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"Y/n Potter. Yes, Draco has told me all about you."

I crossed my arms, sitting on the bed as I watched Vernon drill our window shut. "You're never going back to the school, never going to see those freaky friends of yours again." His voice echoed in brain, longer than it should have.
I sat upright, reading on the bed as Harry slept soundlessly next to me. That was before we began hearing a faint noise. Harry looked back at me to confirm I was hearing it too and he wasn't just going mad.
I got out of bed, looking out the window. I squinted my eyes upon seeing a white, sparkling dot in the sky.
"Do you see that too?" I asked Harry. "Yeah.." he muttered, leaning in forward. I raised my eyebrows as I saw the dot get closer, revealing itself to be a vehicle.
"Hi, Harry and Y/n!" Oh, it's just Weasley. "Ron! Fred? George?" Oh look, there's two more of him. I thought as Harry named the redheads. "What're you all doing here?" I asked them, "Rescuing you of course!" Ron answered. Well, for once he came in use.
Harry and I remained silent, cautiously packing our trunks so we wouldn't wake the Dursleys up. Once I was done with my trunk, I took hold of Nicole who was sleeping in my arms. I turned around to see Ron trying to pull the cage that was drilled on our window off, oh god this was going to make some noise.
They easily pulled the cage of but with a lot of  turbulence, which no doubt would've woken the Dursleys up.
Ron opened the car trunk as Harry and I shoved our trunks in there, just as we heard a Vernon screaming. "Potters!" He shouted, unlocking the billion locks he had on the door.
I grabbed Harry's stupid Owl, handing it to him as their car turned around to let us in. I passed Ron Harry's Owl and Nicole just as the door opened. I quickly climbed into the car, dragging Harry by his shirt- but Vernon quickly got hold of him, and wouldn't let him go. This man was insane, I tell you. I grabbed my wand out, pointing it at Vernon as he shrieked and let go of Harry just as we left, causing Vernon to fall down.
I let out a sigh of relief as we got in there. Pulling Nicole back onto my lap. "Apparently, Slytherins can also be useful." I heard Fred- or George? Either way, there's no way I could differentiate. "And apparently Gryffindors are not?" I responded back, earning an eye roll from Ron and a few chuckles from the twins. "By the way, Y/n, Harry. Happy birthday." Ron said.

The sun had already risen by the time we reached their magical house. Entering it was like a dream, everything was working on magic- the dishes washing themselves, food cooking itself.. it was wonderful!
"Where have you been!?" I heard the same woman from last year yell. "Harry, Y/n dear. How wonderful to see you two!" She smiled warmly at the two of us before looking back at the three. "Beds empty, no note! Car, gone! You could've died, you could've been seen!" Then she looked back at us. "Of course I don't blame you, dears." I smiled back just as Ron spoke, his mouth stuffed with cream cakes. "They were starving them, Mum! There were bars on their window!" Well, he wasn't wrong. "You better hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." I chuckled quietly at that.
While Mrs. Weasley kept stuffing us with food- not that I was complaining, I heard another Weasley strode down. "Mummy, have you seen my jumper?" She asked as Mrs. Weasley answered. Not that she looked as if she was paying attention, her ears went red just looking at Harry. "Hello!" He smiled at her just as she ran away. "W-what did I do?" I roll my eyes at his obliviousness. "She's been talking about you all summer, bit annoying really." I nodded my head slightly in sarcasm, before Mr. Weasley entered the room. "Morning, Weasleys!" He shouted as his kids shouted a 'morning' back in sync.
"What a night! 9 raids, 9!" I heard him shout before turning to the Weasleys, "Raids?" I said, referring for an explanation. "Dad works in the Ministry of Magic- in the Muggle artefacts department. He thinks they're Facinating." I heard Ron Roy as I watched Mr. Weasley plant a small kiss of Mrs. Weasley's cheek. "Now, now." I heard him mutter, sitting next to Harry, "And who are you two?" He asked. "Uh, Sorry sir- I'm Harry, sir. She's Y/n." Harry answered, here it comes. "Good lord! Are you really?" He asked in fascination. "When did you get here?" He asked, cutting his pancake. "This morning." Mrs. Weasley answered as Mr. Weasley nodded his head. "Your son flew that enchanted car of yours to Surey and back last night!" I looked back at Mr. Weasley for his reaction. "Did you really? How'd it go?" I smiled trying to hold my laughter as Mrs. Weasley hit his head softly. "I-I mean, very wrong deed, boys." Not even a second later, he turns to me and Harry, "So, Y/n. What is the function of a rubber duckling?" He asked me. "Oh. Er- uhm." Thankfully, their family owl came crashing onto the window, letting me free. "Oh, look. It our Hogwarts letters. They've sent us Harry and Y/n's as well." Percy said, looking for his letter through the stack. "Dumbledore must know you're here." Mr. Weasley said, referring to Harry and me. They went on for a few more minutes, talking about how expensive the spell books were. I did feel a ping of sympathy for their family, but it really was none of my business. "There's only one place we're gonna get all of this!" Mrs. Weasley smiled, "Diagon Alley."

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