't. Would he?

It was the next day, I was sitting beside Draco and Pansy as I completed some work before Harry and his friends walked in. "You know what would be crazy? Potter being the Heir." Zabini chuckled softly, although it didn't really seem like a joke anymore. "He's not even in Slytherin." Lorenzo said beside him, "So? The Heir of Salazar doesn't have to be Slytherin." Theo replied. "Will you two stop with your conspiracy theories?" I sighed. "He's not the Heir, I would've known if he was." I said. "Well did you know that Potter would've almost killed you yesterday?" Draco muttered loud enough for us to hear. "I'm sorry, Y/n. But I have to agree with them on this one. It is possible. I mean he speaks Parseltongue!" Pansy spoke. "Paresltongue?" I asked, "Language of snakes. Merlin, Y/n, you really have got to catch up on the Wizarding world. It your second year here." Daphne chuckled.
Just a few moments later, I heard the whispers again. 'Kill, kill,' oh just stop. "Uhm, I'll see you guys at the common room." I said, "I'll come with, I've already finished my homework." Draco spoke as we excused ourselves out, talking about random stuff before bumping into Harry who was standing still near.. a ghost? "Another kill, Potter? You're on a spree." Draco raised his brows, staring at the ghost. "Shut up, Malfoy." Harry muttered before spotting me. "Oh, my god." I gasped, staring at the body of a student who was laying livelessly. "Caught you this time, Potters." I snapped my head back at Filch before Draco quickly pulled me back up by my robe. I sighed at Filch ran away. "Spiders." Draco huffed out. Not too long after, Filch returned with McGonagall. "Professor, I swear, I didn't." Harry muttered. "And we just got here." Draco spoke again, referring to me and him. "This is out of my hands, Potters. Mr. Malfoy, please return to your dorm." She sighed before dragging the two of us to Dumbledores office.
After McGonagall opened the staircase to his office and left us. "Professor?" I asked around the room. "Is that a bird?" Harry asked, walking closer to a red, furry bird. I looked up at it but before even touching it, the bird lit up in flames. "Bloody hell." I huffed. Dumbledore soon slowly walked down the stairs. "Professor- we didn't do that." I stammered. "About time too, he's been looking dreadful. Pity you three had to see him on a burning day." He smiled, walking closer. "Faux, is a phoenix, Harry. They burst into flame when it is time for them to die." He explained. "And they are reborn from the ashes?" I asked, clearly intrigued. "Correct." Dumbledore said.

(A/N): I'm so sorry but I'm gonna rush this part up since it isn't important. All that happens is that Hagrid enters the room, defending Harry and Y/n. I was also thinking of keeping Draco in this part but I've decided to delete all dialogues where he's included since it seems more of a Harry and Y/n thing.

"Now, is there anything the two of you want to tell me?" Dumbledore asked, looking softly at the two of us. "No, sir." I replied reluctantly. "Well then.. off you two go." He sighed as Harry and I turned around to leave.

"Y/n, you know I didn't try to attack you, don't you?" Harry finally asked, breaking the silence. "I don't know, Harry. I belibe you- I mean I want to." I sighed in response. "Please, Y/n, I would never try and harm you. You're the only family I've got. And.." he sighed loudly, "Whether you're a Slytherin or not, I really do love you. You're my little sister." He grinned softly at the last part as I playfully rolled my eyes. "By like 10 minutes, Harry." We chuckled softly. "I love you too." I spoke again, causing him to smile.

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